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( iv. a clubhouse )

A LOUD SCREAM FLEW OUT of my mouth as i woke up from my horrid nightmare

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A LOUD SCREAM FLEW OUT of my mouth as i woke up from my horrid nightmare.

"Oh my god! yn, are you okay!" dina asked worriedly. a few tears fell from my eyes as i proceeded to tell her all that happened last night.

"it's alright, it was just a dream. and it's all over now," she said soothing while hugging me. now this is true friendship.

"you're right, thanks d," i smile

a deep snore interrupted the hug. we turned away to see stan still asleep.

"oh jesus, did we kill him? how is he still knocked out??" dina laughs

"beyond me," i reply, dina gets up off the bed and makes her way to attempt to wake up stan.

"stan! stan!" she yelled shaking him. i laughed a little when something to the left caught my eye. the vent. in which one screw on the upper right side was missing just like in the dream. it wasn't a dream after all.

"AHHH!" i heard stan scream. dina had poured water all over him. "holy shit! dina, what the hell??" dina and i exchanged looks before laughing.

"not funny, guys. i'll get you back," stan says before laughing a little with us.

after we all got dressed, we walked out of the room.

"stan, where's the key so we can lock it?" i asked

"they never gave us a key,"


"but next best thing..." he trailed off. stan grabbed a sticky note from his pocket and wrote a message on it before hanging it on the door:

room is currently occupied;
do not enter!

"wow," dina breathes out

"wow indeed, round of applause for stanley barber! crime rate drops to zero!" i clap as dina joins to which stan bowed in response.

"i'm starting to see the similarities between you and syd," dina laughed lightly

"so any ideas of where we should start looking," stan spoke as soon as we made it out of the inn.

"i think we should ask the police, maybe start a search party?" dina suggests

"i think that's out of the picture. i mean she's currently a runaway teen who blew up someones head using her mind,"

"good point," stan sighs

"okay then, how about we start with the forest," i nod, agreeing with dina.

"sure, i mean, nothing creepy about forests," stan sarcastically remarks

"chill, barber. it's the middle of the day, what could happen?" i laugh ruffling his hair. what could happen? i'm one to be talking considering i just saw a blood dripping clown who told me i was going to fly or some shit.

stan lightly smiled before following dina and i into the forest.

"jesus, this is creepy,"

"what do you mean?" dina asks stan

"well this is a small town so the wildlife should be at its peak. seeing as there aren't any loud disturbances. but listen," dina and i pause for a moment and listen to the woods.

"it's silent,"

"that is creepy," dina replies

"uh guys," i say picking up a crumpled piece of paper that was laying at my feet. they turned their heads towards me as i opened the paper. it was a newspaper article.

"holy shit," i mumble, "this is a year old newspaper,"

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"holy shit," i mumble, "this is a year old newspaper,"

"of all the towns syd had to disappear to, it had to be the one with missing children cases!" stan exclaimed

"well, if we're being specific, it used to have missing children," dina spoke

"let's just keep looking," i said as dina nodded in agreement

"are you guys crazy? this is insane! we're going to go missing just like those kids!" i can't say i have ever seen stan this upset. in fact, i don't think i've ever seen stan upset at all! dina looks quite surprised by his outburst as well, you can see it in her eyes.

"stan, i know it's crazy, but we have to keep going. syd's in danger, we have to help her," stan looked into my eyes for a little bit before looking deeper into the forest. stan looked at me again and spoke,

"okay," he said simply, "for syd," i smiled at dina as we all continued walking. dina in front, me in the middle, and stan in the back.

all of a sudden, we hear a crash and stan is gone

"holy fuck!" dina and i say in unison

"we just lost stan!" dina exclaimed starting to hyperventilate only to be stopped by the sound of our friends voice.

"guys! i'm down here!" dina and i looked to where stan's voice was coming from to see a wooden trap door that appeared to lead to something underground. we exchanged glances before rushing over.

"i'm not going down there, yn" i rolled my eyes playfully at dina before stepping on the quite unstable ladder.

"keep watch then, will ya'?" dina saluted me before i continued down the last steps of the ladder. it was very dark besides the small amount of light coming from the door. when i reached the dusty floor, i immediately saw stan blindly patting the walls with his hands.

"what'cha doing there?" i laugh

"i'm trying to find a light," he replied

"i don't quite think they have electricity down-" i stopped talking after i saw the room become much brighter.

"here," i finished. stan had managed to find a flashlight that was hanging from the ceiling and to be honest, i was kind of impressed.

"i'm not one to toot my own horn but," stan happily spoke, moving his right hand up and down like he was honking the horn of a steam train. i smiled and giggled a little at him. stan and i saw a few more lanterns and flashlights and turned them on.

"woah cool! it's like a little hangout spot," stan remarked playing with a hammock that was hanging from two of the pillars.

"more like a clubhouse,"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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