25 ✱ trips and missing michael

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shorter chapter but please vote and comment anyway!

another month later


Luke didn't know what he did to deserve this.


"Are we taking a taxi to the airport?" Calum asked when they all gathered at Luke's apartment.

Ashton shook his head. "I asked someone to drive us. Are you guys sure you have everything packed?"

Those were the wrong words as Calum, who often forgot things at home, decided to unpack his suitcase and his backpack. He had everything but then almost left his passport on the table.

Luke knew he had everything. Well, as long as he had Dylan, he had what he needed.

He left the note with the instructions for his mum who'll come over the water the plants. Dylan insisted on leaving her a note too and Ashton had started to get nervous about them being late.

When they took the elevator down Calum nudged Luke and whispered. "Prepare to be surprised."

Surprised was a weak word as behind a very expensive looking car was Sam, Michael's sister.

"Hi guys," She awkwardly hugged Luke, and Calum and Luke looked away but he was pretty sure she and Ashton kissed.

Dylan asked who the lady was and when she explained she was Michael's sister he spent the car ride asking her about his best friend who was currently living in Sweden.

Luke spent the entire trip to the airport hoping Michael knew about this and he wouldn't have to break the news to him.

Luke didn't know what he did to deserve this.

He's been saving his money for years in hopes that he and Dylan will once get to travel the world together. But that day was supposed to come after he'd finish school and get a steady job and once Dylan was old enough to remember the places they'd visit.

Still, Luke appreciated Michael's birthday gift and he was even more excited about seeing the world with his best friends.

They had an unexpected layover in Dubai so they were able to see a bit of the city. Unexpected for Luke and Calum who let Ashton organize their vacation.

Their plane landed in Florence and they spent a few days exploring Tuscany, Pisa tower, the galleries, and cathedrals.

Luckily for Luke, Ashton and Calum decided to compete for the best uncle award and made sure Dylan was carried around when tired, that he was never hungry or thirsty. Dylan ate too many ice creams but he always shared them with daddy so Luke didn't mind.

His favorite moments were answering Dylan's silly questions about the art. Why were they dressed like this? Why are the sculptures white and why is David so tall?

After a few days, they made their way to Rome where they got blown away all over again.

Their days were based on food - pasta, pizza, and gelato and seeing as many beautiful things as they could.

While Ashton made sure they saw all the more famous attractions, Luke was in charge for everything that had to do with food, Calum hunted down some hidden streets where they'd take cute photos to send home.

Luke sent them to his mum, Jada, and Michael's mum, Calum wrote too many postcards to his students back at home and Ashton hinted he had sent the photos to Michael as well.

Dylan insisted on writing Michael a postcard and Luke had addressed it to his office in Sydney as he should be back home soon.

It wasn't until their last evening when they just decided to walk to the city center and eat more food when Luke thought how cool it would be if Michael was here.

Their plane home was postponed so for the first time in a few days Luke was the only one who could make Dylan happy. He opened his arms and let his son climb on his lap and fall asleep.

While Ashton and Calum spend their time arguing while playing trivia games Luke observed the airport.

He observed the people, some were nervous and some excited. Luke noticed people complaining, trying to buy or change their tickets.

The airport was big so there were a lot of people who were headed to different parts of the world for different reasons.

Luke looked at the board that was announcing departures and arrivals.

"Guys," He said with a panic in his voice.

Calum and Ashton immediately turned to him.

"I can't go home, I have to stay."


next chapter is in Michael's point of view, it's already written and I'll update as soon as this hits 35 votes. you'll love it, i promise.

thoughts on this chapter?

sam and ash?

the trip to Italy? florence? rome?

them being a cute/weird little family?

what do you think the ending is about?

Love, Lucija ♡

Wrapped around your finger ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now