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"Interesting walk." I jumped. So did Jack. Jane's head poked in the tunnel. "It's time for lunch."

"Jane! You were spying?"

"No, I came over here and overheard some of your conversation. Spying is beneath me as a Penderwick. Although, thank you for the idea."


"I was wondering how to get two characters in my books to confess their genuine feelings for each other. You gave me an idea. So, I'm thanking you."

"Jane, I don't want every second of my life to end up in your books!"

"Well, people like my books, so you must have a pleasant life. Now, let's go. I'm starving."

We walked to the sunken pavilion where everyone else was eating next to the cherubs. 

"How was your walk?" Mom asked. Before I could answer, Jane piped in.

"Lydia and Jack finally confessed to each other what the rest of us have known for a while." My face flushed red. Jack immersed himself in scooping potato salad onto a plate. I snatched an egg salad sandwich and took a bite. Batty grinned knowingly at me. Keeping true to tradition again, I slipped a spoonful of macaroni salad into each of the cherubs' jars when nobody was looking. The conversation was light, but I could not stop thinking about what I had said. And what Jack had said. If that is how you prove to people that you love them, teach me how to. My heart fluttered every time I recalled his words. I caught Daddy staring at me a few times, looking a little sad. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Mom and Batty packed up the picnic and handed me a cooler to take to the Arundel kitchen. Batty walked with me, carrying another cooler. We got to the kitchen, and almost immediately Batty saw a spider. She gave me the task of taking care of food, while she tried to find the same containers from five years ago.

"Found them!" She triumphantly pulled out a stack of clear plastic containers. 

"Remember the Godzilla one?" I asked, laughing a little nervously.

"How could I forget? You'd better leave though Lyds. I think he got married and had babies with an equally enormous mommy spider." I beat a hasty retreat to the hallway where Batty called after me. "Lyds, see if you could find some brooms and do a little sweeping around here. You could start in the front entryway since that is where the ceremony will be held if there's rain." I waved in response. 

I wandered up and down the halls of Arundel, remembering the last time I was here. Remembering Mrs. T and her pickle faces. I passed the same spiral staircase and again climbed them, humming "Defying Gravity" again. I remembered the shock that had coursed through me when Mrs. Tifton had opened a door at the top of the stairs. Curious, I opened the door she had come out of. I knew it was snooping, and dishonorable, but I wanted to know what had been in that room, that Mrs. T would hide in it, never disclosing to anyone that she was there. The door swung open silently. I stood in the doorframe, my mouth hanging open. It was full of memories. Pictures hung on the walls, toys that had once belonged to a little boy, a row of small velvet boxes on a shelf, racks of beautiful little-girl clothes, and what was this? A ratty old cardboard box was shoved into the corner, partially hidden by an old rocking horse. I walked over and moved the horse. There were 2 letters on the top. A. M. I wondered what they stood for. I gingerly opened the top flaps, a cloud of dust springing into my face. On top was a boutonniere, with dried chrysanthemum and a few springs of a plant I didn't know. Under that was a letter. I knew better than to read it, but I did. It was a love letter, addressed to Brenda. The letter was so old, I couldn't read the writing, but I could read the signature. A. M. Those initials again! I dug deeper. A suit, a souvenir from Greece, a record player, and some records- wait, hold on again. Mrs. T hated music. I picked up the record sleeve on top and blew on it to read the title. Eroica. I picked up the heavy record player and set it on the ground. I slid the record out of the sleeve and looked for scratches. There were none. The record was in pristine shape. I set it on the record player, just like how Batty had taught me, and gently placed the needle on it. 3 quick notes introduced the piece, and I danced. 

I turned and leaped, spun, and kicked. Double stags, battements, plies, sautes, it was by far the best experience ever. Here, in a large, open room, the music echoing wonderfully. In my dancing, I unleashed all the happiness I had felt since Jack kissed me, all the confusion over what his words meant, and all the anger I still felt towards Harper. When the music ended, I was exhilarated. I sat down next to the music player, breathing hard. I hadn't danced like that in ages. I wonder why? Then the meaning of the initials hit me. Alec McGrath. All the things in the box belonged to Alec. I packed the box carefully, put it back in its corner, replaced the horse, and left. Whatever the reason Mrs. Tifton had for keeping all the things in that room, it was private. And I respected that privacy. 


Authors Note

This chapter was so much fun to write, especially the end. It felt so good, and I don't know why. Confession: I maybe was writing until, like, 3:30 this morning, but then got caught by my mom, and she sent me back to bed. 

QOTD: Is there a piece of music that makes you feel the way Lydia felt?

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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