Ch15 || Should've Said it

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I was crazy for you, all caught up and confused

"His name was Quibble Pants". Little did I know that right after I decided to reveal the mystery name Soarin would break out, laughing as if this was stand up comedy or some shit like that.

"Seriously?" He managed to say, still slightly chuckling.

" Yes". I then, find myself laughing along with him. "I know, his name sounds stupid. Really stupid. Like, whose last name is pants. I swear...."

" True". As we walk towards our way home, I continue to tell Soar about this "Quibble guy".

* May 2019*

" So what's it gon' be Quibble?" By this point, I'm not even thinking of leaving sometimes. I'm thinking of leaving PERMANENTLY. I'm so sick and tired of his behavior. Why am I still with this jerk anyways? What do I WANT from HIM. An even bigger question, WHAT does he WANT from ME?

" I-" The stupid coward ended up exiting rapidly through the front door, slamming ,running away too afraid to face me so of course, he was absent for awhile week until he finally "came to his senses "....Sike.

He didn't even show up to school! He had the nerve to come knocking at MY house, yes MY house. Like dude, I've had enough of your freaking lies. 

I was stupid enough to let him in. Well, lets see what he's gotta say. Probably the usual. Oh Dash, my Dash. I didn't mean it! I promise to change and not do the same thing! Ha. Lies, pure lies. What's going to save this poor boy, he needs serious help.

" Dash, my Dash. I didn't mean it!" He begged, on his knees. Like literally. Here we go again, the usual. I take a deep breath, knowing this is gonna take quite a while. Maybe I should've plugged in my air pods so I don't have to listen to any of this.

"I thought you said you'd change!" I yelled, full of anger. He did it again! I can't believe it, he promised he wouldn't!

" I'm sorry, I won't do it again " he leaned in closer for a kiss but I backed away.

"No! That's what you said last time! You broke your promise for the hundredth buckin' time!"

" Well, this time I will change for good dash." I was so sick and tired of his lies. I just don't want to go through this bullshit again. This has turned into a very toxic relationship and it ain't healthy for neither of us.

" You know what? Leave". Oh, I was furious. Yeah, it wasn't the first time he's gone off with another girl and I admit, I'm used to it but I just don't want to deal with it anymore!


I was quite nervous the next day, knowing I'd have to see him either way. There was no possible way of avoiding him. This dude is like, he literally shows up wherever I'm at. Geez, I swear.

I'm not afraid of the sight of him, my fear is to fall for him.... again. I really don't want to, but Quibble. He's the kind of guy who you say you won't fall for, but its just something about him that makes you contradict yourself. And yeah, it sucks. I'm sure everyone knows that feeling, at least once in their lifetime. Right?

The one and only thing that will keep me sane during times like this is music. Calms down my nerves, without it i'd probably be getting mini anxiety attacks.

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