Chapter T h r e e: Smirking Snakes

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After the Meal in the Great Hall, Abigail walked with a wide smile to the Dungeons, where the Rooms of the Slytherins were located, a soft hummed Melody on the tip of her tongue: She just loved it to sing.
Especially, when she was happy, which she was since she made Friends with the Gryffindor Neville Longbottom, and the Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood, as well as the Hufflepuff Kouta Ohnishi, which was in a Duelling Club, A club that only had few members now, whatever reason this may have.

With a giggle, she danced through the corridors, until she crashed against someone, which made both her and the person stumble and fall to the ground. Sheepish, she helped the cursing girl up but was greeted with a slap in the face instead of a nice welcoming. With wide eyes, she scrambled away, holding shocked her cheek, while the girl rubbed her hand at the wall as if she had just touched the most disgusting thing in the World."Watch out where you walk, you Circus Monster! Dirty Blooded Creatures like you shouldn't-""Pansy! Stop, and apologize immediately, She didn't do you anything!" Echoed an angry male Voice, and Abigail found herself surprised, as a platinum-blonde boy helped her into a proper stance, and looked at her cheek.

The girl that had slapped her, blushed madly."B-but Draco, Darling, She attacked me! Don't touch her, your hands will get filth-""I said enough, Pansy! Stop your foul Behaviour, and use your brain: If you can't see her as human, at least look at her status and think about the fact that her brother is here as well, a strong Man whose Lordships are worth more then the lives of your whole family! Now apologize, or go!"

And with a huff, Pansy Parkinson walked away, leaving Draco with Abigail alone. The Malfoy heir sighed and apologized on his Acquaintances' behalf. "I am terribly sorry about her rude behavior. Parkinson is not Master of her Manners, I fear."

The heir of Gorgorro chuckled at that and smiled at him softly. "It's alright, It was me that ran into her, after all. The Name is Abigail Gorgorra, even though I believe you already know that. And you are?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in Person, Abigail. I can call you Abigail, I hope?" asked the male unsurely, and Abigail smiled even brighter.
"Of course you can! I would be honored if I could call you by your first name as well. Would you allow me to do so?"

Draco gave her a court smile, and nodded his head."You may do as you please, Abigail. Now, I guess you were heading to the Dungeons. Care If I join?"
She took the place beside him and smirked."I would love that."

What a nice boy.

The next morning, Abigail walked together with Draco to the Great Hall, where she got her Timetable, then said Goodbye to Draco, and went to sit down with the Gryffindors, next to Neville. "Hi, Neville! How was your Night? Did you rest well?"

Shyly, the Boy smiled at her and nodded friendly."Yes, it was a calm night, as most Nights in Hogwarts are. How are the Slytherins? Not too mean, I hope?"

"No, No, they are really nice. Some are a bit stoic, and one was really rude yesterday, but i made a few new friends there. You would never believe it, But Daphne Greengrass likes Herbology! She even has a few seeds with her, which she wants to plant at the sea, but she doesn't want to do it alone. Which is why I play Owl a bit. Do you know someone who likes Herbology too?"

Neville twiddled his thumbs."Uh, well, Me. I really like Plants and Herbs and all..."
"How wonderful!" chirped Abigail, her eyes glittering in amazement and happiness."Would you join us later?"

"Uhm, sure. But the Gryffindors have lessons till three-thirty today, so you may have to wait."

The Gorgorra Girl giggled. "Oh Neville, you are so silly. Did you forget that we have the last two hours together? Slytherins and Gryffindors have school-end at the same time, you Daydreamer."

"O-Oh." the poor shy boy blushed in embarrassment, and Abigail cooed over him, and hugged him softly."Aww, don't be ashamed, I think it's cute! And to be honest, I already lost my timetable and forgot most of the stuff myself."

"Will you find your way later then?" asked the boy worried, and Abigail laughed with a shrug. "Sure do. I already asked Draco if I could walk with him. He is nice, one you lend an ear to him. He also shushed the rude Slytherin yesterday away. He will help us later, and he is willing to show propper manners even to you lions, as long as there won't be anyone offending him."

Hermione Granger gaped at her slightly."You got Malfoy to promise to be nice, as long as the Gryffindors are as well?"

Abigail rose an Eyebrow at that, and saw that many faces of the table were turned to her in shock and disbelief."Uh, well, yeah. I mean, he is nice, once you properly talked to him. Sure, his tune of Voice is often questionable, but he is actually really lonely. Many of the Slytherins are. The ones that jinx the Muggleborn Muddblood, are often just goons, and Draco told me himself, that he used to be one of them But the day you punched him in the face, he actually began to change: Yeah, his distaste for Muggleborns is still there. But he meant that he finally got it at least right to not just insult them on sight, and he showed me yesterday also his game collection for an old Mugglegameboy he was really proud of: His father wouldn't let him be himself and always calls him bad names when he tries to speak up, so he is more of a Mothers boy. However, his Mom supports his Will to change, and I am happy to be able to call him my friend. Surely he will one day have a lot of Mugglefriends, and I can't wait to see him smile."

"You like him a lot, huh?" asked Dean Thomas smugly, but Abigail just gave him a friendly court smile.

"Oh, I like everyone. But when a person is mean and wants to change, and they show you proudly their Progress, believe me, it's nice to see. Wait, I almost forgot! I also wanted to ask you, if you would like to help us later plant flowers, Hermione. Would you have time? "

The Girl with the bushy hair scratched her head. "Uhm, I wanted to learn down at the sea a bit."

Neville spoke up."Hermione, we will plant the flowers there, at the sea, as well. You could join us, and afterward, we could make homework together and learn. So we can all help each other on the topics where one has Problems."

"What a brilliant Idea, Neville! What do you say, Hermione?"

Hermione sighed and played with a strand of her hair. "Well, ok. But only when you get the Slytherins to be nice during Potions Class!"

"Don't worry, I am stubborn! They will do as I say, if they want or not!"

Seamus Finnigan laughed at that."Man, you are the bomb, girl!"


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