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( ii. maine exists??)

"i have a feeling that if syd is anywhere it's here,"

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"i have a feeling that if syd is anywhere it's here,"

"a postcard from a unknown place with blood on it. how lovely!" stan spoke sarcastically

"unknown place?"

"yeah, like maine? pretty sure that place doesn't even exist. honestly, it sounds made up to me," i turned to stan with the most concerned look on face.

please, god! tell me he's not serious.

"oh god, i'm joking!"

"barber, i was concerned for your diploma for a moment," i laughed, stan just turned to me and rolled his eyes playfully, taking the postcard.

"well if maine is where you think she is, then that's where we'll go!"

"stan, are you nuts? we can't just leave! my mom would kill me!"

"well it's flee to another state or stay for brads closed casket," he chuckled silently as i glared

"right, right, bad timing,"

"i'm going," a voice interrupted, the voice belonging to none other than Dina. we both turned to face her. her dress was ripped and covered in dirt and blood, her lipstick was smudged, and her mascara ran down her cheeks. she looked a mess.

"dina i-" stan started but closed his mouth as he saw the look in dina's eyes.

"i know what you're thinking but syd needs our help,"

we all glanced at each other.

"we ride at dawn, bitches" i spoke as the two laughed.

stan drove us all home in his car. we all said nothing to our parents and went straight to sleep, keeping in mind how early we would have to wake up to get tickets.

The moment my alarm sounded i turned it off. i have never been more determined for something in my life i don't think. the streets were empty and dark, we woke up so early the sun hadn't rose. i quickly packed my stuff and looked out my bedroom window to see that stan's car was already outside. dina and i leave across the street from each other so stan could just park between the houses. dina carefully climbed down from her bedroom window as did i. climbing down was a lot harder than it looked though considering i had a giant duffel bag in my hands while doing it. i smiled at dina and we both hopped in the car. Me sitting shotgun and dina taking the back.

"hey stan," dina said tiredly

"hey ladies," stan turned to us with what looked like black paint under his eyes. dina and i held in our laughs.

"what the hell is on your face??" i say still trying not to laugh.

"warrior paint," that's when dina and i lost it.

"hey it's not funny! getting to syd is a serious matter and we don't know what we're going up against,"

"true but i'm pretty sure whatever we are going up against doesn't require us to go all ninja mode, sensei," i laughed ruffling his hair. once the laughter died down, stan put the old car in drive and we started our descent to Derry, Maine.


PLAY WITH FIRE! ⋆ stanley barberWhere stories live. Discover now