Chapter T w o: Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts

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It was the First Day in Hogwarts and Harry's fifth year, still, that's the first time someone would get sorted into a house, even though they were far above the normal Age.
It was a girl, maybe fifteen, with hair as light as snow, pale marble skin, and beautiful icy-blue eyes. Too gracious was her way of walking, to be a Muggleborn, yet it was too jumpy from her serene happiness, for her to be a Pureblood like Malfoy. 
There were two new faces in the rows of the Staff too, a pink Toad lady, and a young man with long black hair and strange rosy-brown eyes; He seemed to give hissing sounds from himself every now and then.
Silence filled the Hall, as the last one of the new Firstyears got sorted and seated, and Dumbledore held his Chin High as he spoke with pride:" A Wonderful Day, my dear Students and Staff. Not only begins another glorious year on our school, but we also have to announce the arriving of one of the most important People in Magicss History: Applause for our newest Student, Abigail Gorgorra, without who's heart her Brother, the great Lord Gorgorra would have never begun to allow Muggleborns and low ranked Beastblooded to go to his School in Netherland! You have my respect, young One, for not everyone has this Bravery to change the Attitude and Rules of a whole Race, it is a Pleasure to teach You from now on."

Applause filled the great hall with happiness and gratitude, and Harry clapped his hands too, not really understanding the Situation.
The Girl flushed Red in embarrassment. "O-Oh! No, don't thank me! Brother already wanted to terminate the Rules, I just asked him to make our school open for others too! That is nothing special!"

"Oh, but it is, my Child: The School of Gorgorra is a Privat School, only open for the Elite of the Elite, and only open for those with the purest of Blood. But you made it possible for children from weaker Bloodlines to learn magic too, it is no shame to admit that. Your Brother himself told me, how surprised he was of you, to show such love for those that were for millennia beneath the feet of your kin. Now, your Brother may be a Lord that teaches the elder Equality, but you offered the poor Education, which is just as important. So let me praise you, and tell you, no matter in which house you may end up in, It is a pleasure to have you here!"

Applause tuned again, and the girl named Abigail was sent to sit down at the seat, where the Speaking Hat was sat upon her brow.
After a second of silence, that felt like an Eternity, the Hat called out the Name of the to which she would belong to, and Harry looked at her strangely at what followed.
" S L Y T H E R I N !!"
"Oh, ok." And she walked to the Hufflepuff table. Many Students whispered to each other, some even giggled and called her stupid, however, as Harry looked over to Dumbledore, he knew what she was doing was not Stupidy.
"Miss Gorgorra. Would you explain, why you are sitting with the Hufflepuffs now?"

The Whiteblonde Girl smiled at the Director of the School, and Harry could see her eyes glitter even from his seat."Because they seem the nicest. Just because I belong now to the Slytherins, doesn't mean I can't make friends elsewhere as well. Brother taught me equality, and Mother taught me to never judge or discriminate anyone. So, I sit here, at the table that seems to have the friendliest hearts. And every day I will sit on a different table, and make Friends: We all are worth the same, so we should stay united and help each other wherever we can, am I not right?"

The pink clothed Toad-Lady hummed sickly sweet and seemed to have wanted to hush her, however, she was interrupted by Dumbledore himself."Wonderful, Miss Gorgorra, I couldn't have said it better! Yes, Students, you heard right! Fr4om now on, it is allowed to sit wherever you want, with whoever you want. Friendships between Houses will be supported greatly.
Thank you, Miss. Gorgorra, you may sit down now on your chosen Seat."

And as the new Student sat down within the Badgers, Dumbledore cleared his throat once more, as the toad made a mother high pitched noise."Ah, Yes. We also have two new Teachers from now on: May I introduce to you-"

"Miss Dolores Umbridge, hmhm!" interrupted him the pink lady rudely, all students, even the new ones, seemed to not like her this very second. "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance...There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering... Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness, and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited."

Dumbledore was Fuming, however, showed her his cold Shoulder, and sighed:"Well, now that Miss Umbridge just rudely introduced herself"She wanted to say something again, but was with a Hiss of the other new Face shut up right away"I will now introduce your New Teacher against the Dark Arts and first official Guard of Hogwarts, Lord Ava Gorgorra!"

The young man gave the crowd a Bow and smirked. "Just call me Professor Gorgorra, please."

"Ah, yes. And I also believe that you have to say something to the Students here?"
"To the Staff as well, but have my thanks, Professor Dumbledore. Now, Children." The young man stood now where Dumbledore had spoken his speech and gave a dazzling smile to Abigail."My Name is Ava Gorgorra, and I am, as already said, your new Teacher in Defense against the dark arts. I also will work here as Guard, which means that it will be my duty to look after you Children and ensure your Safety within the school grounds, so you may see me checking on you in the Classrooms. I am free to talk to and open for a little Mischief, as long as no one gets harmed. And when I say harm, I don't just mean when a Student hurts another, or when one falls down a few stairs! No, I am also here for the case, should a teacher hurt you.
Know that my Position was allowed from not just the Ministery, but the  Alliance of the Thirteen magical Realms. So even when this teacher should be Umbridge, I am allowed to handle her, pardon my language, arse, and kick her out. Please, do not break rules, or at least...
Don't get caught!"

Cheers were heard in the great hall once more, and Fred and George hooted in amazement, saying how cool the new teacher is, and even Hermione seemed to like him, especially the white-blonde girl she seemed fond of, which clearly was the new Professors Sister, this much Harry had understood.
Food was filling the tables and plates, and Harry was happy, for for once he wasn't the Main Attraction.

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