𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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    I woke up early and tried to wake up Olivia, and that just resulted in a kick to the knee. I went out on the balcony and breathed in the salty beach air. I had shorts and a tank top on, cause I wanted to go for a walk, maybe run. I walked down to the water met the sand and looked out. Man, it was beautiful here! I started to walk down the beach enjoying the sunrise. The sun was up and that meant Olivia would be waking up soon. I started heading back.

"Hey! Why you so early shawty?" I heard someone yell. I mentally rolled my eyes. I hate that name. Most girls find it attractive but I almost throw up when I hear it. I look up to see Lance. What's with him and these nicknames? Flirt much?

I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged.

"Yo, Lance stop hitting on girls! It's early like damn!" I knew that familiar voice. "Oh hi  Jay," he said shyly.

"Hey, my only my friends call me Jay!" I joked back.

"And, Jay?" He questioned emphasizing my nickname.

"Who said you were my friend?" I sassed back.

"Well shit, you're mean!" He said laughing.

"I'm joking Brandon," I told him reassuringly.

"I know you are, no one can resist this," he said motioning to himself. I just laughed at his corniness.


There was Olivia standing on our balcony yelling on that top of her lungs. She just woke up, and you could tell. She's dressed in loose short shorts and a sports bra.

"LIV!" I shout back and she looks over to me. She ran down the stairs, almost eating shit on the way down, and comes over to me, jumping on me, almost tackling me to the ground.

"Bitch where the hell were you!" She exclaimed and then looked to the boys, "Oh shit! We're you getting it?"

"What! No!" I said pushing her off me.

"Well, then where were you?" She asked.

"I was on a walk and if you wouldn't have almost dislocated my knee when I asked you to come with me, you wouldn't have been scared," I said to her, "vicious, am I right?" I said to the boys as I point to Olivia.

"Damn," Lance whispered, but loud enough for us to hear while looking Olivia up and down.

"Hey! My eyes are up here!" Olivia said as she moved his head up by holding his chin. Red rushed and surfaced on his cheeks.

"Did y'all eat yet? You wanna come over, Jay makes the best pancakes!" She asked the boys.

"Yeah, sure!" Lance said and the four of us started to walk to Olivia's beach house.

    "No, no, no, no," I said running out of the beach house. BJ followed close behind me. I had to get out after heard Olivia moan once. She and Lance went to her room and now I know what they're doing. I ran down to the sand and sat down. I will use this against Olivia in the future, trust me!

"I'm literally gonna throw up! Did they think the walls would be soundproof?" I huffed out. Brandon just chuckled as he sat down to me. Lance and him were over the whole day. We literally laughed and joked the whole day.

"Well just thank god you didn't see Lance beating his meat!" Brandon cringed. My eyes went wide.

"Oh my god! I would've never been able to look at him the same again!"

    It's been an hour and the two of them still haven't come out yet. Brandon and I have been talking and goofing with each other. We've been quiet for a while, listening to the waves crash.

"Your eyes are beautiful," Brandon said out of the blue breaking our silence. My gaze shifted over to him. His skin glowed in the sun as well as his brown eyes.

"Thanks," I said simply and smiled. He stood up and extended his hand out to me. I thanked him and he just stood there.

"What?" I asked playfully pushing his shoulder. He instantly threw me over his shoulder and ran to the ocean.

"Brandon, stop," I squealed, "this isn't fair! I'm fully clothed and you're dressed for this!" I squealed trying to convince him to not do what he's about to do. We were in the water, the water was up to his hips. I could just hope that he didn't drop me. He took me off his shoulder and lowered me to where he was holding me. I wrap my legs around his waist and cling onto him.

"Look I'm sorry," he said and I got confused, "but I have to do this," he said as he emerged us both in the water.

"Brandon! You're a dead man!" I yelled as I resurfaced.

"Aye chill, chill!" Brandon screamed as I started to splash him continuously. We had a giant splash fight.

    We walked into the boys' place. Brandon grabbed two towels and handed one to me. I mumbled thanks and dried off. Didn't help much though, as my clothes were soaked.

"You ass! You got me soaked!" I stated as I punched his arm lightly.

"That was my intention!" He laughed.

"Do you think they're done?" I asked him.

"Why already tired of me?" He said placing a hand over his heart as he pouted.

"Who wouldn't be!" I said making a 'duh face. "But I also want to get out of these," as I motioned to my soaked clothes.

"Too bad we don't have any clothes for your small ass!" He said as he gave me a goofy smile.

    "Come on, time to go back!" I said as I physically dragged him out and down the stairs.

"You really want to go back and hear that again?" He questioned. "Yes, daddy! Oh yeah! Faster daddy! Fuck!" He moaned in a girlish tone. I smacked him on the arm.

    We were all around the small campfire, Lance and Olivia cuddled up together.

"So, what'd you two do today?" BJ questioned and I held in my laugh.

"I-, um-," Olivia stuttered while her face was redder than a tomato.

"Nun bro. Don't worry bout it," Lance smirked to BJ. Brandon and I glanced at each other trying to laugh.

    "Please stay," I heard Olivia whisper to Lance.

"I'll sneak in later," he whispered back winking.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Brandon asked me as I turned to him.

"Hm, don't know, I'll consider since I was almost drowning today," I say dramatically. He chuckled and looked into my eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jay," he smiled and left. I just stood there with a stupid smile on my face. I just laughed to myself and made my way inside. What a day!

          I hope there was no spelling mistakes

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