Ch 13: I never trust a guy who blindfolds me

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Louis's POV 

She was so beautiful. Her hair was flowing in the wind, while her hands tapped out the beat of the music on the side of the car. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off of her, which was quite problematic as I was driving. 

"Eyes off of me and on the road," Claire chuckled. Her American accent was seriously the hottest thing I've ever heard. 

"Fine, love. But how can you tell I'm staring at you if you're blindfolded?" Yes. I blindfolded her, cause I didn't want to ruin the surprise. 

"I have a sixth sense, Tomlinson. Now keep those pretty eyes on the road. I plan on staying alive today." 

She was also very sassy. I liked it. 

Every day I spent with her, I could feel myself falling in love with her. But I don't want to ruin another relationship by jumping into things too quickly. Claire seems to feel the same way, but I don't know if she just wants a summer romance or maybe something more? Quite honestly, I don't know what I want either. It would be very hard to keep up a relationship when we're countries apart, but if Niall was planning on doing it with Sara, which is quite crazy considering they've never met, I think Claire and I could do it. 

"Louis are we there yet?" Claire whined. "I can't see a thing." 

I winked at her, even though she couldn't see it. "We'll be there soon enough babe." 


Claire's POV

So basically I let a guy whom I only met like two weeks ago blindfold me and put me in a car. Yes, I know I need help. But I figured YOLO. It was getting kind of annoying wearing that blindfold. I kept turning my head from side to side, hoping to see some light, but no. 

We'd been in the car for about thirty minutes or so. I was just guessing since I couldn't see. Every now and then, Louis would lean over and kiss my cheek. It was so adorable I might die. But I figured it'd be  a huge turnoff if I died on our first date, so I stayed alive. I felt the car make a sharp turn and Louis cursed underneath his breath. 

"Umm Lou is everything ok?" I asked nervously. 

"Yes love, everything's fine. Your surprise isn't quite ready yet, so we'll have to wait in the car." He sounded happy, so I believed him that everything was ok. 

"Ok, so then I can take my blindfold off right?" I reached up with my hands, but before I could touch it, Louis's hands wrapped around mine. 

"No love, I'm afraid you're going to have to keep that on." I pouted and tried to free my hands from Louis, but he was strong when he wanted to be. I felt his lips brush against mine as he pulled me into his lap. We kissed for a few minutes and just when things started to get...interesting... Louis pulled away. 

"Love, your surprise is here." He helped me out of the car and we stood there for a minute. 

"Louis, take off the blindfold. Now." 

"Someone's impatient," he laughed. He slowly removed the blindfold, painfully slow. When he finally took the blindfold off, I blinked in the bright sunlight. 

We were standing on a boardwalk in somewhere south of our beach house, I guessed. It was a relatively small town, rather tourist-trappy but I couldn't see what the surprise was. I looked at Louis curiously and he grinned. 

"Umm Louis, not that this town isn't charming or anything but?-" Louis grabbed my hand and started running. "Follow me!" 

I laughed as he dragged me along the boardwalk, ignoring the looks from the tourists. We reached the end of the boardwalk, where there was a dock. There were several boats along the dock, but the biggest boat by far was the one Louis was dragging me to. I dragged my heels until Louis stopped. He looked back at me, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Surprise love! I got us a yacht for the day!" he said cheerfully. My jaw dropped. He rented out a boat.. for me? Where was this world going to? 

"You-you got a yacht for me?" I stuttered. He nodded, walking closer to me and kissing me softly. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the boat. 

"I did this all for you because I care about you."

*Four hours later* 

The boat was rocking lazily in the crystal blue waters. I laid on the deck of the yacht, trying to tan. Louis was next to me, tracing designs on my hand. We were quiet, but it was peaceful. For the first time with a guy, I didn't feel like I had to hide myself. I could be my crazy, wacky, insecure self and he would accept it. I rolled over so I was facing Louis. He smiled and I smiled back. It was an involuntary thing, I smiled whenever he was around. He reached out and twirled a strand of my hair. I messed with his hair for a minute, it was soft. 

"Thank you for doing this for me. It really is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me," I said, biting my lip. He smiled softly, kissing my forehead. He really needed to stop doing that. It caused me to think things I probably shouldn't. 

"Like I said before Claire, I did this because I like you."

Uhhh, can we pause and rewind. Did Louis just say he liked me? 

"Well, I like you too," I squeaked. I so needed to text Sara and tell her. She was going to flip. He winked at me and pulled me close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I closed my eyes, thinking that my life couldn't get any better. 

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