Pep talks and Gentle Reprimandings

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(This is literally 2,500 words. I'm so sorry I forgot this fic was already published. Also has not been edited.)

I sat quietly at dinner with Eijun, picking and poking at my food. I flinched when he shouted and looked over to my left to see that he had eaten all his rice and instead of asking politely for more he decided to scream across the cafeteria.

"What do you know? You're eating now! You were throwing up your first day here." Miyuki slid down into the seat next to Eijun. "You youngsters really do grow fast."

"Shut up." Eijun said through the rice that was in his mouth.
"Don't talk with food in your mouth brother." I said. He looked around at all the others in the cafeteria.

"Everyone is so quiet. Did something happen?" Eijun asked.
"You haven't heard?" Miyuki looked at him with surprise.
"The tenth graders and the upperclassmen are having a game."

"WHAT?" Eijun screamed and grabbed Miyuki's collar. "I haven't heard anything about that! Can I play? Can I?" He continued yelling and some of the players around us started to look over at us.

"Eijun." He suddenly stopped all movement and just held Miyuki while frozen "Please put Miyuki senpai down and be quieter."

He released Miyuki right after I said that and quickly sat down. Miyuki also sat down and began to explain to Eijun.

"Usually, the tenth graders only do basic strength training. They don't participate in the first-string tryouts. But after our last game, we're a little desperate."

"Excuse me." I was a voice I had never heard before, "Can I sit next to you?"

He had jet black hair and he was pretty tall, I had never seen him before, but my brother seemed to recognize him. I had to turn my head to see him put his tray right between Miyuki's and brother's. Then he pushed Eijun out of the seat and sat where he was sitting.

"Miyuki senpai." He said, "During tomorrow's scrimmage, I don't plan on letting anyone hit my pitches." I had noticed how everyone had looked up from their meals to listen in and I knew if someone blew up at him it wasn't going to be good.

So I slowly stood up while he was still talking and decided to just leave the cafeteria. I was wanting to avoid any and all confrontation. I slowly walked the path to my room, my thigh was filled with a burning sensation from walking around so much today, Rei had me walk a mile on the treadmill no matter how many breaks I needed.

I had formed a slight limp in my walk. I made it to the room before anyone else could and I went to sleep before they could get there.


The next day we had no classes and we were using that time to have a scrimmage. I showed up at the field to take notes on every player that did anything. Which was actually a lot of people to keep track of.

I first went to the tenth graders dugout and asked for all of their names and wrote every single one down. Then I made my way to the upperclassmen's dugout, they were all watching me as I stepped into their dugout.

"U-umm, excuse me. The coach wants me to keep notes on all of you... so I need to write down all of your names please." It was said quietly but their dugout was silent with the exception of the tense feeling that I thought would have been filled with aggressive rock music if we were in a movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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