The school festival

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So it's been a few months and I've been around town helping anybody that needs help and it's been pretty peaceful for the past four months and I heard we're having a school festival I think I'll go see how things are going today

So I'm upstairs getting my work boots on and my regular pants and a brown tank top and threw my coat on over it and I went into the garage and drove to school and I got out and I saw sona working on a maid café and I walked in
Senshi: "hey sona one iced coffee with a dash of milk please,or can j do it myself"
Sona: "ohh hey Senshi what are you doing here"
Senshi: "ehh just came by to see if you guys wanted any help"
Tsubaki: "yes that would be great thanks,saji isn't verry good at this,but he gets the job done so that's what matters"
Senshi: I laughed "okay then what do I need to do"
Sona: "put these over on the table and can you help with the furniture"
Senshi: "yeah well how about I move around the furniture" so I went around and I moved them how momo told me and then she handed me a tux
Momo: "here wear this if your gonna work with us" it was a black tuxedo with a black blazer
Senshi: "you got any in red"
Momo: "why red" she said genuinely curious
Senshi: "because I've always loved the color red and it has a lot more symbolism that black does"
Momo: "I see,I guess your right but it's your personal preference so I'm sure we can find something for ya" she smiled and walked in the back and I jumped over the counter and got my iced coffee
Sona: "hey Senshi can you give me a hand with this cake"
Senshi: "you burned it how can I help with that"
Sona: she glared at me "yeah I know... baking is really hard"
Senshi: I laughed and I pat her on the head "tsubaki,momo reya I need you two in the kitchen. Saji tomoe you two are working cashier. Taubasa and sona I need you two to wait on people and if things get hectic tomoe you go help sona and taubasa and I'll man the cashier got it"
Momo: "hey you can't tell us what to do ya know,only sona gets that privilege"
Senshi: "hey I'm only working with what I've got,and sona do you agree with how I've worked things"
Sona: "you put a lot of thought in this in a short time didn't you Senshi"
Senshi: "yeah,but only the time I've had this iced coffee" I finished drinking it and threw it over to the trash can
Sona: "okay guys were going with senshi's plan,and why exactly did you put me waiting tables"
Senshi: "your adorable and you can't bake, I don't want the place burning down on us"
Sona: she full on slapped me with a magic circle knocking me out the door and I got up and walked back in
Senshi: "I deserved that but it's true,however that doesn't mean you can't get better,so after the festival stop by my place and we can bake all night long"
Sona: "okay sure whatever" she said with a serious tone and I jumped the counter again and they got to their positions and I gave them a copy of all the things I can bake
Senshi: "okay tsubaki I'm leaving chocolate to you,I'll do the cakes, momo I need you to help me out with cakes, reya you can man the coffee and help out front"

So about thirty minutes has passed and we have the cooler full of all sorts of cakes and this includes my famous beast berry cake that only I make and I taught tsubaki how to do it just tsubaki and so we made two of those two strawberry cakes, a cheese cake, some chocolate of all kinds and I even had enough time to sew some bags that have plastic that makes the chocolate stay cold like the one I gave koneko and they are pretty big for a little pouch so yeah
Sona: "okay guys I need an order of ice coffee"
Senshi: "got it" I put it on the plate and I noticed it was koneko
Senshi: "just for you koneko here" I gave her another bag of candy and she hugged me and went to a chair and drank it and so about two hours passed and the place is packed so I walked out and started to help sona reya and tomoe with the waiting and everything then Rias came in
Senshi: "howdy Rias" I threw her a bag of candy and she caught it
Rias: "you insulated these didn't you Senshi"
Senshi: "yep, it was a bitch and a half too. Heh heh heh" i snickered as I handed out orders
Sona: "hey Rias what are you doin here"
Rias: "just checking out the place"
Sona: "you know it's a shame Senshi can't die easy,he would make a great addition to my peerage"
Rias: "your peerage,if anyone is getting him it's me"
I walked over there and stuck a piece of candy in their mouth
Senshi: "shut it and work. By the way nobody here can beat me in a fight and that's my requirement"
Rias: "really that's it"
Senshi: "yep,and if you do win I'll even be your cool from then on,it's one of my hobbies"
Sona: "Senshi fight me!"
Senshi: "later,and if you two should know from the fight with riser and Grayfia I'm not afraid to hit a girl especially you two" I went and I helped with the orders and after a while they all left and we were setting there
Senshi: "hey tsubaki Hans me some of my beast berry cake would ya"
Tsubaki: "yeah sure you earned it" I took it and I ate it little by little it was so rich
Sona: "hey let me get a bite of that"
Senshi: "sure have at it but she's rich as hell" I took some on a fork and held it up to her
Sona: "ahh" she ate it "hmm that is rich tsubaki what's in it"
Tsubaki: "I'm sworn to secrecy I'm sorry sona"
Senshi: "yeah and if she tells I'll kill her when she fights me later"
Sona: "fine I won't order you to tell me"
Tsubaki: "thank you sona"
Senshi: so I finished the cake got up and walked off with the group following behind me and I went to the woods "here should be far enough so let's get this started"

I sommoned my gauntlets and turned them into dual revolvers and I threw up the guns and reloaded them saji tried to grapple me with his sacred gear I shot the rope before it got ahold of me and taubasa was in front of me she went to kick me I changed the guns to a shield and blocked and I jumped back tsubaki fired a ice spell at me and I threw up my guns and fired them and destroyed the ice and I teleported behind tsubaki
Senshi: "sorry tsubaki" I made a sword from the blasters and I cut her tendons and parylized her and I picked her up and teleported dodging so as ice magic and taubasa came at me and I changed to gauntlets and I was keeping up with her and she got slower and mono fired a fire magic spell and I made my gauntlet turn black and grabbed it spun around and threw it at taubasa making her go back and while she was mid air I ran under her kicked her up jumped up spun and kicked her down in a crater then rays fired an ice spell and it hit me and I was knocked down with a big spear of ice in me and I took it out and threw it up made a knife and I cut it up jumped up and I made a shockwave sending the ice scicles down on them hitting them all and I made the knife turn back to my gauntlets and go away
Senshi: "I win sona don't go on any further, the ice icicles came at you guys at high speeds, and it caused major damage to you guys. So I'll heal you all now" so I made the knife turn green and I stabbed them each and as the knife exited their body their wounds closed and they got up
Momo: "your good Senshi,and what was that on your gauntlet"
Senshi: "I call it green mode it heals instead of harms,and it's kinda like my ability to manipulate weapons and a persons soul to an extent at least"
Reya: "soul manipulation" she said in a confused tone
Senshi: "yeah,just hold still reya and prepare to fly" my eyes glew a little bit of red and she had a red aura around her and I moved my hand up and she was flying around
Reya: "this is awesome I'm flying!!"
Tomoe: "I wanna fly too Senshi come on let me"
Senshi: "sure" I kicked back up against a tree and I turned tomoe red too and she was flying around like reya
Sona: "where did you learn that trick Senshi"
Senshi: "when I was a kid,it was really a reflex to save my sister from tree branches in a storm one time....but now she's gone and there's nothing I can do"
Momo: "I saw riser kill her and I'm sorry for your loss Senshi,but we'll always be here"
Senshi: "yeah I know" I sat tomoe and reya down and a tear fell from my eyes and I jumped up on a branch
Senshi: "see ya tomorrow at the café guys" I ran through the woods and made it home and i went upstairs and I sat and let the tears flow as i remembered the things we did as a kid and I heard the door to the house open and I quickly grabbed a towel and wiped my eyes and walked downstairs
Senshi: "Rias I didn't think you'd come tonight"
Rias: "yeah I just came for a short visit" she said in a soft and soothing tone
Senshi: "alright then if you need me I'll be outside"
Rias: "Senshi can you come by the ORC tomorrow I have a bad feeling something is gonna happen"
Senshi: "sure no problem Rias" so I walked outside and I jumped up on the roof kicked back and looked up at the stars and ended up sleeping outside under the stars

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