Chapter 6

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Meanwhile the group that went to arrest Shockwave came back with him in stasis cuffs having been successful.

But they couldn't get any information out of him. And he refused to tell them where the cure was.

They tried using the patch on him but he had somehow resisted it and it didn't surprise them sine Shockwave had invented the cortical psychic patch.

When they realized they weren't going to get anything from him they put him in a holding cell till they could take him to prison.

Then they sent more teams to look for the cure. And they were now even more determined since learning both Ratchet and Knock Out had the virus.

Meanwhile Ratchet was doing his best to treat Knock Out who was still getting worse by the minute.

Ratchet was still well enough to work at the moment but was starting to feel weak and had to take a lot of breaks.

Knock Out had become unresponsive and had to be hooked to life support.

"Hold on Knock Out I just got off the com-link with Preceptor and he's working on a cure." Ratchet told the unconscious red mech. "You need to stay strong."

Then Ratchet had to sat in a chair to rest.

Meanwhile Axer had managed to sneak out of the hospital and learned that Shockwave had been arrested so was planning to infiltrate the Autobot base to find out if he was in a holding cell or what prison he'd been sent too.

But then decided not to try to free him because now he could restart the Decepticons and rule Cybertron by himself without having to split anything.

So he decided to just spy on the base and bide his time and see if he could learn anything useful.

Meanwhile one of the Vehicons bumped a cart of energon that started rolling down the street of Iacon and several of them went to try to catch it.

And chased it down the streets of Iacon and all the way to Kaon. Where it continued to roll until it hit Waspinator who was now on the ground on his back.

"Did you see it that just smashed right into him?" Said Rattrap who had witnessed the incident.

Then the Vehicons help Waspinator up and made sure he was OK the apologized and took the energon cart back to where it had rolled from. And went back outside the Autobot base.

Just then Starscream came out and told them they could come inside.

"I'm sorry I've been getting things for Preceptor and forgot to tell you guys it was OK to come in." Starscream apologized. And no one had even notice that the group of Vehicons had been gone.

So they went inside. And the Vehicons also started helping Preceptor and Starscream work on the cure.

It was taking a long time to make and the more help they could get the better. They just hope they would have it ready in time to save their friends.

Then Bumblebee and Wheeljack came to transfer Shockwave from his holding cell to prison.

"Just one thing before you guys go." Said Starscream then he went over and punch Shockwave across the helm.

Wheeljack and Bumblebee just looked at each other before leading Shockwave out. Starscream had just did what everyone else wanted to do since Shockwave had made the virus that was causing so much trouble.

"I've always wanted to do that." Starscream told them.

"Ouch." He he added as he rubbed his servo when no one was looking having punched him a bit harder then he meant too.

Then Shockwave was taken to prison. And they got back to working on finding or creating the antidote.

Meanwhile Axer watched them take Shockwave but didn't bother to go after them. He went inside the base to snoop around instead.

Seeing if he could find anything he could use or how much useful information he could learn.

So he started looking through different room. Since these were peaceful times the Autobots had next to no security in the base.

Then he heard pedsteps and hid. Then saw some Vehicons walk by and once they were gone he got back to looking around.

He had found the main room yet so far he had just found the rooms of all the Autobots.

He had to run and hide when he accidentally turned on some rock music in Bulkhead's room. And couldn't get it to turn back off.

Axer hid in a vent. "Why don't I just announce my presence to the whole base?" He deadpanned.

Then Bulkhead came in his room and turned off the music.

"Huh wonder how this got turned on?" He thought scratching his helm but then turned it back on deciding to stay and listen to it for awhile.

Axer snuck away from the room deciding to be more careful after having nearly been caught.

He wanted to find out as much about his enemies as he could then he might infect some or all of them with the virus.

To Be Continued.

Sorry this chapter was short and hope it turned out OK. It was hard to come up with and more of a filler. We're getting close to the end of this story only three more chapters and an epilogue left. And I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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