Sasha - Don't be Juvenile

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I sat at the table watching Brooklyn walk away.

I can't believe she had the audacity to walk away from me. Who is she to play victim? And she turned the tables and turned me into the bad guy. I am too old for this kind of immaturity I dont need that.

" Sasha!" I looked up and saw Janelle running towards me.

" Hey what are you doing here by yourself?" I asked worried.

" I came down with Brandon but he said that he had to go find his friend. So he told me that you were down here and that I had to go find you." She explained.

"Janelle how old are you?" I asked

" Four." She said with a proud smile

I shook my head in disappointment. What kind of big brother leaves their four year old sister alone?

" Alright. Well lets go find your brother okay?" Janelle grabbed my hand and we started walking in the direction of the elevators. Brandon and Cameron came walking around the corner.

" Hello beautiful girls." Said Brandon.

" So I just wanna know why you think its okay for your little sister to be roaming around a hotel by herself." I said to Brandon with my arms crossed

He rolled his eyes " Look she's smart. I'm not worried about her getting lost."

" That won't stop her from getting kidnapped. Any grown man could come up and snatch her. You need to be more thoughtful." I scolded him

" Okay mom thanks for the lecture." He said sarcastically. He looked at Janelle and got down on his knees so that he was eye level with her. " I am sorry that I left you alone Nelly. Do you forgive me?"

" Yes." Janelle said sweetly. " Can we go bowling now?"

" You're bringing your sister?" Cameron asked.

" Yeah sorry guys. The fam is going skiing today but she's too young and someone had to stay behind so I volunteered."

" Its okay. We're gonna have lots of fun right Janelle?" I asked.

" Yeah!" She said with enthusiasm.

" So where is this bowling place?" I asked

" It's near the spa." Said Cameron

" Um no. I've been coming here for five years and not once have I seen a bowling alley near the spa." I said

" Its new." Said Brandon.


Brandon puts Janelle on his back and then he and Cameron start to walk to the bowling alley. I follow behind them until we reach it. It looked pretty much like a Stars and Strikes but smaller and inside a resort. To get in we just had to scan our wrist bands that everyone gets when they come to this resort. Then we went and got our bowling shoes and found ourselves a table. Brandon went ahead and ordered pizza and drinks for our table. While he was doing that I entered in everyones name into the system and Cameron was helping Janelle put on her shoes.

" Alright whose going first" Brandon asked once he got back.

" My name is up there first Brandon!" said Janelle

" Alright then I guess that means you're first." Janelle hoped out of her chair and went over to grab a bowling ball. Of course they were all too heavy for her to lift.

" Let me get up and help her." Said Brandon

" No actually let me do it." Said Cameron

" Okay?" Brandon said with confusion

Cameron got up and helped Janelle grab a ball from the shoot and took her to the lane.

" So how was the talk with Brooklyn?" Brandon asked me.

" It was complete trash. She completely turned herself into the victim of the situation. She uses the argument that she met my brother before she met me but that doesn't change anything"

" Look Brandon I knocked over some pins!" Exclaimed Janelle.

" Good job Nelly! Now try to knock down some more pins in your next turn." He looked back at me.              " Anyway I don't wanna say you're overreacting, but you certainly are acting a little immature don't you think?"

" Excuse me?" I said in disbelief.

" Ok look. Their relationship isn't going to last you know that. It's just a little winter break fun. They'll go their separate ways and will probably fall off once school starts back. So just let them have their fun. They're going to mess around with or without your approval. So stop being petty and just be friends with her." He patted my hand and then got up to go play his turn.

He does have a point. It still makes me so uncomfortable though. I'll have to think about it later I don't know.

A worker came and brought us the pizza and drink that Brandon had ordered.

" Pizza! Pizza! Yay! Yelled Janelle.

"Here let me get you a slice." Said Cameron. He grabbed a plate and served Janelle two small slices.

" You know you've been really good with her today." I pointed out to Cameron.

" Thanks. I'm trying to improve my skills with kids before I have one of my own. Usually I'm not too good with then." He explained

" Well I think thats sweet. You got plenty of time for that you know though." I said laughing.

" Yeah yeah I know" he said defensively " but still."

" Okayyy Cameron" I rolled my eyes and grabbed myself a slice of pizza. Brandon came back and sat down.

" Finally I'm so hungry." He grabbed three slices and put them on his plate. " Let's eat!"

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