Chapter 1

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Sitting in class, dreading speeches that have to be given my entire class grumbles as I sit in my comfy seat in the right hand corner with my hood up and trying to sink into my seat without my teacher noticing me. “Lexi Matthews,” a nasally congested voice basically yells at the class making me cringe and the rest of the class laughs at my discomfort. I try to ignore the voice as I feel everyone’s eyes on me, “Lexi Matthews your up, must I repeat myself.” Obviously you must since this is the second time, I think to myself. I regrettably get out of my chair making my way to the front, as I start to give my speech about what I don’t remember, the class starts to laugh outright, even the teacher snickers. I look up and that's when I see everyone pointing at me, I look down and see I am stark ass naked, I scream. That’s when I start to hear the Doctor who Theme song getting louder and louder. The next second I jump up in my bed and let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding, then fly back against the pillows, “only a dream,” I say to myself.

I go to hit my Tardis alarm clock off and I get tangled in my sheets which has me face planting into my carpet, and that is how my brother finds me as he wheels his wheel chair into my room. He laughs, “Great landing I give it a 9 I would have given it a ten if you got a rug burn.” I snarl at him and hop up, “I’m going to kick your ass.” He laughs harder, “ You can try but even in this chair Im still stronger then you.” My brother Daniel is a senior as well and will be turning 19 at the end of the school year. He was in a car accident and a drunk driver hit him, doctors told him he’d probably never walk again. I treat him the same as I did before because if I try and baby him he gets pissed off. “Get out of my room,” I yell as I throw my pillow at him, he laughs and throws it even harder at my face as I’m about to tell him off my door shuts behind his wheels. My brothers a pain in the ass but I still love him. Well sometimes, well most of the time, ok ok you don’t have to beat it out of my Ill always love him.

Looking at the clock I see its almost time for school. I take a quick shower without even drying my hair I throw it into a messy bun. I don’t wear makeup unless you count cherry chap stick. I put in my purple tongue ring and an eyebrow ring that has a purple star connected to the hoop. I pull on my favorite pair of blue jeans that are a little baggy and have wholes in the knees. I toss on my Rob Zombie spaghetti strap with a black hoodie over it. I slip into my black flip-flops grab  my brown shoulder bag and android and race for the door. Daniel is already waiting in the car. Mom must have got him in. I throw my stuff in and start the car. “Hell Lex, took you long enough its gonna be a pain in the ass finding a parking spot,” My brother bitches. “Ya ya Ill drop you at the door then go find a spot so stop whining like a little bitch,” I laugh and my brother punches me in the shoulder. “What the hell Dan that flipping hurt,” I growl as I rub the sore spot and start pulling out of the parking spot at the same time. “Whatever,” my brother smirks. I mutter to myself about how brothers are pains in the asses.

As I pull up in my beat up blue Stratus I feel peoples stares all around. I hop out of the car while I get Daniels Wheel chair out and aim it towards the passenger seat and put the breaks on. Daniel scoots himself over and uses his upper body to lift himself into his seat. My brother may be in a wheel chair but he is crazy muscular which I still find ridiculous. “See ya sis,” Daniel yells over his shoulder as he wheels away. “Ya ya stay out of trouble,” I yell at his retreating back. I drive my car around the parking lot and see one spot open close to the front as Im about to pull in a BMW pulls in I honk my horn and start cussing out the window, “What the hell.” As I get out of my car to yell some more at the ass whole who cut me off, The door of the BMW bangs into me knocking me on my ass. I look up ready to give who ever it is a piece of my mind and I about pass out when I see who’s in front of me. ‘Um,” I stutter. The most gorgeous man is standing in front of me he looks to be 18 Has shaggy blonde hair with one green eye the other eye is blue. He’s muscular in all the right places and looks to be about 6’2 which towers over 5’8. Well okay not really but it sure feels like it. I feel his eyes on me as I sit there with my head down. I hear him chuckle, “you should probably watch where your going, huh.” A shiver goes down my spine as I hear his chuckle and deep sexy voice. Then what he said registers in my mind, I jump up and throw a stick at his back as he walks away. As the stick hits him he turns around with a wicked gleam in his eye and raises his eyebrow. I lift my eyebrow to mock him and snicker, “ What never had someone get pissed at you and throw something.” He walks towards me slowly and backs me into his BMW I feel the door press against my butt. He leans in and puts each of his hands on each side of my head. I feel myself blush from his closeness. His lips lightly touch me ear,” Never had someone this close before huh, he then lighly drags his finger down my cheek and makes me shiver just a little. As his finger rubs against my lip I bite him, hard which makes him yell, “What the hell.” I push him back hard even though I really want to grab him close. “That’s what you get for cutting me off for this spot, lifes a bitch isn’t it,” I laugh as I run to my car as soon as I get the door closed I hear him pounding on my door. I step on the gas and park in the back trying to get the butterflies out of my stomach and his sexy eyes off my mind. “Lexy Lexy what did you get yourself into,” I groan to myself as I hit my head on the steering wheel.

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