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The next day, Orpheus woke up quickly to find a reply from Sirius. Remus still hadn't replied to the letter he wrote. Sirius had replied saying to meet outside Gringotts. Orpheus applied his glamour and ran outside to the empty streets of Diagon Alley. Sure enough outside of Gringotts was a huge shaggy dog. The dog jumped onto him and kicked his face. Orpheus  giggled. Orpheus took him inside and the squeaky goblin from the day before took them back to Ragga's office. Ragga told Orpheus to sit outside the room and half an hour later, Sirius rushed out of the room. "I have a son! With Remus!" he shouted. Orpheus went quiet. "Yeah, about that.." Orpheus reached into his pocket and pulled out the test from the day before. He passed it to Sirius, who read it. Orpheus removed his glamour when Sirius looked back up. "Pup?" Sirius asked, studying his face. Sirius rushed forward. "Pup!" he yelled. Orpheus laughed and hugged his father. Sirius morphed back into his dog form. Orpheus took him to his hotel room and gave him some food once they got in there. He also found that Hedwig had delivered a letter.

Orpheus opened it to find a letter from his mother.

Dear Orpheus,
Is it really you? I can't believe you were under my nose the whole time. I missed you so much and so did my wolf. Does Sirius know? We need to get him a trial so we can be a proper family. Meet me at the The Leaky Cauldron at 12 o clock for some lunch,

Love your Mother.

Orpheus handed the letter to Sirius. He read it. "That reminds me, Ragga said they'd arranged for me to have a trial in two days, all I have to do is go to Gringotts tomorrow and they can take me and I'll be in their protection until I either get cleared or hopefully not go back to Azkaban." Orpheus laughed."Dad, that's great!"

Sirius then looked at the time. "Better go meet Remus." Sirius became Padfoot and the two went downstairs. Remus was sitting by himself on a table in the corner. Orpheus grinned and went over to the table. "Mum." he greeted Remus, who looked up. He grinned and hugged Orpheus. "Oh Phe   I missed you." Remus looked down to find Padfoot looking up at Remus. Remus bent down and hugged the dog. "Hi Padfoot." he said aloud but only Orpheus heard him whisper in the dogs ear, "Hi love."

Orpheus sat down and a server came over. Orpheus ordered a Roast Dinner, Remus ordered two steaks - one for him and one for Sirius, or Padfoot as he was being called in his dog form. Remus and Orpheus discussed Orpheus being a Half-Wolf and Remus promised that he would teach Orpheus how to change into his wolf form. Remus also revealed he would be coming back as a Defense teacher. Orpheus was happy with this, as he'd be able to see one of his parents regularly.

Remus invited Orpheus to stay at his house until the summer but as they were about go to Orpheus' room to get his stuff a Gringotts owl came and Orpheus was summoned to Gringotts to see Ragga.

He walked into Gringotts and soon found himself in Ragga's office, along with Sirius and Remus. Ragga grinned. "Heir Lupin-Black, I called you here to claim your Lordships, as you were banned to by Dumbledore but now you can if you have permission from your parents."

Sirius grinned. "Or course he can! I guess it is the lordships from James and Lils." Ragga nodded. "Yes, the Lordships he has available is Potter, Evans, Gryffindor through James and both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff through Lily.

Remus gasped gobsmacked."That means he owns Hogwarts as Tom gave him heirship of Slytherin... Tom.."  Sirius put a hand on his mate's shoulder. "We'll visit Cissa and Lucy after my trial."

Remus nodded. Ragga interrupted their conversation.

"Orpheus, what you have to do is put the rings on and if they accept you, you will feel a warm glow." Orpheus nodded and picked up the first of the rings - the Potter ring.

DISCONTINUED!! ORPHEUS { Drarry Creature Inheritance }Where stories live. Discover now