Chapter 2

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Izuku Aizawa POV

"How was your first therapy session Izu?" Shoto asked coming back into my room with dad and Jazzy.

"It was good, the therapist seemed really nice. When do I get to leave the hospital?" I asked. 

"The doctor wants to keep you here one more night just to be safe so you'll get to go home tomorrow. " Dad answered. 

"What am I gonna do after that?" 

"Well, we've decided to let you go back to the dorms under some circumstances, first you'll be sleeping in the common room for a while along with the three of us. We don't want you in a situation where you can lock yourself where we can't get to you. You will end up probably being surrounded by multiple people at all times just as a precaution. You can go back to school in a week and we will start up your hero training again but it'll be slow, you have a lot of catching up to do but you've caught up before and I know you can do it again." Dad explained and I just nodded as everything he said seemed pretty reasonable.

I feel kind of bad that I dragged them into my mess especially Todoroki, he's probably lost all kinds of hero training because of me. The classes training camp got delayed too because of me, I wouldn't blame them if they hated me because of that. Would I be better off just giving up on being a hero, it would get me out of everyone's way, they could continue their hero training without having to worry about me.

"Izuku, calm down, it's ok nobody is mad at you, we all are just happy you're ok and when you get back everyone will just be glad to see you ok?" Shoto said sitting across from me, I guess I started mumbling again. "We are still gonna go to the training camp in a few weeks and you and I can catch up together alright?"

"O-ok," I said calming down a little. 

"Good now, do you wanna do some more word searches to pass the time?" He asked and I nodded grabbing our word search book of the table next to me. Shoto and I each liked to compete with each other on word searches so he took one side of the book and I took the other side and whoever finished first won right now our scores were tied.  

After a few hours of word searches, it was getting late and I was tired so we decided it would be best to go to sleep so I was all ready to be released tomorrow plus dad and Jazzy had fallen asleep a while ago and we were having trouble being quiet enough not to wake them, they were really light sleepers.

After awhile of our quiet chattering, it was apparent that neither of us felt like sleeping we just wanted to talk to each other so when the doctor came in we asked if I can go on a walk and he agreed to it as long as Shoto came with but really why wouldn't Shoto come with?

We walked down to the cafeteria and sat down there for a while, we weren't talking about anything important though just small topics that changed into other topics over time. I liked this, it's been a really long time since Shoto and I have been able to just sit and talk without it involving tears or other people. Eventually, we decided we would have to back to the room, it was about two in the morning at this point and I'm surprised how long the doctor let us stay out this long.

~Later in the morning~

"Well, you two look absolutely exhausted," Dad said pretty much as soon as he woke up.

"We didn't really sleep," Todoroki said.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"No no, nothing is wrong we just stayed up all night talking because we didn't feel like sleeping," I said rubbing my eyes. Dad was about to speak again when he was interrupted by a nurse entering. 

"Alright guys, here are Izuku's papers just fill them out real quick and you guys are good to go, Izuku how are you feeling?" The nurse asked.

"I'm a little sore still but other than that I'm fine," I said and the nurse nodded before walking out.

"Alright you two pack up and we will deal with this paperwork," Dad said and Shoto and I started packing up what we had which was mostly just random activities we had collected to pass the time. Once we finished I was able to change out of my hospital gown and into my normal clothes which I don't think I realized how much I missed until this very moment. 

Finally, we were able to leave and head back to the dorms, the closer we got the more nervous I got to see everyone. "Don't worry Izuku, it'll be fine," Shoto said and I nodded looking out the window, well here we go.


Word Count: 835

So I'm gonna go ahead and start asking my questions again so my question for today is, how are you guys passing the time while we are in quarantine?

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