An Oath Of Pacifism

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The next day
I woke up and I noticed two big fluffy marshmallows I quickly felt one and I heard a voice

???: "Senshi your awake goodmorning"
I looked up and saw Rias and thought (dam boys I scored big on this
Senshi: "morning Rias how does it feel to have freedom"
Rias: "a little touchy feely but great"
Senshi: I realized my hand "no regrets" I smiled
Rias: "no regrets" she pulled me down to her suffocating me with her boobs and I finally got up but picked her up and she held onto me
Senshi: "you know your just like my sister Rias"
Rias: "how so"
Senshi: "well your body for example you two are about as big and weigh the same,and you have similar personalities so you can borrow some of my sisters clothes she won't mind"
Rias: "about your sister your still angry at riser aren't you" my aura started to leak out and it went around us going all the way to the cieling
Senshi: "yes but I can't let my emotions out,can't let them show,can't let them see or they'll all loose faith in me Rias. I'm their rock and she was mine" I sat her down "anyway I'm gonna go make breakfast,also is your brother here"
Rias: "yeah he's in the other room,he didn't feel like going home tonight"
Senji: "okay then I'll make a big breakfast then" so I jumped down the railing and walked into the kitchen and I made hash browns,eggs,bacon,and pancakes in twenty minutes and Rias and sirzechs came downstairs
Sirzechs: "hey Senshi what smells good in here"
Senshi: "breakfast that's what"
Rias: "you know I could have done this right Senshi"
Senshi: "yeah and I realized you live with issei so I made extra so you can give it to him"
Rias: "Senshi I'm responsible for you being alone now so I'm going to keep you safe"
Senshi: I smiled "no you have a life to live and me I've got a weapon I no longer wish to pick up unless I have too"
Rias: "Senshi what are you taking about you love to fight it's your thing" she said in a concerned tone
Senshi: "I'm taking an oath of pacifism Rias I won't fight unless I have to protect those I care about" I walked over to my guns changed them to be a knife and I went and put it in the kitchen drawer
Sirzechs: "there's nothing wrong with what you've done Senshi,and your sisters death wasn't your fault it was risers"
Senshi: "drop it okay. What's done is done and it can't be changed,all I can hope for is that she is safe. It's all I've ever hoped for" I sat down and ate then I walked to the orphanage and all of the kids came out and ran up to me
Kid: "hey Senshi what's wrong your not like yourself today"
Senshi: "yeah I know it's just I got word my big sister died"
Kid: "how did she die" the kid said with a concerned look
Senshi: "Kyra was killed by a man with a knife"
Kids: "well come on let's go do some work and get your mind off of it"
Senshi: "yeah your right come on" so I went and helped them remodel the church inside and by the evening the carpet was out down and the hardwood flooring and tile in the kitchen
Laura: "I heard your sister died,I'm sorry Senshi"
Senshi: "yeah she should be happy where she is" I said with a fake smile
Laura: "you can stop faking Senshi I can tell it hurts to be reminded of her"
Senshi: "nah I'm fine,but I think we could all use a bite to eat" my stomach growled and I snickered
Laura: "I can tell,you finish up with the drywall and come eat got it"
Senshi: "got it"

Fifteen minutes later
I'm done now and I walked into the kitchen and smelled a turkey and I sommoned my knife
Laura: "hey Senshi do you want to carve it"
Senshi: "yeah sure"

so I carved up the turkey and put the meat on a big plate and we handed plates of corn turkey and cornbread out to the kids and we sat down and ate and the sun started to set after I was done eating

Senshi: "hey Laura the sun is setting so I'll be heading back here tomorrow to work on the roof"
Laura: "okay be careful Senshi"
Senshi: "I will,see ya"

So I walked down through the woods and through town and went to my house and I found the place empty so I went into the garage sommoned my knife and changed it into my axe so I started up the grinder and I sharpened the axe and polished it and I began to train because I know one day my skills will be needed again and I can't be rusty if I hope to be of use to my friends and if I wish to protect them
I heard the door open and close and I put the axe on my back

Senshi: "who's there" I said in a monotone voice
Rias: "it's me I came back for the night issei said he didn't mind"
Senshi: I sighed "great then I have a reason to cook tonight"
Rias: "why were you not going to cook"she asked obviously curious
Senshi: "I went to the orphanage in the hill today and I helped them with repairs and stuff,and sister Laura made a turkey corn and some cornbread so we could all have a nice dinner"
Rias: "you went to a place ran by the church"
Senshi: "look Rias I don't expect you to understand but those kids look up to me,and what kind of man would I be if I let them down" I said with a serious look on my face
Rias: "well if that makes you happy then go for it... you always did like to help people even me yesterday"
Senshi: I smiled "I did,but I also did it because my friend invited me to a party"
Rias: "yeah well I'm gonna head inside so don't work yourself too hard okay"
Senshi: "yeah" so I trained for another hour and I walked inside and I walked upstairs to the bathroom walked in and saw Rias there naked
Senshi: "ohh hey Rias you done yet"
Rias: "yeah I was just getting out of the bath"
Senshi: "alright" so I sat down and washed my body and hair out in a few minutes and Rias came up behind me hugging me
Senshi: "now now Rias be good please"
Rias: "aww come on let me play around a little~"
I grabbed her by the shoulder and flipped her over onto my lap she landed on her back and looked up at me
Rias: "your a little forceful today huh Senshi"
Senshi: "nah it was reflex,sometimes I sit down in the floor and the kids like to climb on me,so I always end up wrestling a little"
Rias: "even little kids like you Senshi your quite the people's person"
Senshi: I smiled "somewhat. I just try to listen and normally things undo themselves,but not without a bit of advice ya know" I winked and tapped her nose making her smile and I helped her up and we dryed off  and went downstairs and I Akeno and the others came
Senshi: "ohh hey guys fancy seeing you guys here"
Rias: "I invited them hope you don't mind a little company"
Senshi: "not at all,welcome to my place guys there is a fridge by every seat in the house full of pop,so feel free to grab one and have a good time"
Everyone: "thank you for having us Senshi"
Issei: "you've got a nice pad bro"
Senshi: "thanks issei,well if you guys need anything I'll be in the garage" so I went and I changed the brakes on my truck in the garage that took another hour and then koneko was there watching me while setting on my shoulders and occasionally giving me a piece of candy

Koneko: "are you done yet"
Senshi: "yeah I'm done" I said putting the wheel back on and walking to the sink in the corner washing my hands
Koneko: "can I have more of the candy"
Senshi: "yeah there is another batch in the fridge let's go break it up shall we"
Koneko: "yeah"
So we went In the kitchen and Rias was setting around watching a movie with Akeno and kiba
Senshi: "hey guys I'm headed to bed after this so screw around do what ya want,and I don't care if you stay the night in one of the three rooms here so yeah"
Koneko: "but what about my candy"
Senshi: "I said I'd go to bed after that koneko"
I went into the kitchen and I cut a big square of chocolate and I let her down and threw it up and cut it into pieces and it fell into the bag I made for it
Koneko: "thanks Senshi goodnight" I rubbed her on the head
Senshi: "yeah goodnight" so I took my shirt off as I walked up the stairs and socks and threw them in the corner as I walked in the room and got my night pants on and jumped on the bed and passed out five minutes later

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