Chapter 18 ~ Pictures

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Bella's POV

I had to tell Ben. I was going to do it and everything would be okay. 

I went back to my house and just as I had expected, my dad wasn't home. I ran upstairs to put on some jeans and a t-shirt, then I quickly grabbed some gum to keep me distracted. I made sure to lock the door when I left and I was off to Ben's house. 

If I said that I wasn't nervous, I'd be lying. I gripped the steering wheel as I entered his neighborhood and prepared myself for what I was going to say. I needed to say my piece and it was going to be over and done with. 

I nervously walked up the front steps like I forgot how to stand properly and rung the doorbell. No one answered at first but when Ben did a few minutes later, my breath hitched realizing it was time to finally say it. 

"We need to talk," I blurted out. 

"Ok," He mumbled caught off guard and let me in. 

I sat on the living room couch with my legs crossed while Ben sat across from me with his elbows leaning on his knees in front of him.  

"We need to break up." I just cut to the chase, there was no time for sweet talk. 

"I figured you'd say that." 

"Well, it's kind of obvious. We haven't talked in days and we just keep having fights." I reasoned. 

"Yeah, we have fights but- we always work it out after." 

"I don't think this is going to work out." 

"Just give me one more chance to set things right, okay? I should've looked out for you and I'm a dumbass for letting you get hurt." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. 

"Ben I-" This wasn't going how I planned and I furiously chewed on my gum trying to calm myself down. 

"Please?" He looked at me with a pout and moved to sit next to me. 

"I don't know..." He pulled me onto his lap and rubbed my leg. 

"I promise that I can do better." I looked into his sincere eyes and smiled. I wanted to say no and tell him it was over but...I just couldn't. 

"One more chance..." I kissed him lightly on the cheek and rested my head in the crook of his neck. 

"I love you..." He whispered into my ear. 

If I said it back it was like I was fully committed and I can't say something I don't mean...

"I love you too." I smiled at him only for it to fade away the moment I looked away. 


The next day at school felt normal but it also felt odd in a way. Isaac hasn't talked to me since our kiss and I wanted to know how he felt about me. I needed to stay clear of him at school though because Ben would flip out. 

I sighed and walked to my locker unsuspiciously while trying to avoid the bustling student trying to get to class. When I got to my locker there was an envelope. I looked around to see if there was anybody near me but everyone was mostly cleared out of the halls, so I opened the envelope and a bunch of pictures fell out. 

"What the fuck?" I picked them up and saw that they were a bunch of pictures of me changing in my bedroom. Someone had been spying on me through my bedroom window? I looked around anxiously again and bit on my lip. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," I whispered as I flipped through the rest of them.  I tried not to cry but the tears started flowing before I could wipe them away. I shoved the pictures into my backpack hoping that no one else had seen them and frantically ran to class.

"What's up with you? You look like shit." Gloria twirled her hair around her finger.

"It's nothing." I wiped the mascara under my eye and rested my cheek on the palm of my hand to hide my face. 

"Oh look, it's Prince Charming coming to save you." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. 

"Babe, are you okay?" He asked from the other side of the classroom. 

Fucking hell.

Everyone turned to face me and I quickly covered my face with my hands. 

I heard footsteps and a hand resting on my shoulder. 

"You sure? You look like you've been you want to talk about it?" 

"Ben...I-I'm fine." I stood up and grabbed my bag to leave, not looking back. 

"What a pussy," I heard Gloria giggle before I ran out. 

I can't be here anymore.

I needed to get out of here but I didn't know where to go. I feel like everywhere carries bad memories and I'm just stuck. 

I shut my car door shut and burst into tears. Who would do that to me? I furiously grabbed my backpack and took the pictures out to get one last look at them before angrily ripping them into pieces. 

"You fucking bitch!" I cursed at whoever did this. 

If they sent these pictures to me, it means they still have them. What am I going to do? Why is my life falling apart like this?

I tore the rest of them up and drove onto the highway. 

"I'm staying away from everybody and no one can tell me otherwise. I can't do this anymore, I can't." I huffed staring at the road. "I hate you," 

I curved slightly into another lane and someone honked at me. I looked at the angry man and just flipped him off. 

A car started speeding up behind me and I stepped on the gas harder so that he couldn't catch up to me.

"What is wrong with this bastard?" I rolled my eyes and looked in the rearview mirror to see him still getting closer and closer. "I can't even go any faster." I turned around trying to signal him and tell him to slow down.

I couldn't switch into another lane because the highway was too busy now and I wouldn't make it. 

"Drive faster!" I honked the guy in front of me that was getting way to close. 

I chewed on my lip and flicked my eyes back and forth from the rearview mirror and the road in front of me. 

"Why won't you slow down?" I mumbled. 

The next thing I knew, he was too close and I swerved to the side to escape without thinking but I end up hitting another car next to me. The window shattered and I screamed. What is happening? I felt something hit me in the gut and my vision got hazy.

"Help me..." I groaned before passing out.


Who took the pictures and is Bella okay? Comment what you think! <3


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