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Orpheus was dreaming, he could tell. He found himself in the great hall by himself apart from another figure. It was a girl. She had black hair that flowed to her feet, her eyes were a mix of colours, the house colours to be exact. She was wearing Hogwarts robes but her robes had the Hogwarts crest on instead of a house crest. She watched him, amused.

He finally spoke. "Who are you?" he asked curiously. The girl giggled. "Why I am the spirit of Hogwarts. I was made with a bit of each founder's magic. I am the magic of Hogwarts. I speak to the founder's descendants through their dreams. I see you are not blood related to any of them but you were adopted into the Potter Evans family right? "

Orpheus nodded and the spirit continued." I have told the founders about you. They are very excited to meet you. Hogwarts needs to change and I can sense you are going to do it."

Orpheus held his head down." Spirit of Hogwarts, I would be happy to assist with anything." The spirit giggled again." Oh, Orpheus Lupin-Black, you do make me laugh. Your first task is an important one. I need you to get the founders portraits out of the locked room on the third floor and put them in the common rooms where they belong."

Orpheus nodded. "It is a disgrace to see they were locked away. I have lessons tomorrow though."

The spirit giggled. "The teachers tomorrow somehow won't be able to access their classrooms." Orpheus calculated the timings. "That would mean that because It will be a Friday when I wake up, I will have three days!" The Spirit smiled. "I can feel you waking up. Goodbye Heir."

Orpheus felt himself waking up. "Wait! What do I call you?"

The Spirit grinned. "Call me Hope.."

Orpheus awoke to find Draco clutched to him. He slowly woke up the blonde haired teen. "Come on Draco, we have a lot to do today." Draco sat up. "What do you mean?" Orpheus looked at his mate. "The Spirit of Hogwarts spoke to me. She was created by the magic of all four founders and she controls all of the magic inside the castle. She gave me a task to do today." Draco nodded. "Wait but we have class!" Orpheus smirked.

"We won't when the teachers aren't able to get into their classrooms."


"I can't believe you were able to predict that!" Draco exclaimed following Orpheus. Orpheus laughed. "Thank Hope for that!" They reached the third corridor and Orpheus found the locked door in no time. He tried 'Alohamora' on the door but it didn't work. He then showed his Lord and one Heir ring to the door. It still didn't open. Orpheus groaned. "Hope, a little help here?" The door opened and Orpheus laughed. "Thanks Hope."

They entered the room to find four dusty portraits hanging up on the wall. Orpheus locked the door behind him and flickered on the light. "Hello?" he asked. Four curious faces were looking at him and Draco. Orpheus stepped forward. "It is an honour to meet you. My name is Orpheus Lupin-Black and I am the Lord of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and the Heir of Slytherin. Hope talked to me in a dream and told me about you in this room and I couldn't help but be disgusted. I am here to take you to your common rooms. "

The portraits smiled. The yellow portrait talked."Thank you dear. It is good to know that Hogwarts has finally been given a good owner. I am Helga Hufflepuff."

The blue portrait talked next. "You seem very intelligent young boy. Make the Ravenclaw line proud. I'm Rowena Ravenclaw." Orpheus nodded.

The red portrait talked next. "I can see your bravery very clearly. You must be very powerful. I am Godric Gryffindor."

The green portrait was the last founder left to speak. "Your Parents must like Mythology. Are your parents the Lord of Slytherin?" Orpheus shook his head. "The Lord of Slytherin is my Godfather Tom Riddle. Him along with his husband Severus Snape - who teaches potions - don't have or want children so they passed the Heirships to me. About the other Founders, a man stole me from my real parents and gave me to another couple who didn't have a child but wanted to adopt. He put a glamour on me so they didn't connect the dots and   when they got killed, it was my uncle, the one related to Slytherin, he came to rescue me and tell the Potters the family who adopted me. Then the man who kidnapped me came and killed the Potter's and technically Tom though he survived because he had made Horcruxes. I only found out my true parentage last summer. Although The Potters were considering giving me their heirships before I got kidnapped. The Male Potter, James was a descendant of Gryffindor whilst the Female Potter was from a squib line descended from both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw."

DISCONTINUED!! ORPHEUS { Drarry Creature Inheritance }Where stories live. Discover now