𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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"Oh my god! It's like heaven here!" I said in awe as we stood on Olivia's balcony.

The balcony was long but narrow and had a long set of stairs leading down to the beach. Under the balcony was where the surfboards were stored. And when I tell you I couldn't wait to get back to surfing, I mean it.

"You wanna go down? I got a net so we can play beach volleyball," Olivia said knowing that I would say yes automatically.

As a kid, I would always try different things. I tried gymnastics, dance, soccer, ringette, but I never found anything that stuck. I tried out of the school volleyball team in seventh grade and had no experience. And to my surprise I made it! In eighth grade, when the season ended, we lost in the semifinals, a bunch of scouts told me that I should try out for the high school team that I'm playing on now. I was so happy knowing that I've finally found something that stuck.

"You know I can't say no to that!" I said back excitedly.

After I'm guessing an hour or so of struggling, we finally got the net up.

"Okay, so, can you do drills with me? I've forgotten how to play since last summer," Olivia asked, batting her eyes.

"Yes, of course," I said rolling my eyes playfully.

I reminded her of the rules and did some simple drills, such as bumps and volleys. I don't know how she expects us to play with two people, but I guess we'll hit it back and forth between us.

"Jay, don't we need more than two people to play?" Asked Olivia, as I threw the ball to her.

"Yeah, but we could try us two," as I zoned out for a split second, to be brought back to reality by the ball coming towards my face.

I ducked quickly, and the ball rolled all the way to the water. I stared down Olivia, something we've been doing every time the ball rolled away. She raised her eyebrows at me signalling me she's not getting it.

"Fine," I sighed and going to get the ball out of the ocean.

When I came back Olivia had two boys with her. Wow, bae magnet much? We've only been down here for less than two hours! I got back and put the ball on one of our towels so it didn't get sand stuck to it.

"Oh! Jay! Meet these boys, that's Lance and that's Brandon," she said pointing to them.

Before she turned back she mouthed, 'Lance is mine' with a little smirk.

"Hi, I'm Jadyn," I said smiling at them while I shake both their hands.

"So they agreed to play with us," Olivia said with eager hinting in her voice.

"Can you guys even play? No offence though," I laughed.

"Um yes, do we look like losers to you?" Brandon asked, jokingly.

"No, she's just a professional," Olivia said rolling her eyes while smirking at me.

"Okay damn, I want her on my team!" Brandon yelled while Lance grabbed the ball.

We played, and man Lance couldn't even hit it! And not that I don't usually play with 'inexperienced' people, it's just, he was bad. Worse than Olivia's eight-year-old brother! A bunch of times I dropped down to the ground laughing. These dudes were funny!

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