Sticky - Ennoshita X Reader Requested By @Rose9751

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Ahh...Chikara, how long do I have to keep studying for..?" I whined as I leaned against his shoulder. 
He chuckled. "Don't whine, (Y/N)," he smiled and kissed my forehead, "just keep studying. The test is tomorrow." he reminded me and I pouted, finishing up my pudding cup and resting my head on his shoulder.

"But...I don't want to study!" I sniffled and gripped his arm while looking at him with pleading eyes. He sighed a little and smiled at me, "You are hopeless, (Y/N)." he chuckled and ruffled my hair, taking my notebook and writing some sums down.

"This is why you have to study." he shook his head and brushed some of my hair back. I pout and rest my cheek in my palm, "Hmph! You can't make me studdyyy!" I whined and pouted.

Ennoshita pondered for a bit before smiling back to me, "How about this," he started, "for every question you get right, I'll give you a kiss as a reward?" he turned to me, still smiling and had an eyebrow raised.

I pouted and fiddled with my spoon as I got another pudding cup, "Hmmmm, fine. Deal!" I huffed. 

Ennoshita then proceeded to give me a list of sums from my workbook and I wrote down the answers. "Alright, correction time." he chuckled and took my copy so he could review the answers.

He looked at the first one, then turned to me; grabbing my face gently and giving me a short yet sweet kiss. "That one was correct." and tick.

"How about the second one, Chikara?" "Ah sorry, (Y/N), that one was wrong.." 

After a few wrong ones later, Ennoshita pulled me close and kissed me again, though this one seemed a bit longer. I closed my eyes, my cheeks heating up slightly as I feel his hand cup my cheeks. 

As we pulled away Ennoshita opened his eyes and licked his lips before chuckling and letting go of my cheeks. 

"Sorry, I just really liked that one. I could taste some of the pudding on your lips.." he grinned and his cheeks were also tinted red. His comment made me turn even more red and I looked away, eating some more of my pudding,

"S-Shut up and finish correcting my work..." I mumbled.

He let out a small laugh and continued correcting my work. I received a lot of kisses, which made me happy - but every once in a while the kiss would be longer or Ennoshita would be more touchy. My mind felt hazy but this gave me a reason to work harder.

After doing a new set of sums, I watched as he corrected it, though I wasn't receiving any kisses. I'm guessing I got all them wrong, then.
"Oi..Chikaraaa..." I whined, fiddling with my spoon again and leaned close to him to try and get a peek on my work and if I did as terrible as I thought I did.

Ennoshita smiled and then put me on his lap so I was facing him with my legs on either side of him making me straddle him and my skirt riding up, "Congratulations, (Y/N)," he started and turned my head to the page of my copy. The copy had all ticks next to each sum, and I turned to Ennoshita with wide eyes and a big smile.

"D-Does this mean I can stop studying!?" I blinked and gripped his shirt excitedly. He chuckled and nodded, "But...if I got all of them right how come I didn't get a kiss?" I tilted my head, to which Ennoshita smiled.

"You get a longer one." he chuckled before pulling me close and kissing me. The kiss felt loving yet a bit rough and needy. I kissed back and closed my eyes, pressing against him as one of his hands held the back of my head while the other played with the hem of my shirt.

I felt his tongue slide along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, meeting his tongue and we fought for dominance. Not surprisingly, I lost and I slowly pulled away and opening my eyes slightly with a bit of saliva connecting our tongues. 

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