Here Kitty - Kenma X Reader Requested By @seriouslyanimelover

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"(Y/N)~Chan.." Kenma muttered as he continued to play his games on the new switch he bought. I glanced up at him before returning my attention back to my neko costume that I was making for Halloween. 
"Yes, Kenma..?" I asked and continued sewing. He paused his game and looked at my costume, " you plan on wearing that for Halloween?" he asked and looked at me calmly with his cat-like eyes.

I smiled, nodded and answered with, "Mhm!" before continuing to sew parts of it together, "You know how long I've been working on this project..." I pouted slightly, my back to him as he continued playing.

"Hasn't it been only a few weeks..?" he asked, not glancing up from the screen, and I finished sewing the costume together. "Yeah! But, now all I need to do is add some finishing touches and thats it!" I smiled at him. He patted my head and cracked a small smile, "That's good." was all he said, but the praise was enough. I rubbed against his hand and slightly purred before I started my work up again.

"Finished!" I cried out in joy as I finished putting on the final touches on my costume. I flopped down on my back, which made Kenma slightly chuckle.
"Go try it on." he smiled softly at me and I got up*

"You're right!" I smiled and grabbed my costume before dashing to the bathroom to change. I came out a few minutes later and slightly pulled at the collar around my neck. "Ugh, it's..a bit tight.." I huffed slightly and walked over to Kenma. 

"Kenma! What do you think?" I asked and stood in front of him. Kenma glanced up from his game and then stopped, paused his game and his eyes grew wide. 
" you plan on..wearing that?" he stammered and his eyes moved up and down my body.

I blushed slightly, " it..bad?" I asked and blink. Kenma bites his lip slightly and shakes head. "'s quite revealing..." he quietly said and waved for me to come over. I walked over to him and he patted his lap for me to sit. I blinked and sat on his lap, I faced him and he brushed some of my hair back.

His eyes were a bit dark and I could tell something about him was off. His hand ran down my arm, gently stroking it and he softly kissed me. I kissed back and rested my hands on his chest while he held my waist with his other hand. 

Kenma leaned back a little and deepened the kiss, his grip on my waist tightened and I gripped his red tracksuit top. I could feel his tongue slide across my bottom lip and I complied, opening my mouth slightly for him. He slipped his tongue in and it quickly was determined who would be topping.

Kenma pulled away, a string of saliva was connecting our tongues and we breathed heavily as Kenma's eyes stared into mine. "I don''t want other people to see see you like this.." he murmured and gently caressed my cheek. I purred slightly and leaned into his touch.

He kissed my neck softly and started slipping off my costume. I bit my lip gently, watching him through half lidded eyes as he leaves a trail of kisses from my neck downwards. My breathing became shaky and I  watched as he removed all but my panties and collar and cat ear hairband. 

"You're so cute..~" he whispered, blushing as well and I could see the issue in his pants grow. I giggled slightly but was cut off when Kenma's warm tongue licked over my nipple. "A-Ahha..~" I moaned, closing my eyes. Kenma's mouth wrapped around my bud and he started sucking and licking - torturing my nipples in any way he could - even pinching it.

I cried out in pleasure and gripped his hair, "K-Kenma~!" I moaned and pulled him closer. He gently bit down on it, causing me to arch my back and throw my head back in pleasure. Kenma pulled away once he was satisfied and he tightened my collar around my neck.

I gasped and my hands automatically went for my neck, but Kenma grabbed my wrists and stopped me,
"Be a good kitty, and listen to me...~" he whispered, his voice low and quiet but lustful. He stroked my cheek and purred, I nodded in response and he softly kissed the corner of my lips. 

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