Baby: Cubed

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I walked into Skye's hospital room. She was lying on the bed, weak, but happy. Dusek was sitting near her, and Rosy and Mom were talking quietly in the corner. When they heard Daddy and I walk in, Mom turned. She beamed. 

"Lydia!" She walked over and gave me a kiss. She exchanged a look with Daddy.


"Ask Skye and Dusek. It's not our news to tell." I rolled my eyes at my mom, but I was smiling. I walked over to the hospital bed and sat down.

"So, what is the baby's name?" I asked. Dusek smiled at his tired wife and picked up her hand.

"The babies' names are Alayna Christine, Eleanor Presley, and Isabelle Rose." Wait, what?

"Alayna, Eleanor, and Isabelle? As in, three babies?"

"Yes!" Skye was so happy. "We found out months ago, but we wanted to keep it a surprise. I suppose having multiple babies runs in the family." I grinned at her. Skye was practically glowing.

"Where are they right now?"

"The nurse took them to be washed up. They'll be back soon enough. The nurse ordered momma here to rest, but she has refused to go to sleep." Come to notice it, Dusek was glowing with happiness too.

"I can't wait to meet my new nieces!" I exclaimed. I loved babies and little kids. Their cozy warmth and cheerful attitude was contagious. Rosy walked over and asked if it was okay for her and Iantha to leave for a little.

"We thought that Alice and Natalie would like to see you. I understand that Cagney and Jack are just bored out of their minds." She smiled at me.

"I can go, you can stay here Rosy." 

"No, I think I'll go with you. Let Iantha stay here. Besides, Tommy has to leave for work soon. Somebody needs to watch my two little troublemakers." She walks out of the room, and I follow, after lightly kissing Skye on the cheek and hugging Dusek. Down in the lobby, Alice and Natalie are talking with an elderly woman, and Cagney was reading a book. Jack was on his phone, texting someone, it looked like. When Natalie and Alice saw me walk in, they bombarded me with questions.

"How is Skye?"

"What's the baby's names?"

"Does this mean that we can go up there?"

"Woah, guys!" I laughed, putting my hands in front of my face, as if to shield myself. "Skye is doing great. A nurse has them, making sure that they are healthy. They are a month early, you know." Natalie looked confused.

"Wait, why are you using they them and their pronouns. Lydia, are they twins!" Crap. I had planned on letting Skye tell everyone. Well, at least they were mentally one baby short.

"Maybe? I wasn't supposed to tell you. I won't tell you any genders or names. Just, act surprised when you do see Skye. Now, go overwhelm her with your guys' energy." The two dashed off, acting like they were little kids, giggling and whispering. I sat down next to Jack, and he set his phone down. 

"How is Skye?" He asked.


"Figures." Jack looked at me. "Twins, huh? Runs in the family. First Rosalind, now Skye."

"That's actually exactly what Skye said!" Well, kind of. Jack stood up and motioned towards the door. 

"You want to go outside? I hate hospitals."

"Sure." I stood up. Jack told his dad that we were leaving, and together, we walked out of the hospital doors. He casually slips his hand in mine, and I look down, surprised. I had figured that what had happened on the playground was a one-time-thing only.

"You don't mind, do you?" Jack sounded worried. I shook my head and leaned against him. He paused, and pulled me to the edge of a building, out of the middle of the sidewalk, and hugged me tightly. "Hey, it's going to be okay." His voice was soft and gentle.

"But-" My voice cracked. "But what of Skye doesn't make it? Or the babies?" I voiced the concern I had been carrying with me since Daddy woke me up this morning and told me the news. Skye was my favorite sister, after Batty, and legend had it that I was the first baby Skye ever truly liked. Ben disagreed. I couldn't bear it if Skye died, or her kids! It would be a nightmare. 

"Skye isn't going to die Lyds. The moms don't die if the babies are born early. I think." I laughed, and he tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. Jack leaned down and kissed me gently. He wiped away the few tears that had fallen from worry and exhaustion. I leaned into him again, and we stayed like that for a long time.


Authors Note

I am so so so so so SO sorry for not updating for a while! I lost my computer, and I always type so slowly on phones! 

Did you like your surprise though! I was originally planning on having twins, and just having Alayna and Eleanor, but then I decided to have Isabelle as well. I have always liked the idea of having triplets with names starting with a, e, and i, so that's what I did! 

Comment, vote, and tell me what you think,

Lots of love,

Sammie K

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