Physical Therapy

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Eijun got off the train and stood right in the doorway, blocking anyone else from getting off. He looked up and smiled "Alright!" He yelled. Startling many people around him. "I'm gonna do it!" Then he started cackling, people may think he is insane.

Rei walked us out of the train station and to a car that was waiting. She opened the back door for us and I stood still, staring at the open door. I grabbed Eijun's wrist tightly and he looked me over then looked at where I was staring.
"Rei-chan. She would like to walk."
"But... it's a very long walk."
"I think we can make it." He said back and Rei looked at me and sighed in pity then said something to the driver and closed the door, then the car rolled off and she told us to follow her.


We were standing in the courtyard of the Spirit Dorms. "Sawamura kun. Be sure to get a good rest after you finish moving in. Our practice will wear you out even during spring break." Rei said.

"As for you Sawamura chan, we have you in the position of a player, however instead of attending practices you will be going to physical therapy and treatment for your arm." I smiled and thanked her.

"I also remembered how you said Eijun has to help you get your sling and brace on so I have you placed in the same room." She said; "Well, my job as a recruiter ends here then. You might come across speed bumps being in a new environment, but I believe in what I saw. Good luck. To the both of you."

"Sawamura kun. From here on out it will be a student-teacher relationship. If you don't speak with some manners, I'll beat the sense into you." She said while walking away.

"What are you serious!" Eijun screamed back, Rei turned her head back with a scary glare. Then a happy gaze as she said to me; "I'll come pick you up at 7:00 tomorrow for your therapy Sawamura chan, sleep well."

"Thank you. You as well." I said back to her. She left us alone at the entrance. "Seidou Spirit Dorm..." Eijun read off of the sign. He gave a dry chuckle and said "It looks more like an apartment." I hummed in agreement.

"That's pretty much what dorms are brother, just smaller." I said and walked forward to go and find our room. Eijun yelped from behind me, and I turned to see that he had run into a shirt. I stared back at him, waiting for him to catch up. Then I saw him ogle at some equipment that was lying around.

"A baseball life? Bring it on! Is this what it was like when you were in America Eija chan?" He asked. I nodded and said "Yes, this is pretty much the same."

I proceeded to look for our room on the right side of the lot on the first floor. We had been standing right in-front of it the whole time. "Masuko Tooru, Kuramochi Yoichi, Sawamura Eijun, Sawamura Eija. Here it is" He muttered. Dorm 5...

Eijun and I stood side by side "Rooming with the upperclassmen... Considering the level of this school I bet they're both amazing people." Eijun said.

I guess we'll see about that. He reached forwards to the door knob, hesitated, and then twisted the handle. He pulled open the door and it was dark inside until a flashlight came on right in front of us to illuminate a boys face. He had painted it with a pale blue/white paint and fake blood. His eyes were rolled back in his head to look scary or something.

Eijun wasn't at all scared until the boy smiled, gave a little giggle and locked eyes with Eijun. Then he shrieked and his behind me. "A GHOST!" He yelled.

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