Ch6|| Copycat

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Don't be cautious, don't be kind

You committed, I'm your crime

Push my button anytime

You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine


"And I can't help but to hear. No, I can't help to hear an exchanging of words 'what a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!' says the bridesmaid to a waiter. And yes, but what a shame. The poor grooms bride is a-" I tell this stranger who's name apparently is Soarin... if that is his real name. I d


I just don't know this phycon't even know the guy! But my mom wants me to have a conversation with him instead of just being on my phone, listening to Panic! At the Disco. But whatever.

"Rainbow!" my mom shouts furiously.

"I wasn't going to say the word if you were worried about that" she frowns, giving me the " Please have an actual conversation with the boy" look. Or it could be the "don't forget to clean your room" look. I honestly can't tell them apart anymore.

"What are you talking about again Iris?" he smirks, knowing that nickname annoys me. He continues to dribble the basketball around the living room even though his mom who happens to be my moms best friend specifically told him not to.

"I told you to not call me that! " I whined in annoyance. I can see his face right now, silently laughing because he thinks that he has angered me by calling me "Iris" but no, he's wrong! Okay, fine! I admit it, He managed to get to my nerves. Why did my moms best friend's son have to be him? Why, just why?

You know what? I'm gonna get him back. I'm going to annoy him by continuing saying random song lyrics that literally make no sense in a normal conversation.

Silver dollar, golden flame

Dirty water, poison  rain

Perfect murder, take your aim

I don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name

" Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind?" I question him, while looking into his emerald green eyes. Of course, my dumb mind wasn't thinking straight until after I said that out loud. I didn't think that he'll probably reply with a smart ass comment. Dang, how stupid could I be? Am I really out of my head? Am I really out of my mind?

" Yeah, you are. Good thing you realized that sooner" he teased while tossing the basketball in thin air. I'm surprised he hasn't broken a vase or something. I wish he would, so that he can get in trouble and leave!

I suddenly think of a comeback. "Where's my mind?" I ask him while looking around the room in confusion as if I'm literally looking for my mind behind the sofa. "Where's my mind" I ask once again, expecting to hear an answer only a dumb ass would reply. Hopefully "Soarin" will reply with a dumb ass answer. If he doesn't then, I'm dead.

"Its inside of your head stupid, duh!" Navy haired dude replies in a "I'm teaching preschool" tone of voice. Dang, another smart ass remark. Does he know I'm stating Billie Eilish lyrics or what? He literally just said "Duh" which we all know is what she says in "Bad Guy". Love it or hate it, you know the song. One of last years biggest music hits.

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