Trey - A rose

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"Bye Trey" Brooklyn looked back at me


Sasha closed the door behind them and I fell onto the couch. I rubbed my hand over my face in anger.

She has a date. I should've gone to the dance I have to go. Someone else is going to get her before I even get a chance. Christmas is two days away and then we're only here for another week and I don't know how long she's staying. But.........I'm so nervous.....nope just come on Trey. Suck it up and let's go.

I jumped out of my chair and ran into my room. I went over to my suitecase and got out the white shirt and a red bow tie that I wear every year. Then I got my black leather jacket off the chair that was next to my bed. Quickly, I threw on the clothes and put on some black shoes. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth twice to make sure my breath was extra minty. Then I combed my hair and sprayed on a bit of cologne.

I'm ready

I texted my mom letting her know I was going to the party and then I grabbed my key to the suite and left. I walked to the elevator slowly. If Brooklyn and Sasha are still in the lobby I don't want them to see me. I stepped into the elavator and pushed floor 10 to buy me some time. The whole ride up I practiced walking up to Brooklyn.

" Hi Brooklyn I've been looking everywhere for you."
Nah that's lame.

"Hey Brooklyn having fun?"
Mmmm no. Maybe I should just play it shy and walk over to her and tap her shoulder. Then she turn around and I'll just smile. Yea.....I'll do that.

The elevator doors opened. No one was waiting at the door so I pushed floor 1. The closer I got to 1 the more freaked out I got. The door opened and I stepped out. I went to the front desk to ask where the teen Christmas party was being held. Of course I already knew where it was, but this would buy me some more time. A lady was sitting at the desk on her phone.

"Excuse me? Where is the teen Christmas party being held?"

"In the teen center. Its right next to the indoor pool." She answered. Just take a left past the breakfast area and keep going straight. You should be able to hear the music so just follow that."

"Ok thank you ma'am ."

"Welcome and oh" She bent down a came back up with a red rose. " Is there a special someone you'll be with?"

"Well" I hesitated " I really hope so"

" Mm ok well if it works out give her this. It will make her feel special." She handed me the red rose.

I smiled at her " Thank you" I took the rose and started walking towards the party.

"Have fun!"

I turned back and nodded at her.

No sight of the girls so far so they must already be At the party.

I turned the corner like the lady told me to and I could start to hear the music. I followed it until the music was really loud and I saw a sign that said Teen center Christmas party! Let's turn up for Christmas.

I rolled my eyes
So stupid

As I walked into the party the song "All I want for Christmas is You" came on. This is the perfect song for me to give Brooklyn the rose. I started to walk through the crowd of people. I have to find her before this song ends.

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