The Hunter And The Queen

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The next day
I woke up and I snuck out from under Akeno and I walked downstairs and I made breakfast and I had my headphones in and I was also making a fresh batch of chocolate until I ran into Akeno behind me and I took out my headphones
Senshi: "morning Akeno,did ya sleep well"
Akeno: "yeah actually,I almost forgot that..." Senshi: "dear is there something that needs done because I can do it for you" I said with a smile
Akeno: "nah it's nothin I'll tell ya later"
Senshi: "well I'm gonna go spend the morning with the kids up on the hill at the orphanage today,after all they look up to me I can't abandon them"
Akeno: "yeah I know dear,now let's get breakfast done right" she said with a smile and she smacked my ass
Senshi: "ohh now,now tex be good" she snickered and I tapped her lightly and ducked to dodge the spatula and I snickered and we finished making everything and I put the candy into small bags and put them in a cooler
Akeno: "is that the same thing that you give koneko Senshi"
Senshi: "yeah actually and I could teach you if you want me too"
Akeno: "maybe later" do we sat down and ate and I went and started the truck and put the cooler in the back and we drove to the orphanage and I felt my whole body tense up as I got closer but ignored it because I knew dam well that there wasn't a problem up there
Akeno: "Senshi I don't think we should go to the orphanage it's run by the church and we can't set foot in it"
Senshi: I laughed "there is nothing there that can hurt us,after all I remodeled the entire thing too to bottom"
Akeno: "well if your so sure then I'll trust you" so we stopped on the hill and walked in
Kids: "sister Laura senshi's back" all the little kids tackled me to the ground and I laughed and Akeno did too
Akeno: "you sure are good with kids Senshi"
Kid: "hey who's the bitch"
I looked over at the little kid
Senshi: "what did you say Nash"
Nash: "I said bitch"
Senshi: I hugged him "your first curse word I'm so proud,but don't say that word or you'll get your butt kicked got it"
Nash: "okay,sorry lady"
Akeno: she snickered and held her arms out "it's okay I forgive you" he hugged her and the others tackled her to the ground too and Laura came
Laura: "hey Senshi who's your friend"
Senshi: "this is Akeno himejima she is my girlfriend,and I need to have a talk with you"
Akeno: "I'll go with you Senshi"
Senshi: "no this is only for us okay,Akeno it's just we have something to plan and we can't have anybody listening in so kee them occupied" she smiled and waved me on and I went into the back with Laura and locks the door
Senshi: "hey Laura do you trust me"
Laura: "of course I trust you,what is it"
Senshi: "I died yesterday and was revived,and so I'm not human anymore"
Laura: she smiled with a skeptical look "then what are you devil" she said with sarcasm
Senshi: I sprout my wings and smiled "yeah so take down your crosses please we don't want to die"
Laura: she looked at me scared "okay Senshi I believe you and I still trust you just give me a minute to take it in"
A few minutes passed and she took down the crosses and put them up and I unlocked the door
Senshi: "don't tell anybody okay"
Laura: "ohh dear god,okay Senshi I won tell promise"
Senshi: "thanks a million Laura,now I can keep on coming here and the kids can still look up to me"
Laura: "is that why you've been coming here"
Senshi: "part of the reason but not entirely,I'll talk later"
Kids: "Senshi let's go in the woods and explore" I sommoned my axe and Akeno was worried
Senshi: "what's wrong Akeno are you scared about something,aww don't worry I know these woods like the back of my hand"
Akeno: she glared at me "no nothing is wrong let's go" so we went into the woods
Akeno: "you told her about you didn't you"
Senshi: "she is a good friend I've known her since I was a kid and she can keep a secret,trust me"
Akeno: "did you tell her about me"
Senshi: "nope,hey kids there is a bunch of apple trees up here so who wants to get an apple for the road"
Kids: "we do" the little kids said
Senshi: "alright then let's double time it" I put the axe on my back and started jogging and they all kept up and I climbed the tree and grabbed a few apples and lowered them down to Akeno and she gave them to the kids
Akeno: "that's it Senshi come on down"
Senshi: "alright coming" I grabbed the branch and dropped down and popped my leg
Senshi: "ahh dang that popped real good,honestly I needed that let's keep going guys"
Akeno: "are you alright"
Senshi: "yeah let's keep goin" so we went to an open field and the kids played the evening and we sat up against a tree and Akeno laid her head on my chest and chilled out a bit and all of a sudden the kids screamed
Kids: "SNAKE"
Senshi: "dam, guys get back fast!!" I ran over and before the snake jumped I grabbed it by the tail and then put my boot on is head and picked it up by the back of the head
Senshi: "okay kids field lesson what kind of snake is this"
Kid: "that's a copper head"
Senshi: "yeah and it's a baby one so it's the most dangerous"
Kid: "I thought the bigger ones were the most dangerous"
Senshi: "the bigger ones aren't as dangerous because they know how much venom to inject,the baby ones don't know how much so yeah you'll dye faster because of the little ones"
Akeno: "okay come on Senshi let's show these kids some fighting because I'm board"
Senshi: "yeah okay but I'm not going easy on you Akeno" I said in a excited tone
Akeno: "ara ara show me what you've got little boy~"

she lunged at me and I moved to the side and kicked her up and she threw a lightning bolt at me I moved and had my gauntlets on split second and they turned black so n in grabbed the lightning bolt but it dragged me back a few feet and I threw it back at her and she ducked I was beside her and punched her down into a crater and she had a bright blush and I was watching her and I was struck by lightning
Senshi: "AHH,dam your sneaky aren't you" she got up
Akeno: "yeah just a little,don't hold it against me all right"
Senshi: "okay then let's go for round two"
So we were beating the ever loving shit out of each other while the kids watched from the woods and soon I lost the fight she was just too sneaky for me to predict her spells and when I tried to I'd always get hit by them so basically I look like a piece of charcoal right now passed out of the ground

Akeno POV
That was so hot fighting with my love I bet he thought it was hot too and he is really strong I'm just glad his hearing didn't get any better
Akeno: "ara ara okay kids let's go home,and behave I like to play with little kids like you guys,so don't be scared if you hear a tree fall over"
Kids: "yes ma'am" so I picked up Senshi and we started running to the orphanage and then I dropped them off and went to the truck put Senshi in the seat and buckled up got the keys and drove to the house and put the truck in the garage and I walked upstairs and put him in the bed and went to the clubhouse
Akeno: "hey Rias I'm back"
Rias: "ohh heh Akeno your double booked do you think Senshi can help out"
Akeno: I got a blush "we kinda spared in a field and I kind kick his ass a little too hard"
Rias: "ohh yeah that sounds like something you'd do,okay then guess I'll have to do it"

so we went to our pacts and we granted the sommoners wish and went to senshi's house and found him still asleep so I stripped down and got in his bed and cuddled up to him and went to sleep for the rest of the night

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