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( iii. the luxurious inn  )

'WELCOME TO DERRY, MAINE!' read a green sign in front of us

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'WELCOME TO DERRY, MAINE!' read a green sign in front of us.

"oh my lord! fucking finally!" i shouted in joy

"this trip took 5 years off of my life," dina laughed

"it wasn't that bad," stan started as we looked at him.

"okay, it was absolutely shit, but hey! we made it!" stan smiled brightly as we pulled into 'THE DERRY INN', the sign looked a little out dated which is never a good sign.

stan got us checked in and we started to walk to our room. yes, i know what your thinking. one room for three people is dumb. but it's the cheaper option considering we have next to no money. dina and i are going to share the full while stan is going to sleep in 'the good ol' chair' as he says. i feel kinda bad but again, we're broke.

the wallpaper lining the walls of the hall way is old, stained and ripped which caught my attention. stan unlocked the door and the room was shit just as i expected.

"i think someone died in here," dina giggled as i nodded in agreement

"what? are you girls kidding? this is luxury at its finest," stan remarks sarcastically plopped onto the bed only for a load of dust to swarm him. we all laughed and set our stuff down.

"okay so, tomorrow morning we're all going to go look for syd, i would say now but i think i may die of sleep deprivation," i laugh

"i hope she's safe, i don't know what i do if she-" dina began as she stepped out from using the toilet but i cut her off.

"dina, i'm sure she's fine," i say reassuringly as i place my hand on her shoulder.

"yeah, and it's a small town, what's the worst that can happen," stan chuckled, "I think i'm going to hit the shower,"

" I wouldn't," dina said

"did you take like a massive shit or something?" stan laughed again while making his way to the shower.

"there was-" she was interrupted by stans scream of bloody murder. dina and i stepped into the bathroom to see a passed out stan. i look at what was in the shower to see halloween decorations. rubber spiders, a witches hat, and a glow in the dark skeleton.

"poor stan," dina laughed lightly. to our surprise, the room didn't have 'the good ol' chair' so I grabbed a throw blanket and a small throw pillow and decided to give them to stan. i put the pillow under his head and laid the blanket on top of him. I looked at him once more and checked his pulse. dina laughed at the sight.

"just making sure. i can't afford a lawsuit," I joked. dina and i did our nightly routines and got into the bed. i turned off the light and after a minute in silence, dina spoke.

"do you really think she's okay, yn?" i turned to face her.

"d, i am positive that she's okay. in fact i bet we'll find her tomorrow and take her back home. and maybe in between that we'll all go get two huge ass pizza's ," i joker as she laughed, "though one of the two pizzas i'd just going to be for me so.." i laugh.

"thank you, yn" she smiles. i can't see her smile in the darkness but i can feel it.

"of course, good night,"

"goodnight," now time for some quality and desperately needed sleep.

the sound of scratching woke me up from my sleep. i tried to ignore it at first but it just kept doing on and on. i peered at the dusty alarm clock next to me: 3:02am

what would be making a scratching sound at 3 in the morning?

i rubbed my eyes tiredly and sit up. a cold breeze flowed through my body. i shivered a looked towards the window to see that they were open. they weren't open when we went to sleep. maybe stan woke up and opened them.

i turned to stan to see him passed out on the floor still snoring loudly, rolled my eyes and started to walk back to the bed when i heard the scratching again. this time i wasn't confused of where it was coming from. it was the vents. scientist have said before that knowing where a sound comes from helps to ease you when you're scared, not in the case. my eyes widened as i waked closer the the old vent. i looked up at it and listen, waiting for it to scratch again. but instead of more a scratching, i heard a voice.

"yn, help me.." it whispered, "help me, yn," i could recognize that voice anywhere. it was syd. my eyes widened in realization. i looked around for anything that could get the vent open. and when i though i couldn't find anything a screwdriver appeared from the blue. i wasn't concerned about that fact that the screwdriver wasn't there before, i was just trying to help syd.

i grabbed the screwdriver and my empty suitcase, thinking i could use it as a sort of step stool. it worked and started to unscrew the tightly screwed screws. i took me a whole minute but i managed to get the upper left screw undone. i held it in my hand and continued.

"hold on, syd," i whispered into the vent. i look away from the screws and into the vent to see two bright yellow eyes looking back at me. i took a deep breath to scream but i couldn't. nothing was coming out of my mouth it was silent. in fear, i fell of the the makeshift stool and landed on my ass. this making 'syd' laugh. blood poured from the vent.

i used my feet to scoot my body backwards until i hit the wall. i heard it still laughing in the vent. a few seconds of me shaking went by before i gathered up all my courage to ask one question:

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I scream at it only for it to chuckle a bit more.

"your fear, my darling. your tasty, tasty fear," it smiled, "you'll float too, yn. we all float down here!"

i tried to scream again as it laughed. the laughing was taunting and seemed to get louder and louder and louder until darkness.


PLAY WITH FIRE! ⋆ stanley barberWhere stories live. Discover now