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A month had passed since they had started school and Blaise Zabini had joined their little group, which was now turning out to be not so little. Currently in the group was Orpheus, Draco, Luna, Fred, George, Neville, Daphne and Blaise. Blaise had taken a particular liking to Luna and Daphne had grown closer with Neville, as they both had a profound love for herbology and magical plants. The only difference was that Daphne wanted to use that knowledge to become a healer, whilst Neville had his heart set out on being a Herbology instructor. It was becoming Halloween season and today was the day the other schools were arriving. Orpheus was dressed pretty quickly and he was in the Great Hall pretty early. Once the majority of the school were in, there was a knock on the door of the Great Hall and it opened to reveal what Orpheus assumed was Durmstrang. They were led by an old looking man, who was pale and his nose was hooked. The students were wearing ruby red robes with black snow boots. The Durmstrang students went and sat on the Slytherin table, an elder looking male Orpheus vaguely recognised from the Quidditch Magazines he had read, sat next to Orpheus. Next, a lady - who was about the same height as Hagrid - entered along with her students. This was Beauxbatons. The girls were wearing long-sleeved light blue dresses, whilst the men were wearing blue robes, which looked almost like dress robes. They went and sat at the Ravenclaw table.

The person who had sat next to Orpheus smiled and held out his hand. "Hi." he said, "I'm Viktor Krum." Orpheus then knew how he recognised Viktor. He hadn't been able to attend the World Cup, but he read about it. Orpheus grinned. "Hi, I'm Orpheus Lupin-Black and this is my mate Draco Malfoy." Draco waved a bit shyly - he was more into Quidditch than Orpheus. Viktor nodded, intrigued. "So you are the one everyone is talking about huh?" Orpheus' nose scrunched up. Viktor laughed. "Good things of course. The whole of Durmstrang are talking about how you scared the headmaster." Orpheus blushed. "Oh, well it wasn't exactly the hardest thing to do.." Viktor nodded. Orpheus changed the subject. "So are you going to put your name in the goblet?" he asked Viktor. Viktor grinned. "I might as well." Orpheus nodded. He whispered to Viktor. "I'm going to, because I'm emancipated."

Viktor smirked. "If the rumours are true, you will do extremely well." Orpheus grinned once again. "Thank you Viktor. Feel free to come to me if you need help." Viktor nodded. "I might do.." The next morning, Orpheus managed to talk to the Beauxbaton students. He met two. Fleur Delacour and her friend Christine. Fleur was quite feisty and got along with Orpheus quite quickly. Draco got along with Christine more. She was quite talkative and was a muggleborn who was obsessed with Muggle Musical Theatre. She had told the two of them that she wished that there was more Musical Theatre in the Wizarding world. Orpheus agreed, remembering the time that he had gone to see a muggle musical with the Dursleys when nobody could look after him. Orpheus remembered the name of the play was Wicked and he remembered enjoying it greatly. 

During the week, the goblet of fire was open for students to add their names if they were eligible. Orpheus had gone just before curfew with his friends (Including Viktor, Fleur and Christine) and had shocked everyone when he passed the age-line easily and placed his neatly written name into the cup. Orpheus had decided that they were going to play it out that someone had put his name into the cup. Then at the end of the year, they were going to turn the cup into a portkey, where Orpheus was going to be whisked into Riddle Manor - where he was going to report on Hogwarts that year and possible allies to Tom and then get sent back. Then he would play it off that it sent him to Hogsmeade. 

Fleur and Viktor then put their names into the goblet. Christine didn't as she didn't want to put herself into danger. Orpheus had made sure they knew the challenges so they could practise. another week later and eventually it was Halloween. The students sat in the Great Hall and waited eagerly as Minister Fudge stood over the Goblet. He cleared his throat and the hall went silent. "Hello students of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the time has come for the goblet to reveal your school champions!" The schools cheered and Fudge quietened them down. "First, Durmstang." the Goblet went a bright blue and spat out a sheet of paper. Fudge read and laughed. "Viktor Krum!" he announced. Viktor beamed and nodded to his friends as he made his way towards the backroom. Fudge watched him leave before the Goblet coughed up another name. "Beauxbaton is... Fleur Delacour!" Fleur got up and curtsied before hurrying off after Viktor. Fudge grinned at the young half-veela. "Finally. Hogwarts!" the Goblet coughed up the last sheet of paper and Orpheus internally smirked as he noticed the handwriting. He watched as Fudge paled. "Orpheus Lupin-Black?" Orpheus put on a worried face and got up slowly. He looked up at Sirius and Remus, who were pretending to be whispering to each other anxiously. He hugged his own body and fake trembled as he made his way to the room.

He walked in to find Viktor and Fleur sat at a table, discussing something in French - although Viktor's French wasn't very good. They looked up and Fleur laughed. "Ah, Bonjour Orpheus." Viktor patted the seat next to him and Orpheus sat. The teachers then came rushing in, Dumbledore, Remus and Sirius at the front. Dumbledore grabbed Orpheus' shoulders and might as well shoved him across the room. "Orpheus." he snarled. "Tell me now boy, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Orpheus flinched at the use of the word 'boy' and felt his eyes watering. "No Professor Dumbledore I didn't" Sirius pulled Dumbledore off Orpheus and snapped at him, "Even if you are angry at him, don't handle him like that!" Soon Orpheus was in the arms of his mother and father. Fudge rolled his eyes. "Albus, I thought you said the age-line was activated?" Orpheus sniffed. "I didn't put my name in the goblet. anyways it wouldn't have worked on me because I'm emancipated." Fudge laughed. "Of course you did boy, you practically just told us how you did it!" Orpheus shook off his parents, and got up, his eyes going an ice blue. Remus, knowing what was happening, kept a hand on the boy's shoulder just in case. 

Orpheus growled. he could feel River take control and he was so angry, he let him. River snorted, his eyes blazing into Fudge's "You really think that Orpheus wanted to compete in the stupid death competition?" River felt Orpheus' mother, Moony's human touching his shoulder and he calmed down slightly. "Don't you dare call Orpheus 'Boy' he hates the word and now he is going to have nightmares. I don't want to be waking up because of what you have said. I need my sleep." Fudge took a step back. "W-what do you mean? Y-you are Orpheus!" River shook his head. "No I'm not. I'm his wolf." River then turned to Dumbledore, smiling sweetly. "Dumbles dear, you remember what happened last time you got on the wrong side of me?" Dumbledore went pale and nodded. River felt satisfied and let Orpheus take control again. Orpheus groaned and fell to the floor. The teachers were out pretty quickly apart from Sirius and Remus and the two other champions. Once all of the teachers left, Orpheus grinned looking up. "It worked?" Sirius snickered. "Seems River is really good at persuading." Orpheus nodded. "Stubborn that wolf is." 

Orpheus then turned to the two other contestants. "We better start preparing tomorrow." Fleur twirled around, grabbing hold of Viktor. "This is going to be so fun!" she squealed. 

DISCONTINUED!! ORPHEUS { Drarry Creature Inheritance }Where stories live. Discover now