try to fall sleep| demon!alastor x human!reader

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This story is like the game try to fall asleep.

3rd pov
You were in your bed, not that bad right? Eh well kinda. You hardly remember anything sense the surgery I believe it was for brain damage or something like that.

You hurd a beeping nose and looked to your right to see a little robot that is shaped as a box with a smiley face and looking all over the place "oh hello there" it spoke up "ok must be (y/n) (l/n) right? Well nice to meet you miss (l/n)!, my name is A.B I'm a medical assistant robot, my quar function is to give guidance plantation. To by a important presence in case of emergencies such as a mental breakdown, i also give you instructions and so on. I was created from you treatment supervisor Dr. Wolberge himself!. So misses (l/n) I like to congratulate you on recovering from your physical damages! That a huge blast, and didn't lose a Lym how about that! Anyway as you heal from your physical damages we can start on your brain damage, your diagnosis that you have memory losses as well a few brain damages that might cause you to....hallucinate well I believe the damages can be easily cured! In orderd to heal your damage you just need to sleep and rest, sleeping is a medicine for your brain and a good state to the brain to heal itself so just fall asleep seem easy right? Well unfortunately your damages may cause you to hallucinate and that can be a huge problem eventually if you don't stay calm your stress will increase and a huge stress will cause you to have a cardeact arrest in other words. We might not be there on time to save you from death. So you need to deal with the stress alright lets walk you through the instructions real quick. That device you have on your desk is your info pack its a real self explanatory and levels, now if you could just close your eyes for a moment" you closed your eyes then open them again, you'd info pack sleep level went up a bit "see your sleep level just increase, if you'll be okay until 4am you'll fall asleep! Yeah I think I found it just fascinating no uh..BOO!" you jumped when A.B yelled out boo, your stress level went up alot he chuckles "sorry, didn't mean to scare you, the point is your hallucination will increase your stress level just like that make sure the level will stay low as possible, it'll go down if you keep your eyes open also turning on your lamp will lower your stress level faster, it is kinda broken. So don't leave it on too long so it'll overheat the lamp and break it one more last thing if a hallucinate happeneds very close then hide under the blankets it'll help trick your brain and all that sounds there no need to stay underneath it all the time, so hide only when you absolutely need it. Okay looks like we're all set, close your eyes, fall asleep, and I'll check on you in the morning, goodnight miss (l/n)"  fall sleep til morning, got it

You bclose my eyes and face to the wall. You then hurd shuffling you then quickly opened your eyes and looks at your info pack. Your stress if fairly high, you look around and see a tall figure lot very close to your bed but you went under the blanket and breathing very heavily. You peeked your head out and it was gone "my, your stress is high. Open your eyes and turn on the lights" what?! You quickly turn it on and keep your eyes open. But a last the lamp went brighter, and brighter until it broke "shit" you cured under your breath "how the fuck do i died down my stress now?" You panic only the stress go up fairly more the figure is now close to your bed and you quickly went under the covers.

You cursed to yourself and all shooked up "miss (l/n), you need to lower your stress. I recommend you to open your eyes and turn on your lights" "i don't have a fucking light! It broke!" It didn't respond to you, you were pissed and uncover yourself from the covers and check your alarm clock it was 2am...two have to survive for two fucking hours before you have to acctually sleep. You turn to look at you info pack and the stress wasn't that bad but still,you closed your eyes and waited. Until you open your eyes and not see anything then looks around and see the figure next you. It made a ear piercing roar and lunges at you before it dissapers  "woah, you got a good scare there. Try to hide under the blanket when it's near your bed" sarcasm mode activated "wow, i didn't not now! Maybe I should try it next time!" You frowned and glance at your info was up to the max "fuck" you keep your eyes open and try to calm the fuck down but not really sure it's working or not 'when is the night gonna end' you looked at the clock and it was still 2 but to be 3 so it that was a plus you look away to face the wall again. And try to calm down you took a deep breath and exhale then cling into the sheets with wall the strength you have on your hands.

You shut you eyes tightly and try to get some sleep. It did but you open your eyes with a loud BANG you jolted up and looks around your bookbag what use to be on a hook with your is now on the ground, it was now 3:05 and an hour left to live there was now a black figure with ear tufts and now what you now see very long and sharp antlers he or she was behind the TV peeking the side of it and slowly made its way towards you. You couldn't move,can't run, nor can't speak or scream it made its way to the bed and trapped you under HIM! It was a him and now have a perfect view of his face he has red eyes, red hair with black marron tips and was makeing a wide grin he uses his hand and grip your throat causing you to gasping for air he started to cackle I can't cover myself with the blanket or turn on my fucking light because i broke it because I was a dumbass for not turning it off on time.

You keep smacking his arm but he wont loose his grip or show any sign mercy of all "'ll go to a nice and safe place after everything turned black ahhahaha!" "Someone...helo me" you couldn't scream it out you have to accept your fate, until you hurd a loud obnoxious noise.

It was your alarm clock I look at it with your eyes and it was 3 you only set it for 4 its not even close to 4.

That wasn't until you woke up under your bed, you quickly fling tge blanket off of you and ran out of your room with your pajama's on you accidentally bumped into your mom "woah calm down (y/n) looks like you have a nightmar-(y/n) are you okay? Cause your have Mark on your throat "yeah im fine" you covered it and ran to the bathroom to look at it.

It was bruise up and looks like someone was clinging on to it "so everything was real?"


Word count: 1307

The game is really fun to watch other people struggle from it and i did struggle makeing this chapter as well so oof!

Also jacksepticeye and jaiden animation will collaborate in april 7th for a charity stream for the cronona virus to the people who has tested positive for it. I recommend for y'all to go at lest just chill and watch it, im NOT gonna be part of it (i wish) but anyway if you want more information about it go timo jacksepticeye or jaiden animations channel for more

 I recommend for y'all to go at lest just chill and watch it, im NOT gonna be part of it (i wish) but anyway if you want more information about it go timo jacksepticeye or jaiden animations channel for more

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Thank you for reading and I'll see you, in the next chapter, buh bye!!

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