Chapter 5

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Steve was trying to figure out a way out of the closet. And was able to get the door open by blasting it down.

At first he was worried he might have gotten Shockwave's attention but was relieved when he saw that he wasn't there at the moment so used the opportunity to escape and go back to the Autobot base.

Upon arriving he told all of them what he'd learned.  And Prowl who had been there went to the police station to get a team to track down and arrest Shockwave.

And another team to try to find where he had hidden the cure. But knowing time was of the essence Preceptor continued to try to create one from the virus sample Ratchet sent him in case they couldn't find the cure in time.

"Great job Steve." Starscream told the vehicon. "You might have just saved a lot of lives."

"I hope so I don't want anyone to die from that virus I feel like I saw enough death during the war." Steve explained.

Then all the vehicons volunteered to help in anyway they could. Some of them went with the group to arrest Shockwave while others went to try to help locate the antidote for the virus.

And the rest of them stayed to help Preceptor work on the cure. Starscream also agreed to stay and help with that explaining he had once been a scientist before the war.

But warned that it had been a very long time since he had worked in that field so was a bit rusty. So mostly just started bringing Preceptor what he asked for.

Meanwhile Knock Out was laying on the medical berth getting sicker by the minute. He was chilling one moment then overheating the next.

And when he opened his optics everything looked fuzzy, blurred and out of focus and it made him dizzy and caused his helm to ache so he just started keeping them closed.

And his audio receptors weren't doing so great either everything sounded far away and distorted except for the ringing in them.

Then one of the guards watching Knock Out's room went on break and the other said he'd handle things and the one now heading to the cafeteria for some energon thanked him.

Then the guard entered the room.

"You seem to be resting comfortably for a bot who used to be a Decepticon." The bot said to Knock Out who was to out of it to know what was going on.

"You know your buddy Breakdown back when he was a stunticon helped destroy my city as Menasor." The bot explained. "So I'm glad to see you like this all you Decepticons deserve to suffer."

"And since I can't get at Breakdown since he was offlined during the war I'll settle for you." The bot hissed as he roughly yanked out one of Knock Out's IVs by the hose causing the barley conscious red medic to grunt in pain.

"Oh you need this don't you?" The mech said mockingly seeing Knock Out was now showing signs of discomfort. "Let's just see how long you last without it."

"What are you doing?!" Cried Ratchet who had just come back after looking at some cameras and learning Axer had been the one causing trouble in the hospital. He had come back to tell the guards to keep an eye out for him not expecting to came back to this.

"This Decepticon deserves to suffer." The bot growled.

"Get out!" Ratchet yelled at him.

"You shouldn't be saving him you should be offlining him!" The bot shot back.

"I SAID GET OUT!!!" Ratchet screamed activating his saw. The bot left without having to be asked again. And Ratchet made a mental note to report him when this was over.

Ratchet quickly put the IV back in Knock Out who's vents had come on because it was the one that was helping cool him. But fortunately it hadn't been out long enough to do him any real damage.

But Ratchet was now fuming after that bot had deliberately tried to harm Knock Out or worse. That stunt could have killed him if Ratchet hadn't come back right when he did.

Ratchet decided that from here on out he would watch Knock Out or get someone he knew well to do it. Because after this he didn't trust the guards anymore.

"Don't worry I won't let anyone do that again." Ratchet promised.

But then he noticed something when he put the IV back in Knock Out it had drawn energon when it had been yanked out and Ratchet realized too late and got a few drops on him.

He quickly told Red Alert what happened then told him to take over caring for Knock Out and the other patients if he became to ill to do so.

So far they had noticed that the ones who had gotten the virus by consuming it through energon or had been injected with it were being affected more rapidly and were more severe cases.

Since Ratchet had only gotten a few drops on him it would take a while before he'd start feeling the effects and he was determined to work and help out as much as he could for as long as he could.

But Red Alert and the other medics made him promise he'd take it easy and stop if it became too much. And that he would just work on treating Knock Out to make sure he didn't over do it.

And they had the guard who did that to Knock Out tracked down put in stasis cuffs to be arrested as soon as the hospital was out of lockdown.

They just hope that Preceptor would be able to make a cure for the virus soon.

Meanwhile Axer decided he had to try to find a way out of the hospital.

After he overheard that they were looking for him now. Having learned he was involved in their virus situation.

He knew he'd be in trouble if caught and he needed to leave the hospital and the sooner the better.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. I'll try to get the next one up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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