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A long red hair girl was spotted under her treehouse, resting her mind and body by closing her eyes and becoming unconscious. She didn't want to go inside, she hates people especially those who are a charlatan. A person falsely claiming to have a piece of special knowledge or skill. Also known as fraud.

She also hates those social butterflies. Who is extroverted, enjoys meeting and talking to new people, and does not confine him or herself to only a few social groups. Even if you're a social butterfly, there are still stupid humans that will trick and wreck you.

She's often thought of as a quiet, reserved, and thoughtful individual. She doesn't seek out special attention or social engagements, as this event can leave her feeling exhausted and drained.

She is the opposite of social butterflies or extroverts. Extroverts are often described as the life of a party. They seek out interaction and conversations. They aren't one to miss a social gathering, and they thrive in the frenzy of a busy environment.

"Amica! Amica! Wake up! Your visitors wanted to see you."

Her nanny Mania tries hard to wake her up but her baby won't even open her eyes. And so, she holds her left and right shoulders then move her from side to side with rapid, forceful, jerky movements.

"Nanny stop! I'm already talking."

Her nanny Mania obliged. She holds Amica's hand and forcefully run until they reach the door of their mansion.

"Amica, my baby! There you are. Come, let's go to your birthday party."

Her mother approaches her with a warm hug and holds her arm.

"More like boring birthday party mom."

Her mother glared at her while they are walking.

"Shhh. Don't say that, this will be fun sweetheart. You're already seventeen years old and you even don't know how to mingle? Ohh, look! There's your twin sister, talking to her new friends. You should join them, sweetheart."

She just rolled her eyes because of irritation, they are more like foes to her. For they always catch the attention of her lovely twin sister named Danica, a social butterfly too.

When they were still kids, they always manage to make time for each other and even their parents can't make them separate one another but not until they were thirteen. Fewer attentions, fewer communications, and lastly, less love because of her other friends. And that's one of the reasons why she chose to be alone, she chose to make more time for herself, and yet she can still feel the missing puzzle. She wants her sister back and be with her forever.

She looks again at her mother, giving a nod and slowly step her way through her twin sister.

"H-hey twin! Happy birthday!" she said while trembling.

"Ohh hey there twin, come and join us! Anyways guys! This is my twin sister, Amica. Amica, these are my new friends. I've neglected those old friends of mine so that hypocrites will be deducted." her twin said, giving her the sweetest smile.

Well! That isn't new, her twin usually changed some of her friends for the reason that she hates deceiving her. That is so good that she's strong enough to face her foes.

Her friends start to place their hands in front of Amica, preparing for some shake hands. Unluckily, Amica just stares at it and starts to walk away.

That's why Amica hates being friendly, they will just use and humiliate you.

"No. They can't and will never do it to me, not even a single bit."

She said with full of madness in her silver eyes.

An Aloof Lady (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now