Not Qualified To Be A Pitcher?

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I met up with Eijun after our classes and we walked to lunch. There was a cafeteria at the dorms for just the baseball team which was where we ate.

There was a sign that said all players must eat three bowls of rice, but I was on a different diet that was given to me by Chris so I didn't end up eating three bowls of rice.

I sat with Eijun and nothing major happened, we weren't talking, just eating our food in peace until Miyuki came over and started saying that Eijun wouldn't have enough energy if he didn't eat. I looked to Eijun to see why he wasn't eating.

When I read his face, I immediately got up and started to leave the cafeteria. When I made it to the door I heard screaming.

"Don't throw up here!" It was Miyuki. I ignored it and walked to the field to meet Rei a little early. I had asked her earlier if she had anything that I could do so that I could watch my brother practice.

When I got there, others were starting to show up.
"Hello Rei."

I greeted her and she smiled at me, I saw she held an exercise band. "Eija chan, you can stand here next to the dugout and watch the first-string practice. What you're going to do is I'm going to tie this band around the pole here and you're going to hold it to the side and pull your hand in to your chest, okay?"

She used the band once to show me how and I nodded and grabbed the band. I saw the rubber resting around my palm but I only felt it when I wrapped my fingers around it.

I started the exercise like she said to and it felt bizarre. I was struggling to pull the band but I couldn't feel any resistance or strain in my bicep. I frowned at the band.

Rei looked at me funny.

"What's wrong Eija chan?"
"Well... nothing I suppose. It is just weird, I can see that I'm straining to move the band but I can't feel any form of resistance, I just see that I'm struggling."
"You can't feel anything working your muscle to move the band?"
"Nothing. It just looks like I'm having trouble, that's what's so weird about it." I said.
"I see, we'll just keep working at it. I'm sure we'll have you feeling something in no time." She told me. Then she walked off to supervise the practice.

My eyes darted to where Eijun was, talking to the head coach. I was supposed to be introduced to him later. I watched the coach walk quickly up to Eijun and he looked like he was going to hit him, my grip tightened immensely around the band and I could feel pressure in my fingernails as they pressed into my palm.

I watched carefully as he threw a ball straight passed my brother's head, I was relieved that he didn't hit him, it really looked like he was going to. The ball he threw flew into the fence and everyone seemed shocked. I couldn't hear what they were saying but he tossed my brother a baseball.

Eijun wound up like the coach did and he did a crow hop before he threw the ball, aiming for the fence like the coach, I'm sure. I watched the ball soar and then curve to miss the fence.

Eijun dropped to his knees before he got back up and started running. I furrowed my eyebrows, upset for him.

"You're bleeding."
"Am I?"

I looked to the boy that pointed it out. He had black spiky hair and he was taller than I was, his eyes were a pretty golden-brown color and he was tan.

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