The Monster They Cant Kill Or Escape

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So I went and got a drink of pop and burned it right there in my hands and I held a black and red scythe in my hand
Riser: "my lord my team is ready"
Sirzechs: "Senshi are you ready"
Senshi: "yes I'm ready" I smiled evilly and I threw off my tuxedo and was in my regular clothes and I had a large red and black aura while riser had a flames behind him and I was in this arena and I faced the enemy in front of me

Sirzechs: "begin"

Que  the music skillet finish line

Riser: "okay kid just stand still and all of this will be over"
these twins with chainsaws came running at me slashing at random and I dodged a few times cutting the saw in pieces so fast time is delayed for a second and then I was behind them and their saws were destroyed and I stomped and a pillar of rock blocked two necomata twins and I cut the first set of twins heads off and changed the scythe into an axe that I split apart to be curved swords and they ran around the pillar and they went to punch me I jumped back and threw my swords and hit them in the head and four others came at me I could tell two were stronger so I blocked them and I stole their quinque essentially their magic and made them into a suit of red armor and I slammed them together and made my swords come to me and I ducked dodging a slash from the knight and I started dodging u til they rammed me from both sides and I held my swords in my hands and smiled stabbing them both in the heart and dropping one blade and knocking both corpses off me
Senshi: "come on is this the best you've got" I took the swords out and threw them on the ground and grabbed mine and made them a spear and I stomped on the ground making them two stronger girls go up in the air and be impales by rocks and I walked torwards riser

???: "yes my lord" the busty chick said and she launched a blasting spell and I stomped creating a protective slab of rock taking the blast she was behind me and she went to punch me and I moved to the side and went to impale her but she blocked with her cane which it broke when I blasted her split second and she used a series of blasts and I made the spear a shield and braced for each one and they all sent me flying so I flipped and slid to a stop
Senshi: "hmm this one is far better,please entertain me more" she came at me and went to punch I blocked her hand and she screamed in pain
Senshi: "what never see the old knife in hand trick"
I then held her there and used sacred moon a move that makes a sphere of destruction
Senshi: "aww she broke,ohh well no matter" I made a bow and I fired an arrow up
Senshi: "thousand arrows " I then changed the bow to be dual katanas and I ran at the the bishops and beheaded one leaving the girl and I cut risers leg off and I kicked him to the arena wall and he got up and flew away
Riser: "you may have survived their attacks but you won't survive mine. BURN TO ASHES YOU PEASANT" I smiled as the flames surrounded me engulfing me in a sea of flames and I heard Rias scream my name and that really made me angry so I used cruel sun and sacred moon and made blinding eclipse creating a black hole sucking the magic energy into it and him and he was hit over and over with it and I let it down and snapped then the black hole collapsed and blew up leaving him seriously injured so I walked over there. Best his head into the fucking ground over and over until he resigned and after that I got on one knee
Senshi: "hey sirzechs it's your turn to put up your end of the bargain"
Sirzechs: "yeah your right,well then riser you have lost a fight for your life so you will now perish. Say goodbye" he held a sphere of absolute destruction and then threw it at riser and he was destroyed to the cellular level and I jumped up to the rafters where sirzechs was and he had a bottle of wine for us and we clinked bottles and chugged then and threw the bottles behind us and I went home after destroying my sisters body

An hour later

So I'm home now and I'm tired but I go and make lunch went and took a shower and when I came out I saw sirzechs in my living room
Sirzechs: "hey Senshi that wish it wasn't the one you wanted granted was it"
Senshi: "no,no it wasn't. What I wanted was a day to hang out with everybody just like the good old days"
Sirzechs: "Senshi your always welcome at the mansion. You know that"
Senshi: "yeah I know it,but anyway I'm going to go to bed. Also help yourself to what ever is in the fridge and leave when you want. Goodnight sirzechs" so I walked upstairs

Senshi: that was the strongest I've ever been using quinque creation. I hope you enjoyed the show sis" and I noticed Rias laying there in my bed naked and at this point I don't care so I completely ignore she's even there I throw off my shirt got in bed and snuggled up to her chest and passed out for the night

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