Chapter 1

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It was a normal day on Cybertron everyone was doing their jobs and going about their everyday lives.

But they didn't know that three Mechs were currently talking and making a plan to take revenge or what a disaster said plan would lead too.

Shockwave and Pharma had created a virus and Axer had gathered the supplies for them. After they told him what they needed. Shockwave and Axer wanted to wipe out the Autobots to take revenge and take back Cybertron for the Decepticons. Pharma only agreed because they lied and told him they were going to wipe out the Decepticons with it. After also telling him they had become NAILs.

"So what Decepticon base is our first target?" Pharma asked Shockwave.

"It would be logical to test the virus first when you go to your job at the hospital you may hand pick our first test subject." Shockwave told Pharma.

"OK I'll head there now." He said leaving their hide out.

But what Pharma didn't know is that Shockwave had already found his test subject. And that he himself was going to be the carrier of the virus that he didn't know was already in his system. And Shockwave's plan was to have Pharma infect everyone in the hospital.

Pharma went to work as he normally did not even knowing he was sick.

Meanwhile Ratchet was making his normal rounds in the hospital as he treated his patients and examined the bots who were do.

Then he bumped into Knock Out in the hallway who was having his break he was talking on his com-link with Starscream who had switch sides after he came out of his coma and was currently off planet on vacation with some of the Vehicons.

And since they had made up Starscream kept calling Knock Out to tell him how it was going. And the red medic was glad to hear that his friend was having fun.

Then he ended the call because Starscream had to go do something. Something to do with one of the Vehicons having too much high grade and break dancing.

"So I take it Starscream is having fun." Ratchet asked.

"Yeah I'm glad he's having a break for a change." Knock Out told him.

"Yeah I know a lot of bot have been really hard on him about his past as a Decepticon." Said Ratchet.

"Yeah some bot just can't let go of the past." Knock Out said with a hint of sadness.

Then Ratchet noticed the red medic had some dents on him that he had tried to buff out but had been so bad they still showed up to spite Knock Out's attempt to hide them.

"What happened Knock Out?" Ratchet asked him.

"Some bots jumped me on my way to work today." Knock Out explained. "I don't know who they were. But they knew I used to be a con and said a Decepticon shouldn't be treating the injured so they roughed me up then left."

"That's horrible they have no right to beat you over a faction you used to be part of then left." Ratchet told the red sports car.

"It's ok I guess I kind of deserved it and I've accepted that some bots won't ever see me as anything other then a Decepticon even though I've switched sides." Knock Out replied.

"No one deserves to be judged unfairly for past mistakes they've already made up for." Ratchet said to Knock Out. "And you've more then made up for yours after all it was you who convinced Starscream to change for the better and saved an old femme who was having a spark attack last week."

"Your a good bot Knock Out and an excellent medic." Ratchet reassured him.

Then they continue down the hallway.   And were supposed to see Bumblebee standing there.

"Hi guys." He greeted them.

"Hey Bee good to see you." Knock Out said shaking his servo. "What are you doing on Cybertron?"

"I'm taking a break form fighting Decepticons on Earth. Drift is handling things at the scrapyard so I decided to visit Cybertron." Bumblebee explained.

Then since they were both off for the rest of the day Knock Out and Ratchet went with Bumblebee to visit the rest of the Autobots.

Later that night Ratchet was called to the hospital about some kind of emergency and upon entering ran into Knock Out who had also been called in.

And Red Alert explained to them that Pharma had suddenly gotten sick and collapsed after a random bot cut his shoulder with an energon dagger.

The bot had gotten away and they had Pharma in a room but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and everyone who had come into contact with his energon had also gotten sick.

Then they heard alarms going off and one of the others medics spoke over the intercom.

"Bots in this hospital are getting sick for no reason and enough are affected to call this a pandemic so this hospital is now in lockdown no one is aloud in or out until we get to the bottom of this virus and figure out how to cure it." The bot said over the loudspeaker.

"Some good new is only bots who came into contact with Pharma's energon seem to have been infected but we're keeping everyone in the hospital in the hospital just to make sure because we're not positive yet and we don't want this thing getting out and spreading." First Aid explained.

Ratchet called the Autobots and explained what was going on and that he and Knock Out would both be unavailable until the hospital was out of lockdown.

And Bumblebee agreed to investigate on the outside because after Ratchet told him the facts he knew it sounded like the virus had been deliberate since it was spread through energon and it seem strange that a mech had chosen to cut the bot who had it.

After Ratchet got off the com-link he and Knock Out had to help the other medics calm down a crowd of panicking cybertronians who were all freaking out because of the pandemic and lockdown.

Ratchet and Knock Out looked at each other knowing this was gonna be a long night.

To Be Continued.

I know I shouldn't be starting this now. But I came up with this chapter and wanted to write it before I lost it. Hope it turned out OK this plot is hard to come up with. I'll try to update this and my other stories soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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