Chapter F o u r: The Seeds of Friendship

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With a Smile, the Guard watched his Sister interact with the Students, no matter what status they had or which house they belonged to: She wanted to learn them know and be their friend.
And He was proud of her for being so openhearted and loving, regardless of how often Wizards and Witches liked to shun the Gorgorra's, she never lost her light. A star glowing bright in the night sky.

Currently, it was the second day of Abigail being here in Hogwarts, and Avas first of being a Professor: With a friendly grin, he entered the Classroom and greeted the third-Years that had him in their first period."Why, hello there my dear Badgers and Ravens. Today is my first day here, I am Professor Gorgorra, and since I think it would be an interesting topic to start, open page 499, 'The Lamia, and how to befriend them'. Now, let's get started, shall we?"

After the last class for today, the new teacher walked his patrol and looked after the children that filled the corridors and/or were still in the classrooms: One of the third-year Lions bullied a new Slytherin, and the Weasley twins set a Toilet on fire, but except for the Bully getting detention, nothing much happened.

Umbridge was a Pain in the arse, though: Constantly, she tried to set him off, and a fifth-year Gryffindor told him, that she even tried the same with Abigail. He wanted to kick her out for that but knew, as she was his sister, Umbridge may act out and tell the Ministery that he was being unprofessional and would prefer his sister over the other students. And since the Minister hated Creatures and Beastbloods just as much as Umbridge did, it would have been a bitter loss of allies, and it would tarnish his reputation as chairman of the Neutral Counter Initiative.

So he had to stay quiet and wait for her to do the failure, and harm a student or staff: his word was worth more than hers and even more then Dumbledors or the one of the Minister: He would kick her out without a second thought right away.

Students were gathering colorful in a small group, and he walked closer, to find out what all the ruckus was about: It was a cheery group, and in the middle there stood his Sister, with Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Draco Malfoy. Hermione Granger, a smart inquisitive Witchling, stood close too and amused he rose an eyebrow. "Well, dear students, whats all the Ruckus about?"

The children turned their heads towards him startled, and Abigail smiled wide."My Friends and I want to plant a few Flowers, down at the lake! And we all got the certificate of approval from our respective House Professors, even Snape! Only waiting now on Harry, he wanted to join us as well! Don't you want to join us as well, Brother?"

Ava gave the group a warm smile. "Well, I am finished with my first patrol, so i have four hours free till the next, so, why not? just let me send the current status-notes to the Heads of the Houses. It will only take a moment." With a snip of his fingers, a white Patroni in form of a Kelpie appeared, and all students near watched with gaping mouths, as he told it his massage, and it ran through the walls away to the teachers, like a ghost.

Granger spoke up first: "Sir, you can use Magic without a Wand? And you have a mystic Creature as Patronus?"

"Is that so strange?" asked Ava, his brows furrowed in confusion."Many Gorgorras don't need a wand to channel their Magic, I only use mine during Lessons. And to have a magical Creature as Patroni isn't as rare as you may believe: For example, I do know that Draco Malfoys is a Seaserpent, Luna Lovegood has a Pooka, and the Weasley Twins have Fox spirits. Before you ask how I could know all this only on my second day, that is because I am a Beastblood of the Naga-Bloodline. Nagas can see souls, and with that, can calculate how ones Patroni will be shaped.
Now, how about we go to the lake now? I do believe, that Harry Potter just arrived, and is now standing behind me."

And indeed, there the teen boy stood, and the Professor gifted him a soft smile. "The Group is complete now. Shall we?"

All nodded, and followed Abigail down the Lake, while Ava was the last on the line, talking with Harry about how Umbridge was trying to force the Students to learn her Books, and not his.
"I mean, it's ridiculous! And Dumbledore does nothing, even though I already told him that she was trying to mess up our school works!"

The Beastblood nodded along, and let the boy talk, listening intently to his rant. As the Boy finished with 'I don't know what to do, she will mess everything up, should she stay any longer', Ava noted mentally, what he would have to do to get rid of this pink toad.
"Young One, you must understand, That the Ministery doesn't trust Dumbledore since last year anymore. With all the information you have given to me now, I can shush her away, but they will send a new one."

"So you tell me, it has no use?"

Ava shook his head."No, Harry. It does have a use, after all, she wouldn't bother you anymore. But you must be careful still, and should the next one be as hideous inside as she is, report it to me, ok? Umbridge will be gone by tomorrow morning."

Harry didn't know how to react to his Professors' antics, so he gawked at him."For real? Just because she wants us to read different books?"

"Child, you told me yourself, that she was intervening with your studying routines, and messing with the Learning material is not something to joke about: After all, it may ruin your future. On top of that, between you and me, She is really getting on my nerves!"

This made Harry chuckle, and the youngish Professor grinned and gave him a seed from Abigail, to plant his flower, as they reached their destination.
"Now I know why she had asked me for those: These seeds are all from the same plant, but whatever blooms out of it, depends on the person that set it. Let us all be different and yet of the same kin. Abigail?"

His Sister smiled brightly, and nodded."Today we plant the seeds of the Amitié-Shrub: A Plant of Friendship and Growth of heart. Is everybody ready? Lets' do it!"

And thirteen seeds of Friendship were bedded deep into the ground that day, to grow and live differently, yet all the same.

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