Chapter 1

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Shoto Todoroki POV 

It's been one week, one week since Izuku jumped off that bridge and I jumped off after. I had used my ice to catch myself so I wasn't horribly injured, Izuku, on the other hand, hadn't woken up yet. The doctors keep telling me he's lucky to be alive but I can't get over the fact that he tried to kill himself in the first place. What could I have done to prevent this? Mr. Aizawa said we'll probably have him start therapy pretty quickly after he wakes up and I hope it helps him. He'll be on suicide watch for at least a month, not that I ever thought about leaving him in the first place, haven't left him since we got here, Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic spend their nights here too. 

I looked down at Izuku and saw him twitching a little, he started doing that this morning, the nurse told me it was a good sign and that he'll probably wake up sometime today or tomorrow, I really hope it's today.

I laid on the bed he was in and wrapped arms around him and decided I would fall asleep. The doctors and nurses have told me multiple times not to do this but I'm not hurting him so I don't care. Mr. Aizawa has also tried to get me to stop but gave up after realizing I was just gonna do what I wanted. 

Izuku Aizawa POV

I woke up and immediately felt pain all over my body at first I thought I was back at the villain base but a quick look around told me otherwise. Pretty quickly after that everything that had happened came back to me, wait Shoto jumped after me! I looked around more carefully this time and realized the weight around my waist was Shoto which made me sigh in relief. I turned myself around to face him and smiled a little, how could I have been stupid enough to think it was ok to leave him behind. 

I moved a little hair out of his face and gave him a kiss on the forehead before also hugging him and burying my head in his chest and deciding I wasn't gonna let go till someone made me. I'm not sure how long I had been asleep but I'm still tired so I guess I'll go back to sleep for now.

Shota Aizawa POV 

When 'Zashi and I got back to the hospital room Todoroki was once again in the hospital bed with Izuku, except this time it was different, Izuku had wrapped himself around Todoroki too. 

"Shota," Hizashi whispered. 

"Yeah I know he must have woken up when we were getting lunch," I said. 

"Should we wake them?"

"No, Todoroki's barely gotten any sleep this whole time and Izuku is probably in too much pain to want to be awake right now. We'll wake them up when the doctor comes back, then he can give Izuku pain killers so he can talk to us easier. " I explained and Hizashi nodded. We both walked over to the couch by the window and sat down, I leaned on Hizashi and got on my phone to update Bakugo on Izuku's condition since he has succeeded in blowing up my phone every twenty minutes. 

I wonder if Izuku realized what had happened when he woke up, it'd be easier for all of us if we didn't have to explain it. "He'll be ok Shota, we'll find a way to help him." 

"Yeah I know we will," I said before looking up and seeing the doctor come in, well so much for letting them sleep. I got up and went over to Izuku and decided to wake him up first. "Hey bud, the doctors here, can you wake up for a bit?" I said tapping him on the shoulder. He stirred a little and mumbled something under his breath before tightening his hold on Todoroki. "I'll tickle you if you don't get up." That got him.

"Ok, I'm awake, I'm awake." He said although his voice was pretty raspy. He turned over and tried to sit up wincing in pain as he did so. 

"Hey, careful Izuku we don't want to risk you hurting yourself anymore," I said.

"Actually I wouldn't worry about that too much, all his injuries have been healed. He'll just be really sore for a while due to how hard he hit the water." The doctor finally spoke up. "We'll give him some pain killers for now," he said and the nurse that was with him got to work. 

Izuku looked at Todoroki and it seemed like he was debating whether to wake him up or not. "You should wake him up, he'd want to know you're awake," I said breaking his concentration. 

"O-ok." He stuttered before gently shaking Todoroki awake. I think it took him a minute but once he realized that it was Izuku waking him he was fully awake instantly and Izuku giggled a little. "Morning Sho," 

"You're finally awake!" He said hugging Izuku again carefully. 

"Yeah, I uh I'm really sorry guys," Izuku said looking down with tears in his eyes which probably broke my heart a little. Hizashi got up and walked over kneeling a bit next to Izuku.

"Listen Izuku, I'm not gonna tell you it's ok because what happened wasn't ok but we forgive you alright. We aren't mad at you alright and we all still love you just as much as we did before maybe even more if that was possible ok?" Hizashi said, Izuku just cried harder and held his arms out for Hizashi to hug him which he gladly accepted after pulling me into the hug too. I think we might just all be ok.


Word Count: 963

So you all wanted a second book and here it is, I hope I don't disappoint you guys.

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