Chapter 27 - Friendship

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Despite being up all night and only sleeping a few hours that morning before rising, Varik very much doubted whether Katlin slept at all that night when he awoke just before dawn the next morning. She looked to be at peace with herself as she lay in the bed, but still at war with her emotions. Not so much about whether or not to bond with him; that issue at least seemed to have been resolved. But rather whether or not to consider a public and legally binding marriage to a Vulcan, who was also her best friend.

"You are getting up already?" she asked when he rose.

"You don't have to," he assured her. "I have business to attend to with my father this morning in regards to the pumps. Also, I must speak to T'Lynn. I wished to meditate before then."

"Do you want me to leave?" she offered, starting to push herself up.

"No need."

Varik settled himself down on the floor in a corner of his room. It was a position where he could have watched her sleep, but instead he closed his eyes and ignored everything that surrounded him, turning inward instead. Katlin watched him for three or four minutes, then mercifully fell into an exhausted sleep.

When Varik arose to attend his father, Katlin was sleeping peacefully.

Breakfast was simple, held in the cool of the morning out on a shaded patio. The business of the farm had been resolved before dawn, so by the time the sun arose the need to be out away from the house had been met. Katlin arose looking rested, if not refreshed. She smiled briefly at Varik before joining his family at the table, but hardly spoke during the meal, and no one said anything about their absence from the family table the previous day.

They breakfasted over quiet family conversation before the farmer and his wife rose to continue with their day, leaving the two young people alone.

Katlin gazed at Varik idly. He met her gaze steadily, until slowly his brow began to climb.

"Have you a question Katlin?" he asked.

"Not specifically."

"Would you care to share with me the nature of your question that is not specific enough to state?" he asked.

Katlin shrugged breaking his gaze.

"I was only wondering, now what?" she explained.

"In regards to our relationship you mean?" he asked.

"That ... and everything else. What is next?" she asked.

Varik regarded her thoughtfully. "The awards ceremony isn't for four days yet. I had planned to spend at least some of the time between then and now completing my personal business. I intended to recommend to you several museums, libraries, and other places of cultural interest that might occupy your time, but perhaps ..." he paused.

"Perhaps what?" she prompted.

"If you truly are considering whether to marry me ..."

"That was the agreement," she reminded him. "I agreed to think about it."

"Perhaps, in that case, you would like to accompany me?" he suggested.

"Are these the same sort of errands you were doing before?" Katlin wondered.

"Indeed not. These are much more family oriented. Normally it would be inappropriate for a colleague to attend. However given that marriage is a highly personal and family oriented state, it might give you more insight into that area of Vulcan society than you would have otherwise. It might aide you in making your decision."

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