A Saint Or Sly Devil

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So I'm 19 and I'm 5'7 I have black hair and blood red eyes and I have but one thing going for me and that is my superhuman senses I can fight with deadly accuracy and strike with the strength of a dragon and hear your muscles tense up just before you strike and can see it coming plain as day as I dodge and I can smell your fear it's what makes fighting so much fun the sweet taste of victory after you crush your opponent  ( please bear with the dragon part I couldn't think of anything to compare my strength too) anyway I wear a black jacket with a white wool lining and I wear a white t-shirt and some Chakies and brown combat boots with two custom made revolvers on my sides that I made myself out of the orichalcum mom and dad had and the best thing is I have gotten so good I can throw up my gun and bullets and catch it and keep firing and the second best thing is I never run out of bullets in my pockets by using a duplication spell just before I grab the bullets it also works on food and other objects and gives the same filling affect or function as the real thing

Anyway I live in kuoh city and over the fifteen years I've been gone from my home and roamed the countryside this is the only town that I've taken a shine too so I chose to live here and it's also been fifteen years since I left my home and my sister Kyra I'd say she's angry anyway I'm walking around and I made it to my favorite pizza joint and I ordered twenty pizzas I paid my bill and I walked to the local orphanage up in the outskirts of town I frequently go too to visit since it's almost constantly under attack because of some gang

Ten minutes later

I made it to the orphanage and I saw the kids out working
Senshi: "HEY GUYS COME AND GET IT!!!" I announced
Kids: "SISTER LAURA SENSHIS BACK!" The kids screamed in excitement
The little kids all hugged me around the legs I cracked a smile
Senshi: "I bet you guys are hungry after a hard days work ehh,we'll come on let's get something to eat. Whaddaya say guys let's go" so we went inside and I saw sister Laura standing there

Laura: "you didn't have to do this Senshi"
Senshi: "it's my policy to help those in need,and those that can't help themselves to something good to eat" I smiled as I looked behind me seeing the kids laughing and eating
Laura: "well at least let me pay you back"
Senshi: "you already have,this right here is exactly what I wanted to see" I made a duplication of ten more pizzas appear in my hands

Laura: "duplication your getting good at that"
Gale: "yeah I've been practicing,also I've gotten so good I can duplicate food and make it taste the exact same way as the real thing"
Laura: "impressive Senshi,very impressive. Anyway thanks for this Senshi I don't know what we would do sometimes if it weren't for you" I smiled and closed my left eye and grabbed a slice of pizza and I duplicated a pop I brought with me and made twenty four of them appear
Senshi: "hey kids catch" I rolled down the long tables pops to each of the kids and the last one I duplicated for me
Laura: "what do you say kids"
Kids: "thank you Senshi!" They said in unison
Senshi: "yeah your all welcome" I yawned and found a chair crossed my leg over the other and dozed off

Two hours later
I woke up to the sound of trucks pulling up and I got up threw my guns up to reload them
Laura: "hey Senshi they're back"
Senshi: "I know and I'm getting tired of this,so don't let the kids back outside and get them to where they can't see me. I do t want them to be afraid of me because of what I'm about to do"
Laura: "got it Senshi be careful okay"
Senshi: "yeah I will now get to the back"
I walked out and I blocked a bullet with my gun  and I heard them all tense up fro a wide spread assault
Senshi: (I should be able to block them using the leash at the bottom of the gun,after all it expands in any direction as long as I have magic. So I can keep the kids safe and kill these bastards) "hey haven't you guys learned your lesson yet"
Leader: "no and frankly I'm tired of mg boys getting beaten by the likes of a street punk like you. And I've come here to kill you personally"
Senshi: I smiled "then come and get me if you think you can handle me"
Leader: "FIRE"
They fired their weapons and I blocked them using my revolvers and retracted them
Senshi: "you like my toys they're made out of orichalchum" I held the red and black one up "this one is called Tartarus" I held the black and gold one up "and this guy here is named hades,I hope you like them"
I fired them and unloaded them both taking out half of their guys doing acrobatics and blocking bullets and I jumped around loading and unloading them killing all but him and so I went over to him by gunpoint and I got his keys tied him up with some rope from the yard and I went to the police in town

So I walked in and as soon as I did I met with the sheriff and he knew this guy was a serial killer
Senshi: "hey uhh this guy tried to kill me and the kids in the orphanage in the outskirts of town,and I know he is a serial killer and I want his truck as a reward please"
Sheriff: "this guys is wanted all of japan and you just want a truck for compensation,do you know how much his bounty is"
Senshi: "no,no I don't why don't you tell me"
Sheriff: "five hundred thousand yen"
Senshi: "is like the money in big bills please or whatever you can get your hands on,and the keys to his truck please" I said with a smirk on my face
Sheriff: "okay then mr Senshi let me go get the money wired to your account" so I went to his office watched him do it and I handed over their leader and I got in the truck and I drove to the bank and got fifty thousand yen and put it into a bag and drove to the orphanage and I walked to the door knocked on it
Senshi: "hey Laura open up I got a present for ya"
Laura: she opened the door "Senshi your okay" she hugged me "thank you for protecting us"
Senshi: "yeah well here it's part of the bounty I got five hundred thousand yen,and this is fifty thousand of it so if you need more just ask. Also count this as an offering and nothing else"
Laura: She started to cry "thank you Senshi you've helped us so much and now your doing this for us. Your a saint my friend"
Senshi: "you think of me as a saint, I think of myself as a sly devil which ever you think I am is your choice" I said it in a somewhat formal tone
Laura: "thanks again Senshi,will I see you tomorrow"
Senshi: "I dunno depends on when I wake up"
Laura: "ohh okay then I'll see you whenever you come back then" so she walked in the back room and got the kids out

I walked out got in my truck honked and the kids and Laura came out and waved me off and I drove home parked the car in the driveway went upstairs took a shower and I went to bed for the rest of the evening

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