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Orpheus found himself outside of the Griffin that led to Dumbledore's Office. He crossed his arms. "As the owner of Hogwarts, I command you to open." The Griffin spun around and the trio went up the staircase. Orpheus kicked open the door to find Dumbledore talking to Severus. Severus gave a subtle smile to the group, but frowned when he saw Orpheus' face.

Dumbledore sighed."Orpheus I'm busy-" Orpheus cut him off. "First, It's Mr Lupin-Black to you and second it is important." Severus looked at Dumbledore and made his way to the door. Draco stepped in front of the door. "Orpheus wants you to hear this." he said and Severus nodded.

Orpheus growled. "How could you let someone get bullied for so long? It was blatantly obvious as well." Dumbledore narrowed his brow. "What?"

Orpheus turned to face Luna. "Luna here, is like a sister to me. Imagine my shock when I went into the Ravenclaw common room to find a couple of Ravenclaws calling her names and when we checked, she had been sent lots of stinging hexes too."

Dumbledore paled. "My Boy you have Overreac-" Orpheus cut him off again, his growl getting louder. "I am not your boy Professor. Luna is in my pack and I feel very protective over my pack you see."

Orpheus sauntered over to the desk in a threatening manor. His eyes had gone a bright blue which pierced into Dumbledore's soul. Dumbledore felt himself shivering."You better sort this out Albus." Orpheus spat. "If you don't, I can kick you out of Hogwarts and I will. I think Severus will make a marvelous Headteacher don't you think Draco, Luna?" both Draco and Luna nodded.

Dumbledore gulped. "I'll sort it." Orpheus' eyes went back to their normal silver colour and he stopped growling. "Good. Now, for the time being, Luna will still be a Ravenclaw and attend her Ravenclaw lessons, but she will sleep in the Slytherin common room and will dine with us as well." Orpheus flashed a grin at Luna. "Is that okay with you?" he asked. Luna hugged him. "It means more time with you, River and Draco!" she then went and hugged Draco.

Dumbledore nodded. "Now, may everyone - Yes including you Severus- leave me?" Orpheus smirked. "It would be my pleasure to. Nice talk Albus."

He walked out and at the bottom waited for the others. When the Griffin closed Severus burst into laughter. "That. Was. Hilarious!" he said in between laughs.

Draco sheepishly grinned. "You were really intimidating. I like that Orphy. He's sexy" Draco realised what he had just admitted and his face went red.

Luna hugged Orpheus. "Thank you for doing that for me Brother. I owe you something." she pulled out two three pendants which were shaped like a moon. "Daddy told me to give them to my friends. I haven't given them to anyone yet because you both are my first friends." she gave one to both Orpheus and Draco. Orpheus shrunk his down and wore it as a bracelet, whilst Draco clipped the necklace round his neck. Draco clutched onto it. "Thanks Moon, I appreciate it."

Severus grinned at the group. "Now of you don't mind me," he started, "I'm going to show Professors Lupin-Black my memory of this."

Orpheus smiled widely. "Okay then Uncle Sev! Tell me their reactions."

Severus walked away from the group and soon reached the two teacher's apartment. He entered and found them playing Hangman on a sheet of parchment. Sirius rolled his eyes. "You know what Remus? Fuck you - You are too good at this game." he exclaimed standing up. "Oh hey Severus." Sirius said when noticing the man.

Severus transfigured the piece of parchment into a pensieve and giggled to himself. "Your son is an absolute legend."he said to the couple.

Remus smirked. "Told you he'd be doing something." he stated. Sirius snorted. Severus poured the memories into the pensieve and invited them to dunk their heads in.

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