Chapter III

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As Harry sat up, yawning, he suddenly remembered what had happened the night before. He remembered it all; the letter, the game, Hermione berating him. Huh. So that's why I'm so tired. I stayed up till midnight.

He looked over at Ron's bed and noticed Ron staring at him. 

"How little sleep did you get last night?" Ron asked him.

"Seven hours, maybe?" he replied. "I dunno."

"Dang," Seamus commented. "Haven't your parents- oh. Sorry."

"It's fine. It's not like I remember them anyway," he said, trying to brush off the comment.

He got up, effectively ending the painful conversation, and started to get dressed. When he was done getting ready, he left the dorms, going halfway down the stairs before remembering that he had forgotten his wand. Damn it, he thought. He then went back up to his bed, grabbed his wand, and made his way back to the common room.

"Hi, Harry!" Hermione waved at him from across the room. "Come see this! I finally figured it out!"

Figured what out? he wondered as he walked over to her.

"Watch this!" she said excitedly, then she waved her wand and successfully turned his shoes into pink bunny slippers.

"Hey!" he said, laughing. "Turn them back!" Smirking playfully, she then turned them into actual bunnies, and then, after watching him run around trying to catch them for a few minutes, turned them back into sneakers.

Grabbing his bag from where he dropped it, he went out of the portrait hole and down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione followed behind him, and they were soon joined by Ron, who had been looking for a pair of matching socks. They entered the Great Hall, went over to their table, and sat down at their usual spot with the others in their year. Suddenly Harry saw Draco walking over to his friends. Without thinking, he smiled and made eye contact with him. Draco looked startled for a second, or so it seemed, but he quickly smiled back, and, blushing, hurried away.

This was his thought process in the seconds after that encounter: Dang. Maybe I should get Hermione to dare him to kiss me.

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