Brooklyn - Positive

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I took one final look at myself in the mirror before I walked out of the suite. I was wearing skinny jeans with a fitted long sleeve white shirt. To complete the look I had put on my 2in black heeled boots and a black leather jacket. I ran a straightener quickly through my hair to get out some of the waviness.
" Yup. You look pretty nice Brooklyn. " I complimented myself out loud.
I walked out of the room to the elevator to meet Sasha at the cafe. When I arrived she was already there. She looked up and forced a small smile onto her face.

Well that's not a good sign.

"Hey" I said cheerfully trying to break the tension.

"Hey" she said really awkwardly.

There was an awkward silence before either of us spoke.
"So about last night" I started off.

"Yeah what was that?" she asked cutting me off. "I knew from the moment Trey opened the door that something was going to happen between you two. But I mean I was really hoping it wouldn't."

"Why? " I asked " Like honeslty why is it such a big deal if I like your brother?"

"BECAUSE HE'S MY BROTHER! she yelled at me.
I lurched back and gave her a look to calm down.

"Because he's my brother. " She said again slightly calmer. " And it's just always weird when someone you want to hang out with wants to smash your sibling. Plus I don't see why you guys are even pushing this romance crap. We're about to leave soon and will most likely never see each other again. So what's the point of even trying to like eachother?"
I was starting to get angry but I was trying to be mindful of what my mom had told me.

" It's not like I chose to like your brother. I thought he was attractive before I had even met you. Things just happen sometimes. And just because I like your brother doesn't mean I wouldn't want to hang out with you. But I mean why would that matter to you if I would only get to hang with you a few more days anyway. And also how are you going to talk about me and Trey not lasting when you and Brandon clearly have something going on?"

" Brandon and I live in the same state. Even though it's about an hour away I could still go see him if I wanted. You on the other hand would have to put more effort into seeing Trey."

Now I was just getting annoyed.

"Look I know your not happy that your brother and I have a thing going on, but you need to just get over that. Plus like you said we most likely won't last anyway. I am willing to figure out how to make this work between all of us if you're up for it. I only have three days left here after today so you let me know when you decide on what you want."
I got up from my chair and stormed off to go back to my room. I was headed to the elevator when a little girl ran into me.

"Um excuse me do you know a girl named Sasha?"

I sighed heavily.

"Yeah she's over there in the cafe. "

The little girl smiled. "Ok thank you"

I pushed the button for the elevator. While waiting for the door to open I noticed Cameron sitting in one of the lobby chairs by himself. I walked over to him and covered his eyes.

" Guess whooo."

" Hi Brooklyn." He said unenthusiastically.

"Hey what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked.

" Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me."

I sat down in the chair next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. " Cameron what's wrong? I know we haven't known each other long, but I do care about you." He was silent. " Is this about your girl?" I noticed a single tear start to fall from his eye, but he brushed it off before it could trail down his face.

" Look imma tell you, but I need you not to open your mouth about this to anyone." He said looking at me very seriously. " Brandon doesn't even know".

"Your secret is safe with me."

He was silent for a minute before speaking again.

" Last night my girlfriend Kamille told me that she's pregnant. She sent me a picture of five positive pregnancy test lined in a row. They all either had a plus sign or said pregnant. She doesn't seem to be that nervous. She's gonna have it and keep it. It's like she just accepted it and is okay with it, but I'm not. We're only 18. We're not ready for this. I'm definitely not ready for this." He looked at me with tears in his eyes.  " We graduate in a few months and then we're supposed to be going off to college. Like what are we gonna do now that a baby is in the picture.

" I hate to be a mom, but why were you having unprotected sex in the first place?"

He let out a breath of frustration. " We just wanted to do it without a condom once, but I pulled out in time. Or atleast I thought I did. I guess not fast enough."

I sighed with disappointment. "Well are you going to stay and support her" I asked.

" Of course I am. I love her. We've been dating since we were 15. I'm not gonna leave her, because of something we both did together." This made me smile.

" Good. I think that's a really good decision. I'm not in a relationship or anything, but when I do get in one I hope the guy is just like you. I think guys that stand by their girls are everything."

" I know"

I looked at him reassuringly " Look. You guys made a decision. But you both seem to be mature about it and that's great. It's gonna be hard of course, but I'm here for you. Even though I won't be near you to physically help, I'll always be there for emotional support." I gave him my number so we could keep in touch after we leave.

" Thanks Brooklyn. I really needed to talk to someone about this" He stood up and hugged me.

I smiled at him " No problem."

Brandon came up from behind and smacked Cameron on the back. " Aye ready to go bowling."  Cameron nodded.

" Ouuu bowling sounds fun" I said

" Yeah I would invite you to come, but Sasha is gonna be there and with the drama going on between y'all I don't think it's such a good idea." Said Brandon.

" Oh yeah...sure okay. I understand." Trying my best not to sound hurt.

" Sorry Brooklyn. It's nothing personal just don't wanna have that drama messing up the fun."

" Yeah don't worry about it it's fine" I lied

" Alright then see ya" Brandon said walking off.

" Bye Brooklyn. I'll talk to you later." Cameron gave me one last hug before walking off with Brandon.
I watched them leave before I sat back down in the chair.

All my friends are hanging out without me. All of this is happening because I like her brother. Any other boy and no one would care, but of course it had to be Sasha's brother.

Tears of frustration started to roll down my face. I have no one to hang out with. This is a joke.

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