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( i. wish you were here )

SCREAMS WERE HEARD throughout the school's gymnasium

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SCREAMS WERE HEARD throughout the school's gymnasium. fear flooded everyone's body for they had just witnessed the schools golden boy, Brad Lewis' head explode. i should have screamed too, i should of been at least a little frightened but the truth was that i wasn't. everything was going in what was like slow motion. students started to sprint away from the scene. i couldn't help but notice that the girl who i thought would be running the fastest was walking. that girl being, sydney novak. syd had the most blood on her out of everyone, minus brad of course. i turned back around to see stan still passed out on the floor just waking up.

"stan, stan! we gotta go," i shook him and pulled his body of the ground.

"what? i don't know if you noticed but i just got punched in the face and i'm pretty sure i broke a bone!" stan exclaimed

"stop complaining and come on!" i took his hand and started to run out of the gym

"oh my god," he shuttered out as he finally saw what had happened to brad.

"what- i- yn-"

"stan, i'll explain later we have to go! like now!"

"where are we going?"

"following syd," i spoke. stan looked at me a little surprised and i don't blame him. syd and i never got along the best. although we're cousins, our personalities just clashed, i guess. we used to get along really well. we were inseparable. after her dad died last spring, she changed. she has a short temper now and is quite sarcastic. even if we don't get along anymore, we're still family.

i frantically looked left to right when we made it out of the school.

"dammit," i say softly. how are we going to find her now?

then as if the boy had read my mind, "what shoes was she wearing?"


"what shoes was she wearing?" stan repeated

"i don't know black ones?

"not very helpful, but okay,"

"i don't understand?" stan then locked eyes with me, for a moment everything felt good. but of course stan ruined the moment by sneezing.

"sorry! allergies," i rolled my eyes playfully

"look," he pointed on the ground to some barely visible bloody footprints. before i could say anything, stan grabbed my hand and pulled me around the corner. sure enough, syd was running in the middle of the road.

"how did you-"

"when i was younger i had this 'Sheriff Shaun Detective Kit'. it taught me a lot of the stuff i know today," stan said proudly causing me to laugh.

"let's go," we ran after syd, but she is incredibly fast.

"syd! wait!" stan yelled but his voice only seemed to make her run faster. syd sprinted into the dark forest with us hot on her tail, but then she just disappeared. she vanished. into thin air.

"holy fuck," i mumbled out. stan put his hand out where syd once was and waved
it around.

"she's not invisible, dummy" i laugh slightly

"you never know! she does have powers and shit so like maybe being invisible is one of them.."

"okay true. i just-" i was interrupted my a scream. syd's scream, my eyes widened. stan and i frantically looked around us to try to find her but we couldn't see her anywhere.

"umm, stan..." he glanced over to me and saw what i had been looking at. in front of the both of us, caught in a low branch of a tree, was a bright red balloon with a postcard tied at the bottom. stan made eye contact with me before slowly untying the postcard:

 stan made eye contact with me before slowly untying the postcard:

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PLAY WITH FIRE! ⋆ stanley barberWhere stories live. Discover now