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Orpheus soon found himself in the courtroom of the Ministry. The rest of the Wizengamot were there and Orpheus saw Dumbledore at the top, as the head of the Wizengamot. Madame Bones stood up. "Welcome to the trial of Sirius Black. Before we start, I hear we have someone wishing to claim their seats." Orpheus tapped his finger, summoning the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Lord rings and the Black heir ring. He stood up and cast a sonorous on his voice. "I, Orpheus Lupin-Black claim my seats as Lord of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and as Lord Black is unable to use his seat, I as Heir Black take his seat until he is able." 

There were a couple of whispers, some being that Sirius Black had a child and some about the fact he practically owned Hogwarts. Madame Bones smiled. "Welcome Lord Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw." Orpheus looked up at Dumbledore to see him look slightly put out. 

The trial soon started and Orpheus' Dad was dragged into the room. He had a look of calm about him and he looked up at Orpheus and Remus - who was clutching Orpheus' arm- and winked. Sirius sat down and watched as the Aurors administrated Veritaserum. His eyes glazed over and the questioning began. Madame Bones approached Sirius. "What is your name?" Sirius smiled. "Sirius Orion Black." Madame Bones continued. "What is the full name of your son?" Sirius continued, "Orpheus Hades Lupin-Black" Orpheus took note of the fact his middle name was Hades. He turned to Remus. "You two like your Mythology don't you." Remus smiled. "I was always quite in awe of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, I wouldn't have the guts to go to the Underworld to bring back Sirius - let alone negotiate with Hades." Orpheus nodded. They turned back to Sirius, who had just started being asked the important questions. "Were you the Potters secret-keeper?" Sirius shook his head. "No, that was Peter. They switched it at the last minute because who would suspect little Peter Pettigrew." Madame Bones nodded. That was already a couple of years taken off. "Did you kill Peter Pettigrew and all of those Muggles?" Sirius once again shook his head. "I didn't. It is true I chased after Peter but he screamed that I was the betrayer, cut of his finger, set of the explosion and changed into his Animagus form, a rat." Madame Bones gasped. "It now up to the Wizengamot to decide. Please place your votes." 

Both Orpheus and Remus immediately pressed the innocent button and they watched as most of the room did the same. Only two people pressed guilty, who was Arthur Weasley and Dolores Umbridge. Madame Bones grinned. "Then Sirius Black, Lord of Black, I pronounce you free of all charges and a free man!" Sirius wooped and rushed to Remus. They hugged and Remus pecked him on the cheek. He then scooped Orpheus into a huge hug and almost crushed his bones in the process. It was Remus talking to someone that made them seperate. "Hello Albus." Orpheus turned to see the old man himself, the usual twinkle in his eye brighter than ever. Albus turned to Orpheus. "My Boy, why have I never heard of you before?" Orpheus growled. "I'm not your 'boy' to you it is Mr Lupin-Black or Lord Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw. Also I was in hiding because my father was a fugitive." Albus stuttered. "Ah well, Mr Lupin-Black, I was wondering if you would like to attend Hogwarts with the rest of the people your age." Orpheus closed his eyes. "I was going to go anyways, observe one of my homes and set some changes as I own the school." Albus scowled. "Fine, your acceptance letter will come soon." Albus left and it was only the Lupin-Blacks left in the room. "I think we might have to kill Harry.."


Time Skip brought to you by Isabelle from Animal Crossing


Sirius knocked on the door of Malfoy Manor and waited patiently until Narcissa Malfoy opened the door. She smiled and hugged Sirius. "Welcome." she said, letting the family in. She snapped her finger and an elf came. She bent down. "Tell Draco, Lucius and Tom that the Lupin-Blacks have arrived." The elf nodded and disappeared. Remus frowned. "I thought Tom didn't have a body?" Narcissa laughed. "The Philosophers Stone was hidden in Beauxbatons, where the guards were a lot easier." Sirius grinned. "That's great." They reached a living room where there were three males waiting. Lucius had slicked back blonde hair. He was rather tall and his eyes were a bright blue. An older looking version of Tom Riddle from the Diary was sat in a chair, reading a book and when Orpheus looked at the next person, his breath was taken away. Draco was.. hot.. He had a chiseled jaw with wavy blonde hair that covered his forehead. He had the brightest blue eyes Orpheus had ever seen. Draco blushed. He was obviously thinking the same thing. 

"H-hi!" Orpheus stammered. Draco blushed even more, his usually pale face now a bright red. "Hi." Draco approached him and threw his taller body at Orpheus. Orpheus relaxed into the hug and soon found himself snuggled into Draco on a chair. Draco looked down at Orpheus and smiled weakly. "I wanted to apologise for the way I treated you.." Orpheus sat up. "Dray, It's fine I forgive you." Draco laughed, going red again, "Dray?" Orpheus looked down. "Oh, if you don't like it I won't use-" Draco cut him off, grinning. "No, I like it Orphy." Orpheus laughed. "Orphy?" Draco nodded, beaming proudly. "Your name is quite difficult to make a nickname out of." 

There was a knock on the door and Sirius entered. "Orpheus, Draco, Tom wants to see you." Orpheus got up and offered Draco his hand Draco took it and the two went to the room Tom was in. Draco went and hugged Tom and Tom opened up his arms for Orpheus to hug. Orpheus accepted the hug and soon they were talking. Tom smiled. "Call me Uncle Tom. I'm sorry I couldn't rescue you from the Potters." Orpheus laughed. "It's fine Uncle Tom." Tom sighed, relieved. "I talked to your parents about the killing Harry thing, and we will have to do it tomorrow as your birthday is the day after." Orpheus nodded. "That sounds great." Tom grinned getting up. "I'll leave you two then. See you tomorrow." 

The next morning Orpheus woke up excited. Today was the day Harry would finally be dead. He didn't really know what to think, as he was technically killing himself.

He went downstairs to find a dead muggle lying on the floor. Tom smiled and glamoured the muggle to look like Harry. Orpheus scowled at 'Harry' and soon they found themselves outside the Leaky Cauldron, dumping the body. They then went into Diagon Alley to do some shopping. Orpheus grinned, grabbing Remus' arms.

They went to Knockturn Alley to shop and first they went to get Orpheus a new wand. Twenty minutes later, he left the shop with a wand with a Thestral Hair core and Oak Wood. They then went to get some clothing that weren't hand me downs. They left that shop with a big bag. When they left Knockturn Alley, there was a commotion going on in the Leaky Cauldron. Sirius immediately started acting. Orpheus followed him, wanting to see the acting, whilst Remus went into Diagon Alley again.

On the main table in the Leaky Cauldron lay Harry's body. There were multiple witches and wizards crying over it, as well as Rita Skeeter and her infamous quill. Sirius entered the room and saw Harry's body. He shoved in front of all of the people and was met with the sight of his dead  godson's body. Sirius pretended to cry and howl in grief. "My Godson!" he cried. "James and Lily's son!" he cried. Orpheus pushed in front to his Dad and sniffled a little too. "At least he's with his parents now." he exclaimed and Sirius along with most of the room nodded. Sirius wiped his tears away and turned to Orpheus. "we should go, I can't bear to see him like this." Orpheus nodded and watched as   Sirius kissed the body before running out to meet Remus, who had a bunch of bags with him. They apparated back to Sirius' house and Orpheus laughed frantically. "Your acting was amazing Dad!" he exclaimed. Sirius grinned sheepishly. "It's because I badly wanted to be a Disney Princess after Lily introduced us to it."

Remus stifled a laugh and soon Draco came flying out of the fireplace. "Orphy!" he shouted, running towards his mate. He launched himself into the Sandy haired boy's arms. "Dray, what's the matter?" he asked. Draco smiled. "I heard about what had happened at the Leaky Cauldron and I realised this means that we can be out with our relationship, we don't have to hide anymore!"

Orpheus nodded. "That was part of the reason why I did it. I could never be mean to you. You are just so hot."
Draco blushed. "I-I love you Orphy."he said suddenly. Orpheus grinned, leading Draco to an armchair." I love you too Dray."

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