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there he stood on the opposite side wearing his favourite hoodie and a look of disbelief. they had both anticipated this moment where they'd be reunited and would have to have the conversation neither of them knew how to start. it was like the wind had been knocked out of them both and they were struggling to breathe just by looking at each other. it was like being on a rollercoaster of emotions.

"joshua" nessa whispers with doubt almost as if she can't believe that he's actually here. but he is.

the sound of nessa saying his name causes a smile to tug at josh's lips but he isn't sure what will happen  if he lets his walls down this soon yet somehow he finds himself walking slowly towards her.

nessa too can't control her actions as she stands up and meets him halfway, their eyes never breaking contact. it intimidated nessa how josh could always block people out just by showing no emotion. back when they were friends it was easy for her to see past those walls and read him like a book she's memorised but things have changed and it's a little more harder to read someone that's no longer your friend.

"screw it" josh mumbles and within seconds, his arms are  around nessa and hers around his waist. they're both surprised about the hug but neither of them feel the need to break it up.

they stand in the middle of the rooftop for a couple of minutes, silence floating in the air and both of them fighting the urge to cry.

when they do finally break away from each other, they're fighting to get a word in.

"i'm so sorry".

"i didn't mean what i said".

"it's was dumb".

"i should have talked to you about mikey".

"it's all my fault".

"please don't hate me".

"i miss you".
"i miss you".

their unison confession makes them both laugh, easing the tension.

nessa looks back at her spot she was at moments ago and gestures for josh to follow her. he does with no questions asked and they both take a seat on the edge, side by side.

their hands somehow got entangled while taking a seat and neither of them want to let go.

"can i go first?" nessa asks, reconnecting their stares.

josh nods, squeezing her hand.

"the night of the party when you told me how you felt, i was shocked of course but i felt the same way so i was more happy than anything else. then at the airport when you told me that you were
messing around and you didn't mean it, i was hurt and dating mikey seemed like the only way i could get over you and still be your friend. i should have talked to you when he asked me to be his girlfriend and i should have answered your call when you tried to tell me your side of the story".

she lets out a sigh, relieved to have gotten that all off her chest. she looks at josh who's getting slightly more easier to read.

"my turn?" he questions, nessa nodding in response.

he licks his lips before turning to face her more.

"i've never felt so strongly about a girl like i did for you and that scared me to hell. i hate the way i told you how i felt and if i could go back and not be a total idiot and not drink a whole damn bottle of vodka then i promise i would".

they share a hearty laugh.

"i shouldn't have cut you off at the airport without getting further context. i should have asked what i said instead of assuming. knowing that you got hurt because of me makes me so mad at myself. when jaden told me what i said and i tried to call you -but i was too late, it crushed me in ways i never thought i could be. i genuinely think my heart shattered right there and then when i saw that post on instagram. when you told me on facetime i wasn't being rude because i wasn't happy for you, i was just upset that i never got the chance to tell you. then we argued and that was it. friendship over. i've been so miserable these past few months ness".

hearing josh's side of the story broke nessa's heart. she didn't even realise she was crying until the tears raced down her cheeks.

"josh can we wipe the slate clean and start fresh? i missed having you in my life. i've missed you more than anything and i've been miserable too" nessa confesses, testing her head on his shoulder.

"i'd love that" he replies, resting his head against hers.

nessa looks down at their joint hands and notices the friendship ring josh got for them before the madness happened. she smiles knowing that he's never taken it off even after everything that's happened.

"hey josh can you do me a favour" she asks, gathering her hair and putting it over her shoulder.

he looks confused but nods with a murmur  nonetheless.

"can you unclip my necklace please".

josh carefully unclips the hook and takes her necklace off slowly. when he holds it up a smile breaks out onto his face as the small engraved silver hoop dangles infront of his face.

"you never took it off either huh?" he grins, taking the ring off of the chain.

nessa holds her hand up for him to slide the ring back on her finger where it belongs.

she didn't want to wear it visibly out of respect for she and mikeys relationship but she kept it close to her heart always.

the pair move back to their previous positions, looking out at the night sky together. like it always should be- just the two of them.

"so, friends again?" nessa asks, a smile on her lips.

josh nudges her playfully.

"best friends".



E                     N                  D


you think this is a happy story 😂😂😂😂

i got m o r e in store for chu 🥰

was that a good reunion tho? 😔

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