Partner [edited]

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I watched as Eijun wound up for another practice pitch. The ball flying from his hand to Miyuki's glove, right down the strike zone. Then he looked down to his hand.

"You should be warmed up by now." Miyuki said as he threw the ball back "Let's get started." Azuma stepped into the box and tried taunting Eijun before his pitch. Azuma and Miyuki had a small conversation that ended with Azuma yelling for Miyuki to "Shut it!"

I looked back to Eijun to see him taking deep breaths on the mound trying to calm his nerves. "You look way too serious kid!" Eijun deadpanned; "Just throw it!" Azuma yelled while pointing his bat at my brother.

Miyuki put on his mask while crouched down. He looked just as serious as Eijun. Then he hit his glove and held it out for the pitch. Right down the middle. There's no way Eijun trusts him enough to do that.

He is not going to do it. I watched him wind up to pitch, he releases the ball. I watched his release point as he purposely threw the ball right into the ground.  Yes that does seem quite like something my brother would do.

"Time out!" Miyuki called. I believe he understands that brother does not trust him. Azuma began to protest as Miyuki made his way up the mound and to Eijun. When he got there he covered his mouth with his glove like he was in a real game so no one could read his lips to see what he was saying or overhear.

"I felt like he would've hit it if I threw it there." I could hear Eijun say because he didn't cover his mouth like he should've. Miyuki started laughing at Eijun. I knew that Miyuki had picked a good spot for Azuma so that he would crush it and Eijun would loosen up, although it is not the way I would have gone about it, there is a chance it may have worked.

Then he uncovered his mouth and through his laugh, said "Let me get this straight. You'd rather throw a ball than have him hit it?" He began to rile up Eijun to get him less tense. "You got a problem?" Eijun yelled at him.

Miyuki started laughing even harder; "You're absolutely right!" Then he wasn't laughing and had his arm wrapped around Eijun's shoulders. Miyuki said something that I couldn't hear from my place, but I assumed that Miyuki told him why he called that ball placement. As Eijun stared at him in shock.

They continued talking back and forth when Miyuki deadpanned, then started laughing and yelled "This is great! I'm even more motivated now!"

"Dammit!" Eijun yelled back; "You're making fun of me!" Yes dear brother, he has been doing that from the beginning. Though for a reason other than being mean. I could then see Miyuki begin to give my brother a motivational speech before he started walking back to behind the plate. Then he thanked Azuma for waiting.

He did the same actions as before when he was going to crouch down, hitting his glove and placing for Eijun's pitch. Eijun raised his right leg to wind up for his pitch. His shoulders are loose. He let go of the ball and it whipped straight through the strike zone.

He looked over at me and I gave a sliver of a smile and nodded 'that was good' I mouthed. Look happy... look happy. Be happy for him. He grinned and then turned back to Miyuki. "That was great! The batter couldn't even move!" Miyuki said.

Azuma started yelling at Miyuki for taunting him and began making up excuses. Miyuki moved a little to the left and called for a pitch at the same level, and Eijun looked a little unsure but pitched it again anyway. This time Azuma made contact and fouled it off.

Eijun's TwinWhere stories live. Discover now