11 ✱ coffee and sex

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thank you for being patient with me in these weird times. buy yay, I'm in my home country so you should expect more updates.

tw: smut / Michael's pov


"I want to if you do." The younger man whispered.

And god, Michael wanted nothing more.


Michael stared at the empty table in front of him. He was lost for words.

"That was..." Luke was the first one to speak up. "Interesting?"

He quickly realized he was being stupid; Luke has never been to a business meeting so he might have thought this was normal. Which it wasn't.

"Whoever said you should never meet your heroes, were definitely right."

Finally, he turned towards Luke. The man looked beautiful, especially regarding the fact that Michael picked him up from his place an hour after he came home from his night shift.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized. "I literally kept you awake for absolutely no reason."

Luke laughed. "It's fine. I mean, I got free breakfast and got told I could make it as a side actor in LA."

Michael groaned and covered his face with his hands. Both of Luke's statements were a sign of sarcasm. While the husband was everything Michael expected him to be, a trophy husband, beautiful and smart, even though he acted stupidly. His favorite record label looked hungover and drunk at the same time. At the end of the day, they were both there to try and sell Michael things and not the other way around.

He was trying for years to convenience his family to connect with the music industry but his father said he'd only give it a blessing when he'd find suitable partners.

Instead, he agreed to look over their proposal for helping them organize a summer festival that had nothing to do with what Michael had wanted.

He had a feeling it was all his sister's doing and that she, once again, had tricked him.

The restaurant wasn't picked by Michael, it was expensive, which he didn't mind paying as it was a business expense, but the portion was nonexistent.

"Are you still hungry?" He asked his date for the day.

Luke finished his coffee. "What did you have in mind?"

"I can make you some pancakes before I drive you home."

"Do you have coffee?" Luke asked before yawning.

"I can just get you home."

"No," Luke stood up. "You promised me pancakes."

"I'm surprised you don't have a cook," Luke commented while sitting on the counter while Michael was mixing the batter up.

"I do actually, I mean she's called professional meal prepper I believe. Once a week she comes to my apartment and preps the food for the week, some meals I just have to throw together and some I cook but I have the ingredients already. I also eat at the office a lot and there's a kitchen in the business building."

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