Chapter 4

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Ratchet continued to try to keep Knock Out's core temperature stable it kept going from one extreme to the other either raising or dropping to dangerous levels.

And his frame continued to shake. Knock Out regained consciousness a few minutes later but Ratchet could tell he was extremely weak.

"Ratchet are all the patients OK?" Knock Out asked weakly.

"Yes their fine." Ratchet told him gently.

"Good." Knock Out said relaxing a bit. He was venting hard and his optics were half shut. "I was getting a thermal blanket for a sparkling can you.." He trailed off.

"I'll make sure they get it." Ratchet told him.

"Thanks." Knock Out moaned softly.

Then Ratchet's com-link went off and it was Bumblebee telling him Preceptor was trying to work on a cure for the virus be needed a sample of it.

Ratchet agreed to get them one before they hung up. Then when he told Knock Out what was going on he let Ratchet take a sample of his energon that had the virus in it in hopes of finding a cure.

"Ratchet be careful not to get any on you." Knock Out choked out knowing that was one of the ways the virus was spread was by energon.

"Don't worry." Ratchet told him as he got the sample. "Hopefully this whole ordeal will be over soon."

"Now I want you to try to rest you need to save your strength." He added.

"OK." Knock Out said as he fell into recharge.

Meanwhile the others were at base trying to figure out their next move to save their friends in the hospital.

Ratchet had called and told them about Knock Out being infected and they were all worried about him.

Then much to everyone's surprise Starscream and the Vehicons he had been vacationing on Aquatron with. After the Quintessionts had been driven off it the planet had been turned into a vacation spot.

Starscream and the Vehicons had hurried back through the nearest space bridge as soon as they heard about Knock Out. And wanted to help anyway they could.

Just then First Aid who had been allowed out of the hospital brought them the sample of Knock Out's energon and Preceptor carefully transferred it to a vile and got to work studying the virus to work on making a cure.

While the others went to investigate who was behind making the virus.

While everyone was talking Steve spotted Shockwave out of the corner of his optic and decided to follow the mad scientist knowing he was probably up to no good.

Steve tailed Shockwave back to his lab and saw that he was the one who had created the virus.

But unfortunately he heard him say the cure was hidden somewhere so it wasn't in the lab.

Steve decided to snoop around a bit to see what he could find out. Then heard Shockwave coming so had to hide and quickly ducked into a closet.

Shockwave opened the closet but Steve had fortunately hidden behind some stuff that was in it. And Shockwave just grabbed a tool and left.

But much to Steve's horror he locked the door when he left so now the Vehicon was locked in the closet.

"Scrap." He thought.

Meanwhile at the hospital Axer had learned it was Knock Out he had infected with the virus.

Unfortunately for the red medic he had gone down to the basement to get a thermal blanket for one of his patients right before Axer had gone down there. And had just ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Then Axer saw Ratchet leave to do something and heard him say Knock Out was recharging. So decided to have some fun with the ill red medic.

He walked in and saw that Knock Out was still in sleep mode so he fastened the restraints that were attached to the berth around him.

"You look hot doctor I think I'll help you cool off a bit." Axer mocked the red medic. Knock Out was currently hooked up to two IVs one was giving him something to heat up his system and the other was giving him something to cool it down. Ratchet had been using them to try to regulate his core temperature.

So Axer went over and yanked one of them out. So Knock Out was only receiving the cooling substance. And Knock Out who was still in power down just grunted a little but other then that didn't stir.

Then Axer left the room chuckling to himself.

Awhile later Ratchet came back and saw that Knock Out had been strapped down and one of his IVs had been pulled out.

Seeing that his core temperature was now dangerously low and he was shivering. Ratchet jumped into action trying to get some heat back into Knock Out's system.

But the red medic was now unresponsive. And Ratchet was trying desperately to get his core temperature back to normal and bring him back online because at the moment it was dangerous for him to be in recharge. He undid the restraints and got the other IV back in.

"No come on!" Ratchet pleaded frantically. "You need to come back online!" "Knock Out come on say something!"

"Ratchet..can you turn down the AC?" Knock Out asked softly with his optics still closed.

"Don't worry you should be getting back to a normal temperature soon." Ratchet assured him.

Knock Out was very out of it and not all there do to being so sick. But Ratchet was just glad he was alive and determine to keep it that way.

Ratchet vented a sigh of relief once the cherry colored transformer was out of danger for the moment. He wanted to get whoever had decided to pull such a cruel prank that had almost gotten Knock Out killed.

But then it suddenly dawned on Ratchet that this wasn't a prank but an actual attempt on Knock Out's life.

Up till now Ratchet had completely forgotten about the bot who had cut Pharma and now realized he must have something to do with the virus.

He quickly alerted the hospital's security and told them to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity and got them to post guards outside Knock Out's room so nothing like this would happen again.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. I'll try to get the next one up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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