Chapter 16 ~ I Wasn't There

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Bella's POV

I woke up in a bed that definitely wasn't mine and the smell of fresh soap entered my nostrils. A grey comforter was draped over me and I wasn't wearing the clothes I had on last night. I sat up realizing that I had a major hangover, which wasn't good. My head was pounding and I felt like puking. 

"Ben?" I called even though the room was empty. I stared at my reflection in the flat-screen TV in front of me and tried to detangle my hair with my fingers. It didn't do much but it made it look a little less crazy than before. I heard the shower running and decided to go and check who it was. 

The door was half open so I let myself into the steamy room and knocked on the glass door of the shower.

The person turned around and I gasped covering my eyes. 

"Fuck! Sorry, sorry." 

"Bella! What the fuck?!" Isaac turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to cover his waist. 

"I didn't know it was you!" I muttered looking between my fingers.

I felt his hands push my back to guide me out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. 

"You seriously didn't recognize my bedroom?"

"Again, I'm sorry." I plopped back down onto his bed and stared at him with my jaw dropped open. 

His abs were dripping wet from the shower and his hair fell onto his face in the hottest way.  He cleared his throat and put his hands on his hips making me go back to reality. I quickly averted my eyes and huffed. 

"Did we...?" 

He stared at me confused and then burst into laughter. 

"Hell no! Don't worry," 

"Oh good," I sighed a breath of relief. "Wait, why am I here?"

"Oh," He gritted his teeth. "You took a drink from someone you weren't supposed to and..." 

"...and what?" 

"You kinda...maybe sorta..."


"Got drugged..." He looked down at the edge of the bed. 

"By who?" 

"I don't know...I wasn't there." 

"Does Ben know I'm here?" I asked concerned. 

"Not exactly," He scratched the back of his neck. 

"Ben is probably worried sick!" I grabbed my phone and saw that he tried to call me over 25 times. "Shit!" 

I called him and Isaac walked away to get changed. While listening to the dialing tone I looked down to see that I was only wearing a white t-shirt that was probably Isaac's. I needed to find my clothes as quickly as possible before Ben sees. 

"Bella?!" Ben's frantic voice came on. 

"I'm sorry! Isaac took me home because I felt sick and-"

"Wait, where are you?" 

"Isaac's house," I bit my fingernails waiting to see what he was going to say next. I was afraid that he was about to yell at me but instead, he just bluntly replied with "I'm picking you up." and hung up. 

Isaac came out of his closet wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and casually sat on a bean bag in front of his TV to surf through channels. 

"Where are my clothes?"

"Laundry machine," He grumped. 

"Can you take them out?" I questioned. 

"If you want to wear soaking wet clothes then yeah," 

"Ben can't show up to see me wearing your t-shirt." 

"I don't know, figure it out." He shrugged and continued to watch TV. 

"Ugh, asshole." I groaned and covered myself with his comforter again because it was really cold.

A knock on the door came from downstairs and Isaac continued to sit there on his lazy ass. He finally acknowledged it and turned around to look at me. I gave him a look back and he rolled his eyes. 

"I think it's your boyfriend," He flashed a fake smile. 

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock." I got out of the warm bed which could never compare to my rock-solid mattress at home and grumpily walked down the stairs to the door. 

I put on a smile and opened the door to Ben looking like a complete wreck. 

"Did you go dumpster diving or something?" I raised an eyebrow but he just hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much," He whimpered. 

I hugged him back and he let go. 

"What're you wearing?" 

"Oh, Isaac gave me his t-shirt because my clothes were gross and-"

"What the fuck?" 

"What?" I gasped. 

"Did you fuck him?" 

"No! Why would you even think that?" I grabbed his arm but he pulled away and pushed past me. 

"Where's the little fucker?" He ran up the stairs and I heard a door slam open. 

"Ben! What do you think you're doing?!" I ran after him hoping that I didn't start something.

Ben had grabbed Isaac and started punching him. 

"Get off!" I kicked Ben and he yelled. 

"Just go away, Bella!" He pushed me away and ran at Isaac again, pushing him towards the wall. 

Isaac tried to fight him off but Ben just kept going at him. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't strong enough to get Ben off. He was twice my size and I was a literal twig. 

"Ben! Stop! Right now!" I grabbed Isaac's arm trying to pull him out but Ben wouldn't let go. "Ben! I was drugged and Isaac took me home, okay?!" There was a reason I didn't tell him and I apparently made the wrong choice. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ben turned around to look at me standing there nervously. 

"Because you didn't show up when I needed you. You said you were going to protect me," I hugged myself tightly hoping to get rid of the guilty feeling in my gut. 

"Well," He sputtered. "Isaac should've called me." 

"That's not the point, I needed help and you weren't there. I could've been raped or kidnapped and you wouldn't have known." 

"How is that my fault?" Ben walked up to me. 

"I just thought you were going to stay with me, that's why I don't go to parties." 

"I was gone for like five minutes!" He reasoned.

"Just forget about it..." I looked away not meeting his gaze.

"Fine," I heard his footsteps descend and the door slamming shut making me flinch. 

Every couple has fights, right? 


I hope you're enjoying the book so far! Team Ben or Isaac?


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