Organized Chaos

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Breakfast was delicious.

So was the kiss that Jack and I had on the cottage porch before heading off to do chores.

We had an appointment with the florist that mornings, so everyone piled into Mom's van or Batty's car. It was almost an hour-long drive to the florist since Batty had booked the appointment with a florist closer to Cameron. Jane was riding with Batty and me, and she didn't say a word for the majority of the car ride. I, of course, knew why.

"Jane, is everything okay? You're oddly quiet." Batty said, breaking the silence and voicing my thoughts.

"Oh, yes, I'm okay. Better than okay. Wonderful, fabulous, glorious even!"

"Jane." Batty looked at her. "What is going on?"

"Oh, nothing. But isn't it a beautiful day? And wasn't last night just splendid?"

"What happened last night?" Batty pressed.

"Oh, nothing." Jane smiled again and began humming off-key. Batty shot me a quick questioning glance. I smiled at her. Last night was Jane's story to tell, not mine.

At the florists, Batty selected an array of peach, yellow, white, and pink roses to go in the bouquets. There would be fronds of ferns too, as well as some draping green plant I didn't know the name of. I would just ask Daddy when we got back, and no doubt he would give me the name (in English and in Latin) and the origin. We headed another half hour away to the bridal salon for the last fitting. Every last made me feel sad, for the wedding would mean leaving Arundel. And Jack. 

Back at Arundel, we were greeted by a high, clear soprano wafting through the air. It was Penny, according to Batty. I listened closer. It was "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. Batty would walk down the aisle to that song, before exchanging vows with Jeffery. Before coming Mrs. Jeffery Tifton. Suddenly, in the middle of the Arundel driveway, I froze. 

"Batty," I said slowly. "After you get married to Jeffery, you'll be Mrs. Tifton!" Batty laughed.

"I've thought about that a bit. I promise I'll be better than Mrs. T. I'll be weird though, that's for sure. Alice came running down the driveway.

"Your Aunt Claire and Uncle Turron just arrived! She said that Batty had called asking for an extra set of hands. Mom is putting them in Arundel, so we don't have to move. She brought your cousins with her too." She edged closer to me and dropped her voice. "You never told me that Enam was kinda hot!" I smacked her arm and she yelped, leaping away ungracefully. 

"He has a girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

"Who?" Jane asked.

"Enam. Alice here thinks he's hot."

"I'm flattered." Enam said. He had crept up behind us, I suppose. Alice's face turned redder than a ripe tomato. She busied herself with texting someone, and I stifled a laugh at her discomfort. Enam grinned at me. "Imani thinks so too." Alice shot me a quick glance.

"Imani's his girlfriend," I explained. "They've been together, what, four years now?" Alice let out a little fake laugh. 

"I've heard through the grapevine that you found yourself a significant other as well Lyds." I smiled at my cousin and started heading up to the house. There was a lot to do, and not a lot of time. As we trickled back, the band took a short break. Owne grinned at us, but his eyes were on Jane. Jane seemed to float as she walked over to him. They began talking quietly as the rest of us grouped.

"So, what do the flowers look like?" Jeffery asked, trying to look interested. Batty took him aside and showed him pictures. Everyone else grouped together. I felt alone, surrounded by people.

"You look lost." Camilla stood next to me. 

"I feel a little lost, you could say that."

"I understand that feeling all too well. When Julian and I came to the United States, I could not read or speak English. I relied heavily on kind souls to find my way around."

"Is Julian your husband?"

"Yes. He is back at our home in Lakewood, Colorado. He travels with me sometimes, but he mostly stays there for work." I nodded, not sure what to say. Camilla smiled down at me. "Everyone feels lost sometimes, Pequeno."


Authors Note

So confession. Actually, 2 confessions

1. I finished this chapter Friday evening, but I haven't posted it because it would mean this book was getting even closer to the end.

2. I stayed up until 3 a.m this morning writing in a notebook. I also just realized that it was a blue notebook.

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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